Genevieve Howland - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Eating Your Placenta And Natural Birthing With Genevieve Howland






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When you think of childbirth, an image may spring to mind of a woman flat on her back screaming, while squeezing her husband’s hand until it’s blue. There’s also probably men in white coats, loads of bright lights and buzzing equipment, and a parade of people you don’t know running in and out of the room… each witnessing you in all your glory! But according to Genevieve Howland (a.k.a. Mama Natural whose YouTube channel has over 60M views), this doesn’t have to be your birthing reality. And today? She’s teaching us how to reclaim our womanly power during this most sacred of journeys.

Now more than ever we are seeing a return of empowered women, birthing their children in the way that THEY want to… and it’s thanks to powerhouse women like Genevieve, who are blazing the trail and lighting the way for all of us.

Whatever your dream birth may look like, Genevieve believes that preparation and knowledge is key to set yourself up for your ideal birthing experience. And after giving birth to two children (in a birthing center, supported by a midwife and doula) she knows her stuff, and wanted to share everything she knows with YOU! That’s why she wrote her incredible book, The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth. It’s a modern (yet ancient) approach to this sacred journey, which recognizes that childbirth is a miraculous process… not a medical condition or illness.

There’s so much juicy, empowering knowledge in this conversation, I know your mind is going to be blown wide open. So whether you are thinking about having a baby, are still years off, or aren’t interested at all, if you are a female this podcast is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • How she went from being a junk food-eating, soft drink-guzzling smoker to Mama Natural (05:19)
  • Why a scary, fearful birth doesn’t have to be your reality (and how to shift your mindset and perception) (13:56)
  • Vaginal birth vs Cesarean — the facts, the myths, and what every woman NEEDS to know (19:48)
  • The key to natural birth (seriously — why aren’t we taught this stuff at school?!) (24:04)
  • The ‘gentle’ intervention option (that many women don’t know about) (25:13)
  • How to make a Cesarean as similar to a natural birth as possible (the answer lies in your vagina!) (26:55)
  • Home birth vs Hospital birth — which is right for you? (27:58)
  • How to reduce your risk of interventions (29:36)
  • The difference between a midwife and doula (and why you want both!) (36:49)
  • How to find your dream birth team (I absolutely loved her ideas here… take notes!) (38:40)
  • Why you should eat your placenta… yes, really! (43:58)
  • Why presence and surrender are essential for a blissful birth (57:24)
  • The 3 things you must do for healthy, humming hormones (59:20)
  • Why you must avoid stressful exercise when pregnant (01:05:24)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • The Business of Being Born documentary (Amazon)
  • The Mama Natural book by Genevieve Howland (Amazon)
  • Mama Natural Online Birth Program (website)
  • Mama Natural Website (website)
  • Q&A a Day for Kids: A Three-Year Journal (Amazon)
  • BluBlocker Glasses (website)
  • Books by Louise Hay (Amazon)
  • Ben Greenfield on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • F.lux for your computer and Ipads (website)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Belinda says:

    Such a great information Melissa! It’s fantastic that these options such as swabbing are now available. I had an unavoidable planned c section 3 months ago due to large fibroids and asked the hospital about swabbing but was told they didn’t endorse it but ‘you could do it yourself, just don’t tell us’. I can’t wait until this practice becomes mainstream for all hospitals. Your exposure of this topic will definitely help xx

  2. It was an absolute joy to be on your podcast! Big love to you!

  3. Marsha Householder says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your family adventure. This is a great video presentation. I am a Grandma but I love reading about your family and all the great information you provide regarding ways to stay healthy through natural eating. Keep up the great work. God Bless You. Your children are darling! Thanks again.

  4. Erin says:

    As a newer Doula, and a habitual Melissa Ambrosini Show listener, I was ecstatic to see this episode announcement appear in my inbox last week. I actually said out loud, to myself “oh hell yes!!” when I read the title. Everything you gals discussed in this podcast were all things that align with my beliefs, and the very things that got me interested and passionate about birth work in the first place! I typically “save” your podcasts for my longer Saturday runs, and this one was no different.. It kept me running for almost the entire podcast! I couldn’t get enough!! Thank you so much for having Genevieve on the show and sharing more about how phenomenal and strong women are!

  5. Jess says:

    This was a goodie! I subscribed to Genevieve’s website for updates and tips throughout my pregnancy and definitely think it helped me to achieve the beautiful natural childbirth we experienced <3 Thanks Melissa x

    • WOW! I am so happy for you honey. Tell me how was your birth? I would love to hear more if you feel called to share. xx

      • Jess says:

        Of course – I love that I can share a positive birth story.
        I’m paraphrasing immensely, but I laboured at home with my husband for most of the 8 hour labour, riding the waves of surges using the humming bee breath my yoga teacher recommended, massage and oils. When my waters broke, my husband phoned our midwife (our hospital has a midwife program) and we made our way to the hospital. As soon as we got there I jumped in the shower with the water running over my back and that’s when I experienced transition; a distinct change from the surges to a bearing down sensation. From the time my waters broke, our beautiful angel had arrived Earth side within an hour and a half on the floor of the shower. No intervention, no drugs, just pure bliss. I could of done it all again the next day 🙂 absolutely amazing xx

      • WOW!!!!!! You are amazing honey. I am so happy for you and THANK YOU so much for sharing. Blessing to you. xx

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