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I’ve been obsessed with all things conscious conception, pregnancy and birth resources since I first met my husband in 2013. Even though we weren’t one of those couples that got together and had a baby right away, and even though we knew it was still a few years off for us, that spark of fascination was always there for me. So I’ve been gathering and consuming information and interviewing the best of the best on these topics for y-e-a-r-s! 

Then, once we actually felt it was time, I became even hungrier for the best info and insights I could find… Truth be told, I was a little obsessed (but in a healthy way)!

So after spending so much time seeking out the absolute BEST books, podcasts, documentaries, workshops and more on these topics, I thought I would compile a list of my absolute favorite resources so that you can jump straight to the best ones (and skip the rest).

Here are the BEST conception, pregnancy and birth resources I swear by…


Conscious Conception

  • Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have by Walter Makichen (book)
  • What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know: Otherworldly Wisdom to Support the Journey to Motherhood and the Journey to Awakening by Kate Street (book)
  • I Wish Someone Had Told Me: Unspoken truths about what really happens to women during labour, childbirth and the first few weeks of motherhood by Jennifer Hacker (book)
  • Womb Wisdom: Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine by Padma Aon Prakasha and Anaiya Aon Prakasha (book)
  • Yes, You Can Get Pregnant by Aimee Raupp (book)
  • Ayurveda Mama: Preparing for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Postpartum Window Paperback by Dhyana Masla (book)


  • Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra M.D. (book)
  • Well Adjusted Babies by Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani (book)
  • The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Genevieve Howland (book)
  • Ten Moons: The Inner Journey of Pregnancy, Preparation for Natural Birth by Jane Hardwicke Collings (book)


  • Birth Without Fear: The Judgment-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum by January Harshe (book)
  • Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices by Sarah Buckley (book)
  • Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation by Pam England (book)
  • Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin (book)
  • Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin (book)
  • A Labour Of Love: A Guide To Natural Childbirth Without Fear by Gabrielle Targett (book)
  • Birth With Confidence: Savvy Choices for Normal Birth by Rhea Dempsey (book)


  • Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding: From the Nation’s Leading Midwife by Ina May Gaskin (book)
  • The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother by Heng Ou (book)
  • The Postnatal Depletion Cure: A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health and Reclaiming Your Energy for Mothers of Newborns, Toddlers, and Young Children by Dr. Oscar Serrallach (book)


  • Mothering from Your Center: Tapping Your Body’s Natural Energy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting by Tami Lynn Kent (book)
  • Buddhism for Mothers: A Calm Approach to Caring for Yourself and Your Children by Sarah Napthali (book)
  • The Continuum Concept: In Search Of Happiness Lost by Jean Liedloff (book)
  • The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children by Dr. Shefali Tsabary (book)
  • The Awakened Family: How to Raise Empowered, Resilient, and Conscious Children by Dr. Shefali Tsabary (book)
  • The Parent’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents by William Martin (book)
  • 5 Love Languages Of Children: The Secret To Loving Children Effectively by Gary Chapman (book)
  • Why Love Matters: How affection shapes a baby’s brain by Sue Gerhardt (book)


  • Ending Infant Trauma by The Life Stylist (podcast)
  • The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy & Baby With Dr Stephen Cabral (podcast)
  • Healing Sexual Trauma, Mindful Pregnancy And Orgasmic Childbirth With Debra Pascali-Bonaro (podcast)
  • Nurturing Your Child From Conception With Dr Thomas Verny (podcast)
  • How To Have An Ecstatic Childbirth With Dr Sarah Buckley (podcast)
  • Rebirth Yourself With Doula Angela Gallo (podcast)
  • Yes, You CAN Get Pregnant With Aimee Raupp (podcast)
  • Conscious Birth, Menstruation & Menopause With Jane Hardwicke Collings (podcast)
  • Eating Your Placenta And Natural Birthing With Genevieve Howland (podcast)
  • Ayurveda for pregnancy, birth and postpartum care with Dylan Smith and Laura Poole (podcast)
  • Ayurveda postpartum doula care for nourishing newborn mothers with Dani and Sol from Soma Shakti (podcast)
  • Healthy Pregnancy by Medical Medium (podcast)
  • Meditation for Mother and Baby by Thom Knoles (podcast)


  • The Business Of Being Born (video)
  • Birth Story (video) 
  • Organic Birth (video) 

Powerful Birth Videos



It’s quite a list, right?! This should keep you busy for a while. 

I will continue to update and add to this best conception, pregnancy and birth resources post as I go forward on my journey into matrescence and motherhood, so bookmark it now so you can check back in later! And please share any of your own favorites below, so I can check them out, and we can all continue to grow and expand our minds together.

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  1. Jodie says:

    Congrats! You may find it useful to read some books on baby sleep. Sleep is important for nurturing your baby and yourself and their sleep patterns change so much
    and so frequently. There are plenty of good books on the subject matter etc.

  2. Angela Nathanael says:

    Thank you so much for all this info.!

    I listened to your podcast about your pregnancy journey & began listening again only yesterday. I even wrote down a book I wanted to read ‘Spirit Babies’. Appreciate how open, raw and real you both have been. So very happy for you both, enjoy your magical journey to mama hood.

    Are you able to share your shamanic healers details?

  3. Cindel says:

    Such a powerhouse of a list! I’ve had two beautiful homebirths and really found JuJu Sundins book Birth Skills SO SO helpful for labour. She gives you practical tips for each stage of labour. I didn’t know about the book with our first babe and the labour was long and felt like it was overwhelming even though I was so mentally prepared for it (hyponobirthing, visualisations etc). So I made sure that with our second birth I had an actual toolkit for skills for the labour and wow, it was incredible!
    Many blessings for your journey xx

  4. Georgie says:

    Thanks for a great roundup Melissa. Can you recommend any apps or trackers?

  5. Erica says:

    Such a complete compilation of resources! I have read and continue to apply many of these ideologies to the care I provide for families! If I could add to the reco for infant sleep (which ultimately helps you too), I would add Sweet Sleep by La Leche League and also having a browse through the research done by Dr. James McKenna. Love & Light, Erica

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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