
Yin & Yang Q&A 2 With Nick Broadhurst And Melissa Ambrosini






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Back by popular demand! Today’s podcast guest is my favourite of all time (and I’m not even biased!). Yep, I’m talking about my husband, Nick Broadhurst — singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, film producer, founding member of Sneaky Sound System, meditation and Ayurveda advocate, performer, father and husband.

In this episode, we’re joining forces to answer all YOUR burning questions… and boy, did we receive some epic ones! We get real and raw in this conversation, pulling back the curtains on our own relationship, as well as sharing our views — sometimes differing! — on all things health, wealth and love. (And seriously: there were no holds barred. We go all in.)

We always get such incredible feedback when Nick is on the show. It’s so great to get the perspective of a conscious man on deep (sometimes even taboo) topics, and to hear the masculine-feminine dynamic play out in real time on real issues.

So if you want to level up in ALL your life areas, and hear our thoughts on everything from how we organise our day for maximum productivity, to the mindset shifts that rapidly elevated our business, to the food we pack in Leo’s lunchbox, right through to our thoughts on overcoming relationship challenges and conscious parenting… then buckle up, beautiful! This episode is for YOU and I couldn’t be more pumped for you to listen in.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The mindset shifts that helped us rapidly level up in our business (07:11)
  • The two essential must-read books that have had the biggest impact on our finances and money mindset (12:00)
  • How we manifest our goals (and it’s not what you might expect!) (18:38)
  • The programs and apps we use to organise our time, communicate with each other, and get heaps done (25:31)
  • 3 simple biohacks you can implement into your life straight away, no matter where you’re at with your health (48:33)
  • Our favourite natural deodorants and low toxic products (it took me ages to find the perfect one… jump on these suggestions STAT!) (52:17)
  • What should you do if your partner isn’t showing up as their best self and doesn’t seem motivated to change their situation? (53:01)
  • Our fave kid-friendly nutrient-dense meals and lunchbox ideas (including what we do when we’re pressed for time) (01:03:42)
  • How to get over fights, arguments and past hurts in your relationship, so you can get back to a space of love as quickly as possible (01:34:08)
  • Step-parenting: what it’s like and how I show up (01:37:54)
  • Co-parenting: what to do in a blended family (and our tips for harmonious, love-filled interactions) (01:42:01)
  • What to do if you don’t want kids and your partner does (01:43:58)
  • How to support your partner when they’re going through a rough time (01:49:35)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:


Google Drive
1 Giant Mind

The Nick Broadhurst Show Podcast

Do You Have Leaky Money Buckets?
Want Better Relationships? There’s An App For That
Ayurveda Series 1
Ayurveda Series 2
Nothing Good Comes From Closing

The Melissa Ambrosini Show Podcast

Yin And Yang Q&A With Nick Broadhurst and Melissa Ambrosini
Get More Done With Less Stress With David Allen
Change Your Schedule, Change your Life With Ayurvedic Expert Dr Suhas Kshirsagar
Vegan Done Right For Your Body Type With Dr Stephen Cabral
A Beginners Guide To Ayurveda With Sahara Rose
The PaleoVedic Diet With Dr Akil Palanisamy
The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy & Baby with Dr Stephen Cabral
How To Have An Ecstatic Childbirth With Dr Sarah Buckley
Eating Your Placenta And Natural Birthing With Genevieve Howland


How To Make One Hell Of A Profit And Still Get Into Heaven by John DeMartini
The Breakthrough Experience by John Demartini
Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape
The Barefoot Investor for Families by Scott Pape
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Daily Rituals by Mason Currey
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Getting Things Done by David Allen
The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
The Rain Barrell Effect by Stephen Cabral
Lessons by Gisele Bundchen
The Glow Kitchen by Melissa Ambrosini
Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini
Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Charlotte says:

    Hey Melissa!
    I absolutely ADORE your podcast and learn so much with each episode. I’m so incredibly grateful for the universe leading me to you and your work.

    I wanted to suggest Sarah Blondin for your podcast. She makes the most beautiful meditations and courses with such deep poetic views on the world and finding peace and self love.

    Can’t wait for the next episode! Sending love, joy and health to you beautiful ❤️ Xx

  2. Ana says:

    being more affectionate, playful, intimate with our partner but being met with resistance and his “busyness ” or just not even being aware of it .. Makes it hard.. Makes one want to stop putting themselves forward to be rejected… Again.

    • I understand what you are saying Ana, as I have been there. This is when you need to practice CCC (Crystal Clear Communication) with your love and be open and honest and share from your heart. Give it a try and let me know how you go. xx

  3. Bronte says:

    Loved this episode and loved how you addressed the Botox question! A few of my girlfriends have gotten fake boobs and lip fillers and they’re only in their early 20s! But they are so naturally beautiful and I wish they could see that. Also loved the recommended books to read, adding them to my list of books to read 🙂
    Love your podcasts. Keep up the great works guys!

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