Dr Stephen Cabral

Melissa’s Lab Results Revealed & Prepping for Baby #2 | Dr Stephen Cabral






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This episode kicks off with some big news that’s extremely close to my heart: I’m getting ready to start making Baby #2 a reality!

As soon as Nick and I made the decision that we were ready for another baby, our first port of call was Dr Stephen Cabral, my most trusted health adviser and mentor. His sage advice and comprehensive testing were instrumental in helping us get pregnant last time, so it was a no-brainer to call on his expertise again as we embark on this journey for a second time.

The first thing Stephen did was recommend 5 specific lab tests to evaluate my body’s readiness for conception. 

And in this extremely insightful (and deeply personal) episode, he’s going through the results of my labs live on the show.

Listen in as we walk you through each of the tests – explaining why they’re so important, how to optimize your results, and, of course, revealing the findings from my own labs (and how the results have shifted since I last did these tests).

We also dive into the protocols and health hacks that can give your biomarkers a boost, fire up your fertility, and have you primed and ready for conception and a healthy pregnancy.

I was so nervous to press record and then publish on this episode, but I’m so glad I did. This is a truly fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of our bodies, and how they prepare for something as miraculous as creating a new life. 

So whether you’re planning on a baby soon, hoping for one in the future, or just interested in understanding your body better, this is an eye-opening episode that you don’t want to miss.

About Stephen Cabral

Dr. Stephen Cabral is a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and founder of the Cabral Wellness Institute and StephenCabral.com.

At 17 years old, Stephen Cabral was diagnosed with a life-altering illness and given no hope for recovery. Everyday, he suffered endlessly for many years. It was only after Stephen traveled all over the world and discovered how to combine ancient Ayurvedic healing practices with state-of-the-art Naturopathic & Functional Medicine did he understand how to fully rebalance the body and re-energize it with life.

Today in Dr. Cabral’s online and Boston practice, where he and his team have completed over 250,000 client appointments, he uses Functional Medicine lab testing and Personalized Wellness Plans to help people rebalance their mind and body to recover from auto-immune, thyroid, fatigue, hormone, weight gain, digestive, childhood, mood, skin, and dozens of other hard to treat health conditions.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How to use intermittent fasting to optimize health (and what women need to be aware of when fasting) (03:50)
  • The most effective way to prepare your body for conscious conception and a healthy pregnancy. Plus: the first of my lab results! (06:36)
  • Why knowing your inflammation score is critical for health, healing, and fertility (10:05)
  • Why you shouldn’t get hyper-fixated on any single biomarker (I LOVE his take on this) (16:16)
  • The 4 sneaky ways that heavy metals get into our bodies (and the best way to detox them out of your system) (21:10)
  • Should you get tested for candida and fungal overgrowth? (27:51)
  • Testing for ‘Small Intestinal Bacteria Growth’ (SIBO) and steps for overcoming it. (I had SIBO for a long time, so I was very curious to hear these results!) (30:32)
  • Why the simplest health plan is usually the most effective one (35:19)
  • Little-known facts about getting pregnant and how we pass on our toxic load to our children (37:11)
  • The crucial ways that hidden food sensitivities can compromise your health and fertility (38:57)
  • How to determine what foods your body thrives on and which ones trigger unwanted reactions (43:20)
  • How to optimize your hormones for conception and pregnancy (EVERY woman needs to know this stuff) (46:41)
  • The ideal frequency to do these lab tests to stay on top of your health (51:05)

Episode resources:

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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