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In this episode, Nick and I are taking you behind the scenes of a day in our lives, so that you can hear *exactly* what we’re putting on our plates, how we’re moving our bodies, how we schedule our work, how we optimise our sleep, the exact supplements we take, and so much more.

If you love hearing about other people’s daily routines, and discovering epic habits, hacks and techniques that you can implement in your own life to amplify your results, then you’re going to LOVE this conversation.

Like always, there’s no skating over the surface here. Nick and I go deep into the details of the routines we’ve consciously tried, tested and refined in order to improve not just our performance and productivity, but also our levels of joy, play, rest and presence.

You’ll also hear how having a baby has changed the framework of our days, and how we’ve adapted our daily rhythms in order to spend as much quality time with our little one as possible.

So if you want to discover the genius way we structure our work time (which allows us to get more done in a few hours than most people do in a day), the workout routines that are giving Nick major results right now, the green juice recipe that’s given me the glowiest skin of my life, and the exact nutritional combos we eat at specific times of the day (and why), then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The intuitive food philosophy we follow to drive health and performance, and nourish our bodies on a cellular level (02:41)
  • How our morning routine has changed since having a baby, and the non-negotiable steps we follow to set us up for productivity and presence all day (09:59)
  • Why nourishing your body with plant based foods is EXTRA important in the morning, and the exact meals, juices, recipes and supplements we’re loving right now (16:03)
  • The time blocking hack that allows us to get more done in a few hours than most people do in a day (Plus: the specific nutritional combo we use to fuel our bodies at lunch time) (27:28)
  • The workout routines, movement techniques and delicious snacks that Nick swears by (37:02)
  • The night time routine that sets all of us (including Baby B) up for a blissful night’s sleep (42:43)
  • The genius gadgets we’re using to optimize our rest and biohack our way to even deeper sleep (49:30)
  • The unusual purchase we made recently, and the amazing benefits Nick has seen so far (55:32)

Episode resources:

  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Melissa Ambrosini | Shop (website)
  • Stephen Cabral (website)
  • Cellulite, Acne, Bad Breath & Eating Disorders With Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy & Baby With Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • Is It Time To Quit Alcohol with Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • Vegan Done Right For Your Body Type With Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • Vegan, Paleo, Low Carb, High Carb – What’s YOUR Ideal Diet With Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis (book)
  • Clearing Up Plant-Based Diet Confusion With Brenda Davis (podcast)
  • Plant Proof (website)
  • How To Become ‘Plant Proof’ & Transform Your Health | Simon Hill (podcast)
  • Is High Carb or Low Carb Better For Weight Loss? | Simon Hill (podcast)
  • Simon Hill (Instagram)
  • Treat Your Body Like a Pro Athlete | Matt Frazier & Robert Cheeke (podcast)
  • The Plant-Based Athlete by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke (book)
  • Hydrogen Tablets | BodyHealth (website)
  • Hydrogen Health – Type ‘Melissa’ at the checkout to get 20% off (website)
  • Alo Moves (App)
  • Dylan Werner Yoga (website)
  • Never Get Sick Again | Wim Hof (podcast)
  • Elimination Communication: What Is It & How To Do It | Andrea Olson (podcast)
  • Perfect Amino | BodyHealth (website)
  • Vegan Algae Oil (website)
  • The Life-Changing Secrets Of Baby Sleep Whisperer | Dr Golly (podcast)
  • Dr Golly’s Baby Sleep Program – Use the code Melissa (buy
  • The Secret Keeper of Jaipur by Alka Joshi (amazon)
  • How Blue Light Is Harming Your Health & What To Do About It With Andy Mant (podcast)
  • Bon Charge (website) Use the code Melissa for 15% off.
  • The Wearable Device That Improves Your Sleep, Emotions, Stress, Focus, Relaxation & More | Scott Donnell (podcast)
  • Hapbee (website)
  • Apollo Neuro (website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. susanne Jensen says:

    Dear Melissa,
    Thank you for sharing so much knowledge about diet / digestion, etc.
    is a little curious why is Nick mentioning that one should be careful with mint? LOOOOOVE mint, but maybe its not so good to blend in smoothies ?
    Kind regards Susanne

  2. Kylie says:

    Hey Melissa, I was wondering what Vitamin D you take/brand? As I am deficient and looking for a good vegan one or great one that is clean. Also when you first started out did you struggle digesting legumes/ lentils and did you find some easier than others? How do you and Nick cook them just boil them in plain water or add things? Do you wear the apollo to bed- wasn’t sure as it is technology. Loved listening. xx

    • Hey Kylie, Garden of Life and Equi Life do a great vegan D. I haven’t had issues with legumes to be honest. But I started out slowly. That’s the key. Your microbiome needs to adjust to the fiber and pre-biotic content. We soak overnight and boil them mostly, but do of course love to make curries and mexican dishes 🙂 And yes, Apollo to bed every night. xx

  3. Kylie says:

    Nick also mentioned a veg stock paste.. any recommendations for a clean one? and a clean moringa powder. Forgot to ask in my previous comment. Do you find the blublox red glasses make a difference? I have clear ones I wear at night now but my sleep is not great. xx

    • Hey lovely, I’m not sure of the stock, but this is the Moringa we use, and about the glasses, the clear ones are not for sleep at all. They are just for fatigue from looking at a screen during the day. For sleep, you need the yellow and red glasses. I have them in my shop 🙂 xxx

  4. KELLY says:

    Hello, what a great podcast! Thank you for sharing all your tips! You mentioned you take a high quality B12 supplement Melissa, could you share which one you use? Are the B12 and Omega 3 the only supplements you still currently use? Xoxo

    • Hey Kelly, I’m so glad you loved this episode as much as we loved doing it. We still take Omega 3 and B12 and sometimes I will take Vitamin C, a probiotic, and iron if I need it. This is the Omega 3 we take and this is the B12 we are currently taking. I hope that helps honey. xx

  5. Kim says:

    AMAZING PODCAST!! Thank you both so much. xxxx

  6. Amy LI says:

    Hi, Melissa, I love this podcast and thank you for sharing your tips of healthy daily life.
    I would be so grateful if you can tell me the brand of B12 spray and Vitamin D you are using, it would be a great reference for me to see which supplement to choose. I am not sure in which episode that you have shared your daily supplement, would you please tell me. I would love to know what to take as a plant-based eater. Thank you so much. I look forward for your reply!!

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