
How To Declutter Your Life For More Health, Happiness & Growth







  1. The 5 key life areas to start decluttering
  2. How to free up mental bandwidth by decluttering forgotten and overdue tasks
  3. Why it’s crucial to reassess your routine when you enter a new season of life


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You know how amazing it feels to declutter your home? 

And how clear, light and energized you feel when you’re done?

Well, imagine multiplying that feeling tenfold by decluttering not just your space, but your entire life!

Decluttering your life has so many benefits — it can help you release areas of resistance, reconnect with your values, and reclaim a ton of precious time and energy.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to free up time, space and energy by decluttering 5 key areas of your life.

Let’s dive in!

1. Declutter Your Calendar

Begin by reviewing your calendar for the next few months. 

Look at every upcoming commitment and ask yourself: “Will this increase my joy, my health, my income, or my alignment with my values?”

If the answer is no, that’s a sign that the activity might not deserve a place in your schedule, and you might want to consider removing or withdrawing from those commitments.

Then, to keep your calendar clutter-free moving forward, embrace the power of saying “no” and be incredibly intentional about what you say yes to.

2. Declutter Your Routine

Different seasons of our life require different habits and routines in order for us to thrive — and here’s the tricky bit: what worked in one season may not work in the next. 

For example, if you’ve got young kids, your previous habit of staying up late to devour mystery novels might no longer serve you, or perhaps your lengthy morning routine might need to be tightened up (my hand is raised).

To declutter your routines, ask yourself:

  • What season of life am I in right now?
  • What routines or habits does this season require for me to thrive?
  • What routines or habits am I holding onto that are no longer working, or that aren’t as supportive as they could be?

By reflecting on and reconsidering your routine, you’ll find you have more time and energy for the things that are important to you.

Definitely not decluttering my daily medi’s!
They’re one of my non-negotiables.

3. Declutter Toxic Relationships

Life is too short to invest in relationships that drain you.

Take this opportunity to reflect on the people in your life and consider the impact they have on you. 

If a relationship is consistently one-sided, or leaves you feeling depleted or unappreciated, it may be time to reassess its place in your life.

Hot tip: When reflecting on a relationship’s place in your life, your mental and emotional well-being should always be a priority. And remember: it’s okay to give space to a relationship that no longer serves you, even if that person has been in your life for a long time.

It can feel tough sometimes, but removing yourself from toxic relationships allows you to nurture more positive ones and focus on your personal growth.

And you know what, beautiful? 

You deserve to feel seen, heard and valued in your relationships, no exceptions.

4. Declutter Your Task List

We all have those lingering tasks that seem to never get done and that stress us out every time we think about them.

Take a moment to write them all down — maybe you need to return something to the store, get something fixed, or file that batch of papers clogging up your desk.

Then make a plan to get these tasks DONE. If you can, allocate time to batch them as quickly as you can.

If that’s not possible or feels too overwhelming, commit to getting them done incrementally — for example, one per day, or three per week etc.

Trust me: the satisfaction you’ll feel when these tasks are finally done and dusted is unbeatable!

5. Declutter Your Goals

Do you feel scattered and overwhelmed because you’re trying to achieve a heap of different goals at once?

The reality is that most people can only focus on 1-3 major goals at once, for example: one business goal, one health goal, and one creative goal. 

Much more than that can lead to overwhelm and limit your progress.

To declutter your goals, write down everything you’re currently working towards and ask yourself:

  • Does this goal still serve me?
  • Am I still lit up by it?
  • Is it building towards my greater vision?
  • Do I *want* to keep working towards it?

If you answered ‘yes’ to all or most of these questions, fantastic — keep chasing that goal until you get it.

But if not, maybe that goal needs some adjustment, or maybe you want to declutter it right now and instantly free up space for the goals that do truly light you up.

Key Takeaway

By taking these steps to declutter your life, you won’t just free up time and energy, you’ll be actively making space for more health, happiness and growth in your life.

Keep in mind that decluttering is an ongoing journey, not a destination. So be sure to regularly reassess and realign with what truly matters. 

And remember, the less clutter in your life, the clearer your path to success, joy and fulfillment.

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #539: From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M | Leila Hormozi

Episode #538: How To Break Free from Imposter Syndrome & Unlock Your True Potential

Episode #537: Birthing 9 Babies, Free-Birthing, & How To Have An Orgasmic Birth | Yolande Norris-Clark

Episode #536: Gene Keys, Finding Your True Purpose & Unlocking Your Full Potential | Richard Rudd

Til next time, sending so much love,

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  1. Amy Sparks says:

    Thank you, Melissa, for sharing this fantastic post! What a coincidence because today, I finally tackled a lingering and challenging task that I procrastinated for a long time. The struggle to begin was real, but the key was to decide to dedicate just half an hour daily, and already I feel much better. 🙂 Your advice on limiting big goals to three is brilliant; it’s a strategy I’m excited to implement. Thanks for the inspiration!

Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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