melissa ambrosini, soul, health

Coronavirus Support: Finding Silver Linings in Uncertainty (& How To Make The Most Of Your Time At Home)






Right now there is so much uncertainty. Many people are feeling a range of emotions and I just want you to know I am here for you. I am sending you and your family so much love. And please let me know how I can serve you even more. 

In the meantime, amidst all that’s going on, what’s your silver lining? How can you take care of what’s going on within your four walls? How can you fill yourself up and take care of your wellbeing and boost your immune system?

Use this an opportunity to go inward, to slow down, to shift, to let go, to release and to tend to what’s going on inside our four walls. 

There are many things you can do during this time, the most critical being to stay in your home in order for this to not spread. Please please please do your part. This is the only way we can stop this from spreading.  

While you’re at home, here are some ideas of things you can…

  1. Get in the kitchen and cook or learn how to cook (there are loads of free Youtube videos teaching you how to cook). Add immune-boosting spices like turmeric and ginger to your food to nourish and boost your immune system with these healthy home-cooked foods Think curry’s, stews and my vegan brownie.
  2. Listen to an inspiring, mindset-shifting podcast, so you can use this time to expand your knowledge. (May I humbly suggest The Melissa Ambrosini Show?!) Start at episode 1 and listen to all the episodes you have missed and make notes whilst you do it. You can also listen to podcasts whilst you clean your house or do your laundry. The Nick Broadhurst Show is also a goodie so check that out too.   
  3. Video call with friends and family (we have been doing this daily) — now is the time to connect in with those you love. (But not in person, mmkay?!)
  4. On that note, it’s also a good time to check in with any vulnerable people in your life, who might not have help around them. Do you have any elderly, sick or disabled neighbors, friends or relatives who need help right now? Anyone who lives alone? How can you serve them? Two of my best friends live alone so I have been messaging them every day and sending them love. 
  5. Clean your home. Clean out and organize every draw, cupboard and declutter every room (now is the perfect time to simplify your home). Read this post How To Simplify & Declutter Every Area Of Your Life
  6. Meditate, meditate, meditate. Then watch your anxiety and stress shift and dissolve. I have these meditations on my website and also have some for free on Insight Timer.  
  7. Do some tapping or TRE. Never tapped before? Learn how to for free in this episode with Tapping Solutions founder Nick Ortner. 
  8. Have a relaxing bath with Epsom salts and essential oils.
  9. Create art, paint, draw, do vision boards, make pottery, write poetry, color in, draw mandalas — whatever creative pursuit calls you, dive in.
  10. Dance. In the kitchen, in your PJ’s, wherever and whenever. Get a good playlist cranking and let loose. My favorite songs (of course) are Nick Broadhurst and make sure you follow him on Spotify for some epic playlists. 
  11. Write the book you have been dreaming of writing. I am currently writing two.  
  12. Create the program, ebook or product that’s on your heart and you have been bursting you create. 
  13. Workout and move your body. It’s super important you keep exercising to stay healthy and strong. YouTube has loads of free workout videos. You can even find fun workouts to do with your kids, like this one.) I have been doing the 7 Min Workout by Down Dog app and loving it because you can tailor it to your needs. 
  14. Do yoga or Barre Workouts. Again I love and use Down Dog for both. 
  15. Read, read, read all those amazing books sitting on your shelf you have been saying you wished you had the time to read.
  16. Learn a language or something you have been bursting to learn about. 
  17. Watch Ted Talks (like mine). 
  18. Watch a comedy, romantic comedy, or inspiring movie. Something that will lift your spirits and get you out of your head (and off your newsfeed!). Some suggestions to get you started: Crazy, Stupid Love, About Time, The Greatest Showman, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
  19. Organize your phone and computer. Delete all the old files, numbers, apps, etc and clean it all up. (You will feel excellent after doing this… trust me!)
  20. Have a spa day at home. Make your own body and face scrubs with what you have in the kitchen and your favorite essential oils.
  21. Sage your home. 
  22. Diffuse essential oils like Wild Orange and Peppermint to lift your mood and diffuse Lavender, Vetiver, and Frankincense calm your nerves and reduce your stress levels. 
  23. Plant your own herb or veggie garden. 
  24. Take the online program or course you have been wanting to take. 
  25. Got kids? There are plenty of excellent free resources online to help keep them entertained and learning while they’re home from school. (Like this one, which has free music classes and art activities.)

I know this doesn’t even scratch the surface, but I wanted to share some ideas to get you excited and inspired.

It’s so important for your health and immunity you stay healthy and strong and all these suggestions help do that so pick one and start today.  

Have you got any ideas to add to this list? Or any funny videos to lift our spirits?

Let’s make a huge list that we can come back to time and time again. Bookmark this page and come back whenever you need it.

Please do let me know in the comments if there is anything else I can do, or maybe you just want a safe space to express I am here for you.

I am sending you so much love and health. 

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  1. Suman Barthakur says:

    Dearest Melissa, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for your advices to me because
    anything positive from you to me always truly means the most to me . I consider you as my Goddess. I love
    you, respect you and appreciate you very very much. My natural inclination is always to be good to you
    and make you happy as a fan and as a friend of yours. I have the highest value in my heart for you. I
    admit frankly that I will always love you unconditionally forever. I want to do lots of good and
    positive actions for you unconditionally. Have a nice day. your friend forever and also your fan forever

  2. Jenn says:

    Thank you,
    I’ve been following you on instagram an receiving your emails of inspiration regularly,
    Just want to say thank you, beautiful heart an soul, love your books, have them on Kindle so always with me to read,
    Your pod cast are a delight to listen to, an full of information,
    I am slowly mastering my mean girl,
    An recently due to keeping kids home from school I make sure I have me time daily,
    Loads of love.

  3. Keeley says:

    Dear Melissa, you are truly inspiring and impacting my life at the moment as I continue to try to turn things around with love in every aspect of my life. You truly are an inspiration so thank you. Much love and good health to you and your family in these uncertain times and always. X

  4. NIcolette says:

    Thank you Melissa for all your great tips that you are sharing with us . Anything which comes for you i know it’s worth reading and trying . I’ve learned so much from you and i consider you as my soul Guru . I’ve listened to all of your podcasts and love exploring into this new world of information . Thank you again with all my respect and appreciation towards you .


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