Mel Kovacevic - Seed Cycling

Seed Cycling, Pain-Free Periods, Fertility & Healthy Hormones | Mel Kovacevic






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Are you ready to revolutionize your hormonal health, amp up your fertility, and embrace your body’s natural cycles like never before? 

Then join me for an eye-opening journey into the world of ‘seed cycling’ and ‘period hacking’ with the remarkable Mel Kovacevic.

In this riveting conversation, Mel demystifies the ancient practice of seed cycling — a practice I’ve embraced in my own life, with results that have left me nothing short of obsessed!

Press play to discover the specific seeds that can harmonize with each phase of your menstrual cycle, why hormones play such a critical role in women’s health, natural methods to ‘hack’ your period, the science behind seed cycling, as well as powerful natural strategies for those approaching perimenopause and menopause. 

You’ll also learn the practical steps to get started with your own seed cycling journey — including which seeds to have when, the significance of choosing organic, and how to extract the most nutrients from your seeds.

This enlightening conversation is more than just an exploration of seed cycling; it’s a call to every woman to embrace her natural rhythms, to understand her body’s signals, and to reclaim her innate power.

Whether you’re a woman seeking relief from menstrual or fertility woes, someone curious about natural wellness practices, or you’re simply eager to attain a state of hormonal zen, this episode is your gateway to transforming your relationship with your body and unlocking your healthiest hormones ever!

About Mel Kovacevic

Mel Kovacevic, founder of The Seed Cycle is a Functional Nutrition and EFT Tapping Practitioner. Mel has helped hundreds of women restore hormone balance using food as medicine, a subject she is deeply passionate about.

Mel’s mission to empower women with knowledge about natural and holistic health is reflected in The Seed Cycle, which provides a done-for-you seed cycling solution. With the support and encouragement of her family, The Seed Cycle has flourished.

In this episode we chat about:

  • What is seed cycling and why is it becoming a wellness phenomenon? (3:38)
  • How long has this natural technique been around for? (4:33)
  • The science and magic behind seed cycling (7:11)
  • My personal journey with seed cycling and the surprising impact it’s had on my life  (13:20)
  • The staggering list of benefits this practice can have on your hormonal and reproductive health (17:57)
  • The different types of seeds and how they work in harmony (22:31)
  • The compelling research behind seed cycling (24:27)
  • How to use seed cycling to minimize the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause (28:28)
  • How to live in sync with your body’s natural rhythms (33:50)
  • Why educating our children about the menstrual cycle is so important (38:22)
  • The crucial insights every woman must know about her hormonal health (44:24)

Episode resources:

  • Use the Code Melissa20 for 20% off everything at The Seed Cycle (Shop)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl (Book)
  • Open Wide (Book)
  • Comparisonitis (Book)
  • Time Magic (Book)
  • Melissa’s Lab Results Revealed & Prepping for Baby #2 with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • Cellulite, Acne, Bad Breath & Eating Disorders with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • Is It Time To Quit Alcohol with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy & Baby with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • Vegan Done Right For Your Body Type with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • Vegan, Paleo, Low Carb, High Carb – What’s YOUR Ideal Diet with Dr Stephen Cabral (Podcast)
  • Dr Jolene Brighten (Instagram)
  • Beyond The Pill with Dr Jolene Brighten (Podcast)
  • In The Flo by Alisa Vitti (Book)
  • Dr Mark Hyman (Instagram)
  • What The Heck Should We Eat with Dr Mark Hyman (Podcast)
  • Nat Kringoudis (Instagram)
  • The Pill, Periods And Fertility with Dr Nat Kringoudis (Podcast)
  • Period Queen: Life Hack Your Cycle And Own Your Power All Month Long by Lucy Peach (Book)
  • Beautiful You: Your Body Is Talking, It’s Time To Listen by Nat Kringoudis (Book)
  • Heal Your Hormones with Alisa Vitti (Podcast)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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