Multiple bestselling author, co-founder of SheLaunch, #1 podcast host, coach, speaker and queen of mastering your Mean Girl


I have to be honest with you, though. I haven’t always been on this spiritual journey. In my ‘past life’ (as I like to call it) I was a professional dancer at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, actress, TV presenter, and the occasional model. I entertained quite a destructive path for many years which looked a lot like this...

Running around at a million miles per hour to avoid sitting with myself, moving around and living out of a suitcase, working way too much in order to 'feel' successful, not loving myself at all, I was highly stressed and anxious, drugs and alcohol were my go-to quick fixes, I was dealing with panic attacks and lived off champagne and canapés. And my anxiety would allow me on average four hours of sleep a night.

Living like this it was only a matter of time before my exhausted and run down body packed up and went on holidays.  

Along with adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, high levels of mercury, serious hormonal imbalances, depression, an eating disorder, loads of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, amenorrhoea, SIBO, hives, candida, adult acne, eczema all over my body and a serious case of the cold sore virus, my body was screaming at me to STOP. It was sending me loud, bright red, warning signs that it had had enough.

My entire immune system shut down and the severity of the cold sore virus sent me straight to the hospital. My life was a mess and I looked like a mess. I had cold sores all over my face, in my mouth and down my throat, I couldn’t eat, talk or even open my mouth. It looked like someone had taken a blow torch to my face. 

I believe

Everyone is worthy of having the business & life of their dreams. I believe when women are living in alignment with their truth & have the income & impact they desire they show up as the best them.

It was the first time I realized that if you don't have your health you've got nothing and you can't do what you desire. It’s like the Universe was saying to me “you aren’t meant to be doing this anymore sweetheart and the only way you will listen is if we make you stop”. Got the lesson!


I realised I had to take back control of my health, my life, and my happiness.

I realised I needed to master my inner Mean Girl if I wanted to live my dream life.

I realised I had no idea what self love was but I had to learn it quickly.

I realised I had to start to take radical responsibility for my own health and happiness.

I realised I was the only person who could make the shifts.

I realised that the decision to live my best life lay with me.

I realised I had to stop looking outside of myself to find happiness and start to connect with my inner self, my truth, my soul, my spirit, the bigger me.

Throughout my journey I realised just how out of balance my life was in all areas and how I was always looking externally instead of internally for happiness, acceptance and approval. I was experiencing extreme emotional highs and lows and I was on a constant roller-coaster ride of sugar highs and lows. It wasn’t fun! This sparked a thought within me, If I was feeling like this, how many other people out there must be struggling with the same thing?

I realised I had to take back control of my health, my life, and my happiness.

So I studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to get my holistic health coaching certification. I did my yoga and meditation teacher training, I studied life coaching and Acu Energetics, I read every personal development and spiritual book I could get my hands on. I attended every workshop and seminar I could, and I became obsessed with sharing everything I was remembering. I could never have imagined what has unfolded for me since then. Stuff beyond my wildest dreams.

I Was Determined To Heal
Myself Naturally And Get My
Health And Life Sorted

So, my darling - are you ready to create the business and life of your dreams? It is possible! I've done it from rock bottom and now I want to help you do the same. I truly believe all women deserve to have the income and impact they desire. I also believe that when women have that they show up as the best version of themselves, and we need more women showing up as their best self.

Wildly Wealthy, Fabulously Healthy and Bursting With Love.





Money For Couples by Ramit Sethi

Sarah’s Day

Water with electrolytes

Loco Love


Nick Broadhurst (always)


Her mission is to inspire others to unlock their full potential and create the business and life of their dreams. With a deep commitment to empowering others, Melissa believes that everyone is worthy of having the life and business they desire. She strives to inspire others to reclaim their power, step into their truth, live with intention and in alignment with their higher self, and move in the direction of their dreams.

Named a 'self-help guru' by Elle Magazine

Melissa Ambrosini is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, PurposeFULL, Comparisonitis & Time Magic, co-founder of SheLaunch, the host of the top-rated podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show, a keynote speaker, and entrepreneur.


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Melissa is one of the most sought-after motivational speakers and has helped audiences across the globe to take ownership of their lives and create the business and life of their dreams. 

Her events are highly entertaining, empowering, and engaging, inspiring the audience to take radical inspired action and turn their life and business goals into reality. 

Speaking and Events

Melissa uses an interactive speaking style — using anecdotes, stories, and real-world tools to take her audience on a heart-opening journey. Participants walk away buzzing — not only pumped full of inspiration but clutching a notepad packed full of practical tips, tricks and serious action steps to take their life and business to the next level.

Some of Melissa’s favourite topics to speak on include creating the business of your dreams, which covers mastery an abundance mindset, finding your passion, work/life integration, living on purpose, mastering your ‘why’ and mission in life. She also loves speaking about life mastery which includes busting through fear and mastering your inner critic (aka your inner Mean Girl) so you can create, manifest and live the life of your dreams, mindfulness and meditation and living a meaningful life, following your intuition, the masculine and feminine energies, cultivating epic relationships, smashing through limiting beliefs and self-love.

Melissa is available for bookings for keynote presentations, workshops, Q+A style live events, festivals, conferences, educational talks in schools, intimate gatherings and more.

I love Instagram, but I don’t just share the highlights. If you are looking for a mega dose of inspiration, crazy dancing and some belly laughs, then come and follow along.


Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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