
The Moment That Changed My Life (& Income) Forever







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There are some moments that are so powerful, and that have such a lasting effect, that your entire life gets divided into “before” and “after”…

Auditioning for the Moulin Rouge was one such moment in my life… everything changed after I landed that gig.

Meeting my husband was one of those moments, for sure.

And another?

Enroling in Marie Forleo’s B-School.

If you haven’t heard of Marie, she’s a bestselling author, host of an award-winning TV show, and one of the most respected online business teachers in the WORLD. 

She’s also the creator of B-School — an online training program that teaches people how to start and grow a meaningful, profitable business…

And for me, I can quite clearly divide my life into “Before B-School” and “After B-School”.

Before B-School, I was doing work that was not lighting me up. I had no control over when or where I worked. I didn’t have much money in the bank. I was sleeping on my friend’s single fold-out bed in her lounge room. I just got dumped. My health was plummeting. I didn’t have like-minded friends. And I did NOT feel like I was living my purpose.

Fast forward to life just 6 months after completing B-School…

… I was doing work I absolutely LOVED. 

… I had complete control over my schedule. 

… I could choose where and when I worked (at home in my Lulu’s? Check! From a table in my favourite organic cafe? Check!). 

… I was earning money — including passive income — that stemmed from my own creative ideas. (It was my first real taste of financial abundance, and it was awesome.) 

… I had soul sisters, who spoke my language and cared about the same things that I did. (I didn’t even know how much I’d longed for this, until these women entered my life.)

… And I FINALLY felt like I was living my purpose, and doing the work I was put on this planet to do.

Fast forward to today, and so many of the things I’ve achieved would not have come about if I hadn’t taken the first leap with B-School — my international publishing deals for both my best selling books, my TEDx Talk, my podcast, my speaking gigs, the magazine covers I’ve appeared on, my transformational live events, the online programs and meditations I’ve poured my heart into (that bring in money while I sleep)…

… all of them are only in my life because one day, nine years ago, I decided to take the leap, go after my dreams and create my heart-centred business using Marie’s training.

So yeah, the moment when I signed up for B-School sure didn’t seem big at the time…

(In fact, I was freaking out because I’d never invested that much money in myself before.)

But holy guacamole did it change my life.

One day, nine years ago, I decided to take the leap, go after my dreams and create my heart-centred business using Marie’s training.

And now, the doors are swinging open for the *only* time in 2020. (Yep, once a year — that’s it.)

Which means now is YOUR shot to build your own thriving, heart-centred online biz, with the full support and teaching of Marie Forleo. (And me — but I’ll get to that shortly!)

If you’re drawn to the idea of creating a big-hearted business (like I have) and getting to work from anywhere in the world, having unlimited potential for income and making a global impact, then you should DEFINITELY check out B-School now… 

… just like it did for me — and for so many of my friends — signing up for B-School could be the one thing that divides YOUR life (and income) into a clear before and after.

My Unbeatable B-School Bonuses

This is my ninth year partnering with Marie — that’s how much I believe in her program.

Sign up using my special link and not only will you get access to the most valuable business training I’ve ever had the privilege of going through… 

… you’ll ALSO get an epic 4-part bonus package totally FREE, as my gift to you.

Here’s what’s included in my Unbeatable B-School Bonus Bundle — 

1. Get MENTORED BY ME during your B-School journey


You and me!

We’re going to hang out online, along with an intimate crew of like-minded souls.

Yep, sign up through me, and you’ll get SIX group coaching calls with me (one for each B-School module) where I’ll be helping you take the foundations you’ve built with Marie, rocket them to the next level, and unleash the mindset shifts necessary for epic growth.

People often ask how I grew my business so fast, and the answer is that I was mentored by people who were further ahead on the path than me, so that they could help me accelerate my growth and overcome any obstacles.

I know how transformational this kind of support can be. So I’m thrilled to be offering you this powerful group mentoring to amplify your B-School experience.

THIS is how you make huge headway. THIS is how you ensure you follow through on your promises to yourself (accountability, baby!). THIS is how you’re going to make 2020 EPIC for your new business.

(I get asked all the time if I do coaching anymore… I don’t, so this is your chance! It’s the ONLY way to get my eyes on your biz so don’t miss out!)

(Value: $858)

2. Amplify your B-School journey with my BUSINESS BOOTCAMP —

The ultimate companion to B-School, this powerhouse program perfectly complements what you learn from Marie and shows you how to take your business to the next level.

It includes masterclasses with the 3 world-class experts who helped me take my business to seven figures.

(Access to these guys alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars… but you’ll get to hear their exact tactics and strategies for FREE as part of this program.)

(Value: $997)

3. Turbocharge your business with my SOCIAL MEDIA MINI MASTERCLASS —

Want to create a heart-fuelled online presence, explode your following, and craft content like an expert influencer?

This mini masterclass will show you EXACTLY how to do it — including how to create authentic content that sounds like *you*, the secret to making the Instagram algorithm fall in love with you, and techniques to rapidly grow your public profile.

(Value: $47)

4. Go behind the scenes of my 7-figure business with ‘MY BUSINESS BACKEND SECRETS’ MASTERCLASS —

In this exclusive masterclass, you’ll get unprecedented insight into the EXACT tools, systems, software and strategies we use behind-the-scenes in my 7-figure business, so you can skip the endless research and second-guessing, and just jump straight to what works.

(This kind of no-holds-barred access to the engine room of a successful biz is unheard of. It’s the nitty-gritty stuff that no one ever talks about… yet it makes such a HUGE difference to how much — and how fast — you can grow.)

(Value $97)

All up, these Unbeatable B-School Bonuses are valued at $1,999…

But they can be yours totally FREE.

Remember, Marie only opens the doors to B-School once a year, so to take advantage of this unbeatable offer, you’ll need to act quickly…

All you have to do to secure your seat is click here to sign up for B-School using my special link.

I can’t WAIT to support you on your journey. 




P.S. I’m a proud ambassador for B-School and earn a commission if you enrol through my link. No training program has ever done more for me and my business than B-School. And I mean that literally. So I’m 110% proud to put my name behind it and partner with Marie for the ninth year running.

P.P.S. Got any questions about B-School? Drop ‘em in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer them! 

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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