The Melissa Ambrosini Show, Nat Kringoudis

The Pill, Periods And Fertility With Dr Nat Kringoudis






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Nobody combines eastern wisdom with western science with a focus on women’s fertility like today’s guest, Dr Nat Kringoudis. Her ideas on fertility are genius, and I always walk away from our conversations feeling inspired and empowered, so I know you’re going to love today’s episode.

Nat’s approach to wellness is fascinating. After recognising the large gap between conventional medicine and holistic health — in particular when it comes to fertility — she set about creating her own unique treatment style. A fusion of western medicine, alternative therapies, Chinese medicine and natural fertility techniques, Nat’s methods have helped thousands of women stay vital, feel sexy, and fall pregnant.

BUT, in case you think ‘fertility’ isn’t a topic for you, let me point out: for Nat, fertility is about so much more than just baby-making. This is about rocking your hormones, increasing your energy levels, and being the best version of you, as well as consciously taking control of your reproductive health.

There’s no holds barred in this episode. We chat pregnancy, the pill, periods, PMS, PCOS, fertility, infertility, thyroid, gut health, contraception, stress and so much more… you are not going to want to miss this eye-opening convo because we discuss it all!

In this episode we chat about:

  • The repercussions of the pill, that hardly any women know about (04:02)
  • The commons mistakes women make when it comes to their period and contraception (08:54)
  • The healthiest — and safest — natural alternatives to the pill (16:54)
  • The commonly prescribed drug that’s harming your thyroid (and Nat’s protocol if you suspect you’ve got thyroid issues) (30:35)
  • How stress affects your hormones and could be causing you to hold onto excess weight (31:58)
  • How gluten affects your thyroid (35:03)
  • Why your gut is the epicenter of happy hormones and humming health (34:50)
  • PCOS: what it is, how to tell if you’ve got it, and how you can fix it (36:22)
  • Why fertility is about so much more than just making babies (and why no woman can afford to ignore it) (39:51)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Books by Nat Kringoudis (Use the code MATRIBE to get 15% off all Nat’s products) (ebooks)
  • Debunking your Thyroid (eCourse) (Use the code MATRIBE to get 15% off all Nat’s products) (website)
  • Nat and Mel on HealthTalksTV (YouTube)
  • The Pagoda Tree (website)
  • Nat Kringoudis’s Official Website (website)
  • Glyde Condoms (Amazon)
  • E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (Amazon)
  • E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig by Pam Grout (Amazon)
  • Natural Cycles (website)
  • Clue (app)
  • The Daisy (app)
  • Period Tracker (app)
  • Kindara (website)
  • M Cycles (app)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Jess says:

    Thanks for this podcast i found it so interesting! Made me realise how lucky I am with my GP, unfortunately using the pill is one of the only things that helps with my chronic migraine and everyday headache but he has helped me in trying lots of alternative treatments and have had lots of investigations over the years. Found this very insightful though so thank you beautiful ladies! I have a few gut issues I am trying to resolve and I think its good to remind people if you’re relying on the pill for contraception and you have diarrhoea you may not absorb the pill. For this reason I use condoms as a secondary option with my partner. Is there any latex free natural condoms you would recommend?

  2. Monica says:

    I SO needed this podcast! I haven’t gotten my period for nearly a year since going off the pill, and I wasn’t even getting it regularly on it! Mel, what is the temperature thing you use?

  3. Sophie says:

    I absolutely loved this podcast! I think it’s my favourite so far. I currently have a contraceptive implant as I wasn’t aware of the damages of artificial hormones when I had mine first put in. I don’t ever take medication unless absolutely essential, so why do I treat my reproductive system differently? Having since read around natural contraceptive alternatives and the benefits of having a beautiful natural cycle, I feel so passionate about eventually implementing this with my own body. To know that natural fertility awareness and natural methods can be up to 99.7% effective is mind blowing! I wish I’d have known years ago and wish this awareness of your own cycle was encouraged in schools. I had no idea before listening to this podcast that your body temperature can tell you about your cycle – I’ll definitely be reading more about this! I’ll be telling my girlfriends about this one and I actually can’t wait to have my implant out and attempt to sync my cycle with the moon! Thank you for such an insightful and relatable discussion! X

    • Always in divine timing and when we are ready to know the information, it comes! I love that we have helped open your mind and you will work out what is right for you. Nat x

  4. Karen says:

    Thank you for such a great talk. So much information. Loved the content and how you guys presented it. I have endometriosis and have just come off the pill to try and deal with it in other ways. Linking the dots.

  5. Sarah says:

    What an amazing and insightful talk. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge and wisdom so that we can all live healthier more connected lives. X

  6. Leeza says:

    Absolutely loved all that information Just makes me believe I’m in the right track and everything I’m doing and have done through my own research is the absolute best for me and my health and my temple
    Thank you xx

  7. Christine says:

    Amazing mel xx am loving your podcast; this one in particular really got me as I’ve just started seeing a Chinese herbalist n acupuncturist and am looking forward to hopefully creating baby no 2!! But more so it has inspired me to get to know my body more; to find out what’s happening with my gut and hormones (I haven’t been able to lose weight in over 12 mths) and to get to know my cycle. Thanks so much for putting all your efforts into this, it has really helped and guided me xx

  8. Sophie says:

    I’m really interested to know your thoughts on permanent birth control. Once you are done having kids what would you recommend you do? What are your thoughts on men having a vasectomy?

    • Hey Sophie,

      I will let Nat answer this one as she is the expert 😉

      • I think this is a very valid question and something many women’s mind. Tubal litigation can often (for many) be quite painful with many side effects and possible complications. Of course there are many women really happy with their choice which comes back to what we were saying – there isn’t a one size fits all. But for this reason I really encourage women to talk to their partners about a vasectomy – they seem easier to preform without as many complications and in some instances they can be reversed. I’m not sure there is a perfect solution – in the mean while whilst you’re researching, use the time to understand your cycle more too. So to answer your question, if this feels right for your situation, I think it’s a good solution.

  9. Siobhan says:

    Amazing podcast Melissa!! (As usual!) I am absolutely LOVING listening to all your interviews and soaking up all the goodness. As a health practitioner it is so refreshing to hear these vital messages being shared with everyone… so please keep up the good work! It also gives me confidence reinforcing what I already know, and sharing the info with everyone, without letting my mean girl tell me otherwise.
    So thank you again for reminding us all to take care of ourselves and share the love with everyone around us 🙂 xx

  10. Khloe says:

    Hi Melissa

    Thank you so, so much for sharing this and for passing on such well considered and relevant information for us women – I am beyond grateful. (I was actually going to ask if you could work in a podcast on this topic so it’s like you read my mind!)

    I have contemplated coming off the pill for years now but just never had the knowledge or confidence to trust my instincts and pursue it further. So thank you to both you and Nat for empowering me to make that next step.

    I feel so incredibly inspired and lucky to have such awesome sources like you to turn to!! You are amazing Xx

  11. Chloe says:

    OMG Mel, I cannot believe the divine intervention that has brought this podcast to my life.

    I found your podcast a week ago and have been ravenously tucking in every day. After listening to the amazing talk with Kirsty Wirth on Monday and realising the damage I was doing to my gut I began to consider stopping my contraceptive pill. I’ve been on it since I was 12 (almost 13 years in total). I have always had issues with my gut but have been struggling with horrible IBS for months now and even the low FODMAP diet had not totally cleared up my symptoms.

    I came to the realisation that for years I’d been completely overlooking the pills true status as a pharmaceutical, all the while being wary of my intake of painkillers and anti-biotics. I’ve now decided the pill has to go. I honestly have no idea how my cycle works, what my true PMS symptoms are or how it makes me feel and gosh, is that scary but I’m damn excited to work it out! It’s time to get in touch with myself again. Even just the thought of it is making me feel shiny new.

    Thank you for being such an incredibly empowered woman because we all know empowered women, empower women. I certainly feel pretty empowered.

    • Divine timing is the best 🙂 I’m also here to help if you need – my website has loads of info plus the show notes Mel has included. So good – I feel really blessed to be able to spread this message. Thank you. x

  12. Nat says:

    Such an incredible, informative and inspiring episode! As are they all Mel, but this one really resonated with me as I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. Thank you to both you Nat for creating this great content, it’s so appreciated xx

  13. Michelle says:

    Wow! I thought I was the only girl in this world that has not had a period for a few years and was told to go back on the pill to get my period back! This podcasts explained so much and I felt like it was my situation you and Nat spoke about. I am still without a period and would love to get in contact with Nat and speak about where to from here and future fertility.

    Such an amazing podcast!

    Thank you so much Mel xx

  14. Brittany says:

    Hi Mel,

    Im not sure if i heard correctly, but on your insta story you mentioned the chance to win a Candida cleanse by leaving a 5 star review and a comment under this weeks podcast. I am absolute obsessed to listening to your podcast, before which I had never been interested in podcasts at all! I have been learning so much, and started to question and fight for my health. I have always been active, and I’m a healthy weight, yet I always feel fatigued and light headed, And my mood swings very easily. I have had multiple blood tests done all of which come back normal, but listening to my body I know something isn’t right. The more I listen and learn about gut health (I recently read Giulia Enders ‘Gut’ and Emeran Mayer ‘Mind Gut Connection’- AMAZING!) the more I think this could be me! I would love a chance to win this amazing cleanse, as Im a university student and wouldn’t be able to afford it otherwise.

    Keep doing what you do, your making such an important and positive impact on the world.

    Brittany xx

  15. Jane says:

    Obsessed with both of you beautiful women and the topic itself! Thank you- after watching a Healthtalks years ago I went off the pill and have not regretted it. I get so excited for my cycle too, although I have had two babies and been breastfeeding for ages so waiting on it to come back at the moment. Mel, does your cycle really sync with the lunar cycle?? Amazing- how did this come about?

  16. Felicia says:

    I loved this episode! So informative and empowering, thank you Mel and Nat! 🙂

  17. rosie says:

    I wish every woman (& man) could hear this!! THANKYOU so much Mel & Dr Nat for sharing your amazing insights & knowledge. I love having awareness of my body & feeling the changes in myself from week to week. After many years dreading my cycle & secretly wishing I was a boy to escape the pain, I have come to find peace & understanding with my cycle.
    I now appreciate & understand how my body works & what it needs at certain times. knowledge sure is power! yew! XXO

  18. Shannon says:

    Love, love, love this one! My favourite so far! I’m so excited to learn more about everything that Nat has said!! Yess!!

  19. Sandra Brabon says:

    This was great! So much information to give me the confidence to make some life changing decisions! Thank you

  20. Belle says:

    Hi Mel and Nat!

    Thank you for another great episode!

    Every month just prior to and first few days of my period I get super itchy eyes to the point it feels as if there is a film over them. My mum had the same phenomena.

    Can you provide any insight into what causes this and how I can manage it? It’s quite irritating!

    Thanks lovelies! Xx

  21. Kaley says:

    Thanks Nat & Mel for discussing this topic. I find a lot of information on PCOS and missing periods but not a lot about too frequent periods. For years my cycles were painful almost always every 28 days. Now in my 30s they can be as frequent as 17 days, extending to 27 days at the most. Do you recommend any hormonal experts in Melbourne I can see about this? Thank you !

  22. Melodie Brown says:

    Absolutely loving your podcast … please keep them coming. Particulalry enjoying your guests like Dr Nat who offer real advice, stories and tools/direction for better holistic health. Such an easy but invigorating, inspiring and informative listen. All your guests are not only a joy to listen to, but very personable and well-informed. Your podcast also makes it easy also to really get a good summative take on a topic in one, easy-to-digest go …which I have been enjoying sharing with others also to whet their appetite to go on their own learning journey towards more vital health.

  23. Jess L says:

    I’m so glad I’ve found your podcasts – I have been listening to one a day and have made so many changes in the past week. I am 22 and went on the pill for contraception reasons and due to intense period pain. After discussing your podcast with my naturopath I am now going to go off the pill for good and am so looking forward to going back to my natural cycle and dealing with my issues rather than masking them up! Can’t thank you enough!

  24. Laura says:

    WOW MEL! This topic really resonates with me. For 5 years I have messed up my hormones and cycle being on/off the pill. I never realised or cared how manipulating my cycle (to be convenient for me) has really played around with my hormones and how I feel !

    The show has prompted me to make a change and really dive into my cycle by being in tune with my body – not for anyone else but for me !

    I have taken the appropriate steps to cease the pill just like Jess L and am on a journey to sync in with my body again. So far I feel much more energised, my hormonal acne has actually DECREASED and I finally feel at peace with letting my body just do its natural thing!

    Thank -you for raising this topic – it has helped me immensely! So much love !!

  25. Claudia Fregona says:

    Absolutely loved the episode! I’m now off the pill and working with my naturopath to tackle any skin issues that arise. Just wondering if you know anywhere in Australia/online to get a cervical cap – I’ve had a look but they don’t seem very accessible here. xx

  26. Brittany says:

    Thank you so much for this episode Mel and Nat!! I’ve been playing with the idea of going off birth control because I’ve been on it for 18 years! I actually can’t believe it myself. I am very much a naturalist and I really think about the things that I put into my body. But birth control seemed like an exception for some reason. You helped me to see that it doesn’t have to be! I also deal with gut issues, so I was shocked to find out that the pill can have an effect there as well. Knowledge truly is power. I’m really looking forward to tuning into my body even more than I already do. xo

  27. Kendall Kwiatkowski says:

    Hey Lovely, You are such an inspiration to me and I LOVE hearing you speak and those you speak to- SO relevent!
    Anyway- today I have FINALLY gotten an answer to the horrible rash/pimples on my face- Periorificial Dermatitis, however I know that it is hormonal, because it changes so much with my cycle- I get reprieve for about 72 hours when I have my period and then it is horrible again and sore. The GP suggested I go back on the pill, I said no, and he also gave me a script for long term antibiotics- Im really not keen on that… Everything I have read online about natural remedies is based on it being a bacterial/fungal based dermatitis, but given mine is so hormonal Im quite hesitant to spend hundreds of dollars getting ‘supplies’ if it’s not going to work as I am getting desperate with the pain from it. Do you or Nat have any help, suggestions, advice??? I am Brisbane based and would love if she could recommend someone up here that I might be able to go and see about it and my mish-mash of other hormonal based symptoms. I used to see an intergrative health GP and she was fantastic, but I would need to remortgage my house to go back to her again 🙁

  28. Lisa says:

    Thank you for your great podcast! I’m interested to know Nat’s and your view on coffee (or caffeine) and fertility. Do you drink it? is it ok to drink coffee before, during and after pregnancy? Is bulletproof coffee different?
    Thank you again!
    Love Lisa

  29. Emma says:

    Hello! Just listened to this beauty! Far out. The information I never got is crazy. I’ve been on the pill for about 13 years now. Yup, I feel bad for my body now. I never had regular periods from when I started…for years. I would track them throughout about 4 years looking desperately for a pattern but throughout high school it always caught me by surprise (awkward as hell and had to carry pads everywhere) so I had had enough and went on for that then stayed on for contraception and control..or so I thought. Now I want to get off it but have no idea of the effects it could bring when I stop. Any tips, legit links for true Information or advice? obviously my gp isn’t helpful, I tried to change but large useless medical centres seem to be the only other option in my area. would love to hear your thoughts ladies!

  30. Jade says:

    This episode has changed my life! Thank you for all the info

  31. Annabelle says:

    Hi Melissa and Nat, I have listened to this podcast twice, first when it came out as i had just gone off the nuvaring and again today as it’s been 4 months since i’ve gone off the nuvaring and im still yet to get a period. I was wondering if you could recommend a doctor or natropath in Sydney that looks after womens health, fertility and gut health. I currently see a acupuncturist who is amazing but i think i should start getting tests. Looking forward to hearing your response, thanks in advance!

    ps. Melissa – your podcasts are amazing. I listen to them every morning and afternoon as i walk to and from work. Honestly, life changing.

  32. Elyce Wills says:

    I really LOVED this podcast Melissa & Nat!! It was super informative & I gained so much from it. I’ve never felt comfortable about taking the pill, but didn’t feel I had any other option in terms of contraception for the last 10 yrs. Now that I am 30 I am so eager to begin learning & understanding my body’s natural cycles. Thank you! x

  33. Victoria says:

    I loved this podcast!

    I came off the pill nearly 2 and a half years ago and felt a massive difference in my energy levels when I came off it. I no longer needed my daily naps!

    I have however not had a period since, and after doing hormone tests these are all fine. I get so frustrated as I want to get to the bottom as to why my body is not having periods but all doctors ever tell me is to go back on the pill and then they will come back.

    Before ever going on the pill my periods were normal, I can’t help but think the pill is what has caused this, and find myself getting upset when a doctor tells me to start taking it again.

    I’m definitely looking into this more!

    • Hey honey, the same thing happened to me. I came off it after 7 years and it took me 1.5 years to get my period again. Be patient! Give yourself and your body SOOOOOO much love and reach out to Nat and check out her website as she is a wealth of knowledge. Be kind to yourself angel, this is key! xx

  34. Brianna says:

    I just wanted to thank you SO much. I have been struggling with too frequent or not at all frequent heavy periods/pain since I was 14, and only at 23 have started to understand the repercussion that prescribing the pill to ‘solve’ these issues has had on my bod! This has made me feel so empowered (and so much less alone) and ready to face the fear of finally tackling and facing my period issues without taking a little white pill to mask it

  35. Simi Pannu says:

    Hey Melissa, I adore all of your podcasts (I’m always forwarding them to family and friends!). But this one was particularly important to me.

    I went two years without having my period, I was around 18-20 years old. And at the time I was very, very happy. Until, after listening to my mum and agreeing to go to a check up, I found out that I may be infertile. And it was all because of 1) being underweight 2) not eating meat (my ancestors ate meat yet, I thought I was being healthier by not doing so C) being incredibly disconnected from my body (mind, body, and spirit).

    This changed my life completely– the fact that I DID NOT have an option of whether I could have children sparked something in me. Forward to now being 25 years old, and I’m totally a different person (as you say about your experience, my life too is completely different from what it was in the past).

    I wanted ask Melissa, have to read any literature on the moon and connecting your cycles to it? I would love to know.

    You’re an amazing spark of light– keep doing what you’re doing because it is making a huge, important difference in the world.

    • Hi angel, thank you so much for your kind words. I am beyond grateful. Regarding the moon and connecting with our cycle, I actually cover this in my next book out in December this year and I can’t wait to share it with you. Keep a look out. xx

  36. Georgia says:

    Hey Melissa!
    I have just gone off the pill and am trialing a few apps to see which one works best for me as a contraceptive method. In this episode, you mentioned that it took quite a while for your period to come back and (if you don’t mind me asking of course) I would like to know what you did for contraception and if you were able to use tracking apps before you got your period back? I’m just unsure about the best contraception method until my period goes back to normal, which I’m sure will take at least a few months.
    Thank you so much for this episode, it was the thing that helped me finally decide to get off the pill and listen to my body more.

  37. Amazing things here. I am very glad to look your article.
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