Laura Plumb - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Using The Stars And Planets To Guide Your Life With Laura Plumb






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You have most like heard of astrology or you may have even had an astrology reading, but do you know what Jyotish astrology is? This powerful ancient Vedic based science of the stars is not something I had ever been exposed to until I met today’s special guest Laura Plumb.

Laura is a leading educator on the power of the Vedic sciences to promote sacred health and sumptuous living. Formerly the General Manager of The Discovery Channel in Europe, Laura is now the founder and director of VedaWise, offering clinical services in natural medicine for whole person wellness and trainings in the Vedic sciences. She offers classes and consultations in Ayurveda, Jyotish, Yoga Therapy, Whole Food Cooking and Nutrition, and serves as a contributing Ayurvedic educator at the UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine.

Laura has studied the world over with some of the greatest luminaries of our time, practising and sharing what she has learned from ancient, proven wisdom for modern, dynamic times.

I met Laura through Bhava (the star of Episode 17, How Yoga Literally Saved My Life), and over the years they have both been a source of inspiration and a guiding light for me during some very challenging times.

For me personally, Laura has used the stars, plant medicine and also the ancient Indian healing modality of Ayurveda to support me along my journey and I can’t wait for you to soak up her wisdom today!

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her journey to where she is today (05:03)
  • How to see the love and beauty in everything (09:36)
  • Why meditation is key to happiness (13:36)
  • What is Jyotish astrology, why it’s so powerful and how it differs from other types of astrology (17:36)
  • What is Saturn’s return and why you must understand it (23:42)
  • How the stars and planet can guide you (30:01)
  • The role the sun and moon play in our life (37:28)
  • What rising sign and moon signs are (39:40)
  • What is Mercury Retrograde and how to understand it (43:35)
  • Western Astrology vs Jyotish Astrology (44:04)
  • Why oiling your body top to toe before shower is one of the most important things you can do for your health (01:06:18)
  • Benefits and power of sesame oil (01:13:15)
  • The truth of who we are and why are we here on earth (01:22:24)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • LauraPlumb.com (website)
  • Laura Plumb on Instagram (Instagram)
  • UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine (website)
  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton (Amazon)
  • Holotropic Breathwork by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof (Amazon)
  • How To Do Holotropic Breathwork (website)
  • The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran (Amazon)
  • Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch (Amazon)
  • Emmanuel’s Book by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton (Amazon)
  • Bhava Ram on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • Bulletproof Dave Asprey on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Abby says:

    My favourite episode so far!

  2. Karena Hinman says:

    Oh this episode touched my soul, Laura is an amazing beam of light Melissa – thank you so much for bringing her into my life! Ps can’t wait to have my Jyotish astrology chart done xxx

  3. Laura Plumb says:

    I love you Melissa – you are an artist of the soul, and an alchemist of the divine. xo

  4. Daniela says:

    Beautiful episode! I will listen to it again and share it with my friend. Thank you so much!

  5. Sarah says:

    Such a beautiful episode! My eyes welled up with tears on several different occasions through this one.
    Laura – I am curious to know, is it mandatory to rinse the sesame oil off after a self massage? A lot of times I just dry body brush, massage sesame oil over my body, and then go about my day. I don’t shower every single day. Should I always be having a quick shower after doing this? Thank you so much ❤️

    • Laura Plumb says:

      Sarah, you are one of the brave and the bold! So many people are reluctant to do it at all, but you venture further – applying sesame oil and leaving it on altogether! Is it mandatory to shower – it is only mandatory to shower yourself with self-love and self-care. I love that you nurture yourself this way, and I love you for it.

  6. Kate says:

    I loved every min of this interview. Thank you for introducing me to Laura’s work and for creating such an inspiring podcast. <3

    • Laura Plumb says:

      Thank you, Kate. I loved every minute of it too, and every minute I ever get with Melissa. She is so fun, so wise, so creative, so full of love and joy, and so committed. Which I bet you are too – because we love the things that show our Self to ourselves. So thank you for being awesome too.

  7. Angela McLarty says:

    Absolutely amazing this one so beautiful. Thank you <3 <3 <3

  8. Fran Minster says:

    Absolutely blown away with this podcast! There were so many ahha moments. Thank you both so much for your wisdom.

  9. Kate says:

    This touched my soul in so many ways. Just beautiful ladies. Xox

  10. Amazing. Laura you were so knowledgable and insightful. Really authentic and true xxx

  11. Lindsay Baugh says:

    This was incredible and spoke to me in so many beautiful ways! I love the warmth of you both, Melissa and Laura. This podcast was truly inspirational and empowering. Your truth aligns to how I try to live my life everyday and what I believe in as I continue on this journey of self-discovery and self-care. I ordered organic sesame oil last night (very helpful information!) and have already shared this podcast with several friends who appreciate and love the ways of the Universe! Thank you for sharing the resources and making it easy to explore more. Laura – I might be reaching out to have my Jyotish astrology chart done! I am sitting on it, as I also think it’s fun to take each day at a time and see how it unfolds, but I also like to plan. 🙂

  12. Victoria says:

    Her words near the end actually brought a tear to my eye! I felt so emotional.

    I would love to meet like minded people, on a similar journey as me.

    People that are more open to sharing love. I have so much love to give but feel I have to hide it to fit in. I just don’t know where to find people like this .

    Great podcast!
    Thankyou x

  13. Penny Younger says:

    This one was so amazing, thank you so much Laura and Melissa <3 I'm actually curious what Olive Oil you are referring to using for skin? Is it literally just the Olive Oil you'd cook with? xx

  14. Laimute says:

    Thank you very much for this amazing podcast! I have a question about Saturn. I have Saturn in my life at the moment and sometimes it’s really heard. Is there any ways that I could help to soften the effect of Saturn like chanting mantra for Saturn or fasting on Saturdays (on Saturn day) or something else?

    • Great question honey but I am not an expert so maybe you could ask Laura. She may know. Let me know how you go though angel. xx

    • Laura says:

      Hello Laimute, I apologize for the delay in responding. I am only seeing this now. Yes, you can certainly do mantras for Saturn and feed the crows, care for the elderly on Saturdays. It is also so helpful ot bear in mind that Saturn wants to teach us patience, detachment, forbearance, strength. Above all, Saturn teaches us that we are stronger than we think, greater than we know, tougher than grit, wiser than the stars. You are the source, the creator, the creation, the cosmos itself. I wish you many, many blessings though this period and lots of love! xo

  15. jenna collard says:

    I absolutely loved this podcast!!!

  16. […] Quote from the source: … […]

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