Unleash Your Microbiome Superpowers & Achieve Epic Health | Dr Alan Desmond

Unleash Your Microbiome Superpowers & Achieve Epic Health | Dr Alan Desmond






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With rates of chronic disease climbing ever higher, and life expectancy rates faltering for the first time in a hundred years, one of the most important questions of the 21st century has become: ‘What on earth should I eat if I want to get — and stay — healthy?’

To help answer this critical question, Dr Alan Desmond MD is joining me on the show today to cut through the diet confusion, share the latest advances in nutritional science, and explain how we can all create the kind of outrageously glowy health we dream of (not to mention, optimise the way our entire body functions), by simply putting more plants on our plate.

Dr Alan Desmond is a gastroenterologist and author, who has made evidence-based dietary advice an essential part of his practice. 100% plant based himself, he has presented at numerous international conferences alongside plant based advocates such as Dr Michael Greger (who’s been on the show), Dr Michael Klaper, Dietician Brenda Davis (who has also been on the show), Dr Kim Williams, and Dr Neal Barnard (and so has he). 

A member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, and a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, he has published several influential research papers in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and is a dedicated advocate for the health benefits of a wholefood plant based approach to nutrition. Dr Desmond is also the author of the soon to be released book, ‘The Plant-Based Diet Revolution: 28 days to a happier gut and a healthier you’, landing in bookstores in January 2021. (I’ve had a sneak peek, and let me just say: prepare to be wowed!)

It’s so inspiring to hear the incredible science that backs up plant based eating, and to learn about the multitude of ways the food you eat can be used to optimise your mind, body and gut. I got SO much out of this conversation (you should see how many notes I jotted down afterwards!) and I’m betting your mind (and microbiome!) will be blown too.

So if you want to learn how to avoid — and even reverse — common diseases, harness the incredible power of your gut, and reach new heights in your health and performance, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Busting through the “calories are just calories” myth (and why it’s so dangerous) (04:24)
  • How food has become the world’s major driver of disease (10:29)
  • The ‘Planetary Health Plate’ and why it’s the blueprint for ultimate human nutrition (17:30)
  • His 10 epic ‘prescriptions’ for a healthier, happier, longer life (21:46)
  • How to unleash your microbiome’s superpowers and create next level health (22:47)
  • What junk ‘food’ really does to your body (what he shares here will shock you) (27:27)
  • How consuming whole foods can help prevent the common diseases that are killing us earlier and earlier (29:08)
  • How to finally beat your carb phobia and quit demonizing healthy carbohydrates (30:31)
  • How to radically uplevel your protein game by eating a plant based diet (35:33)
  • Why taking a B12 supplements is crucial for optimized body function, regardless of your diet (41:43)

Episode resources: 

  • Follow Dr. Alan on Instagram. (Instagram)
  • The Plant Based Diet Revolution by Dr. Alan Desmond (Amazon)
  • Plant Based Health Professionals UK (website)
  • The Eat-LANCET Report (website)
  • Milk and Health by Walter C. Willett (website)
  • On the Shortness of Life by Seneca (Amazon)
  • How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger (Amazon)
  • Doctors For Nutrition  (Amazon)
  • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (website)
  • Plant-Based Doctors Ireland (website)
  • #RelationshipGoals With Rich Roll And Julie Piatt (podcast episode)
  • Rich Roll | Unlock Your Full Potential (podcast episode)
  • How Not To Die & The Foods That Make Us Live Longer With Dr Michael Greger (podcast episode)
  • Boosting Your Immune System & Staying Virus Free During a Pandemic | Dr Michael Greger (podcast episode)
  • Clearing Up Plant-Based Diet Confusion With Brenda Davis (podcast episode)
  • Top 5 Foods To Protect Yourself From Viruses & Balance Your Hormones | Dr Neal Barnard (podcast episode)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave me a review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.


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  1. Gemma says:

    This was such an epic conversation! Dr Alan made all of his knowledge so easy to understand & the 10 ‘prescriptions’ are all so easy to implement. Thank you for another great podcast!

  2. Gut health is my favourite topic of all time because of how far I have come in my healing journey. I’m a Pharmacist and used to suffer so bad from stress and anxiety that in turn my gut health was affected. It became a never ending cycle. I used to get told, “its just IBS, deal with it” But I am so glad I didn’t stop there and let it take over my happiness. Now, with all the holistic practices I’ve embraced, they have helped me heal and nutrition has been key. The 10 prescriptions Dr Alan points out are so crucial in the gut health healing journey. Thank you for sharing another brilliant podcast Melissa

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