The Bestselling Book by Melissa Ambrosini
mean girl
That negative, fear-based voice inside your head saying you can’t do something. She is the reason you haven’t gone after your dreams.
She's the voice that says you’re not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, you will never meet the guy, get out of debt or heal. She is the doubt, the ego, the fear and justifier–everything negative that stops you from living the epic life you’ve always imagined.
Send a screenshot of your review on Amazon (or your preferred retailer) to and I will send you one of my most popular guided meditations totally free!
Self-Love Permission Slip
Self-Love Contract
Worthiness Meditation
Manifestation Meditation
Protection Meditation
Self-Love Menu
Soul Shares
Authenticity Contract
Best Self Checklist
Bursting With Love Checklist
Internal GPS Checklist
Letter To Your Future Self
Live In The Moment Contract
Living From Love Checklist
You know that sneaky voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, whatever enough?
And now she wants to help you remember not only what you are capable of, but how amazing you truly are!
But enough's enough!
In this inspiring, upbeat guide, Melissa provides a practical plan for creating your own version of a kick-ass life — one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. Designed to propel you out of stuck-ness and into action, this is a must read if you’re ready to let go of your Mean Girl and start living the life of your dreams. And she's doing her best to keep you stuck in Fear Town, too scared to go after the life you always imagined.
And finally silence that inner critic because you are meant for big things
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