Mike Sherbakov - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

How To Live An Extraordinary Life With Mike Sherbakov






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I recently met Mike on my trip to Greece where we worked with the Afghanistan refugees. After that experience, we headed to Naxos and Santorini to spend a few days together, and it’s safe to say that Nick (my hubby) and Mike had a mega bromance going on! But Nick wasn’t the only one drawn to this beautiful human… Everybody wanted to be around him. It’s not every day you meet someone you feel so honored and humbled to simply be in their presence. Mike is so powerful, yet soft, grounded and purpose driven. I felt like I was in the presence of true greatness. Which is why I am so excited to share his story with you today.

Mike Sherbakov knows a thing or two about living an extraordinary life. From active duty in the United States Marine Corps to being a social entrepreneur, philanthropist, mega global adventurer, inspiring father, and creating The Greatness Foundation, his entire life is dedicated to being of service and supporting others just like you to unlock greatness.

Mike is fascinated with exploring human potential and is on a mission to positively impact one billion lives. He holds degrees in kinesiology and psychology, along with advanced certifications in fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and yoga.

Mike travels the world supporting game-changing organisations and causes, consulting for innovative start-ups, and collaborating with organisations like Fitbit and Lululemon Athletica. Committed to learning, Mike is established as an expert in the areas of social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and wellness. He inspires others to step up and choose greatness, as he passionately pursues humanitarian efforts around the globe.

If you’re craving some feel-it-in-your-bones inspiration to lift you up and rocket you forward, this conversation is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • How he went from working in the marines to being an entrepreneur, philanthropist, adventurer, and creating The Greatness Foundation (04:18)
  • Why you can sometimes be frightened of your light (not your darkness) (08:16)
  • How to live an extraordinary life (10:05)
  • The power of showing up (and why it’s so essential) (13:27)
  • The top five regrets of the dying (16:17)
  • How to find your passion and purpose in life (21:09)
  • The ideal people to surround yourself with, if you want to achieve greatness (21:53)
  • Why you need to be a student for life (23:13)
  • Why are we here on earth? (An answer that’ll make your heart soar!) (24:44)
  • Parenthood as a transformational journey (27:23)
  • The daily rituals that will change your life (30:19)
  • Why openness is the key to everything (37:25)
  • The beauty of different perspectives (40:14)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • The Greatness Foundation (website)
  • The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell (Amazon)
  • Top Five Regrets Of The Dying post (article)
  • The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware (Amazon)
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (article)
  • John Assaraf (website)
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Amazon)
  • Pat Flynn (website)
  • The Complete Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch (Amazon)
  • Neale Donald Walsch on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Lauren says:

    I LOVED this! I actually shed a little tear when you talked about living your true life. I’m currently retraining to be a beauty and massage therapist because I want to serve others and I should have always been doing it but listened to other people’s opinions too much! About to give up ‘comfortable’ for – who knows what? I’m just at the start of it – my continuous learning in something that fascinates me and actually empowers women a bit! I feel like I’m finally able to be me. Anyway – brilliant show, spoke to my heart, thank you so much! Inspired! Xx

  2. Emma Sargent says:

    Hi, I am absolutely loving ALL of your amazing podcasts. Just have a suggestion of who you could try to interview if you are interested, she would definitely be interesting and is committed to women’s health/periods naturally. You may have already heard about her. Her name is Alisa Vitti and her website and business is Flo Living. Thanks again for your podcasts- SO great! THey are all right up my alley! xxxx

  3. Ashley says:

    BEST podcast so far! So inspired. This podcast spoke so much truth to me and resonates so well with how I want to live my life. Brilliant topics, great conversation. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing so much wisdom and honesty!

  4. sharlenee says:

    This was one of my favorite episodes, it was powerful, simple and really pushed me into action. To hear Mike live passionately and professionally through love made me re-visit the core of who I am and start to focus on living with integrity to who I am. Thank you so much Melissa. I hope to cross paths with you some day. x

  5. Rachel says:

    Hi Melissa ,
    Thankyou so so much for all the amazing work you do! Especially your podcast. The content is so inspiring and I learn so much each week. I just wanted to ask about how you bless your meals? It sounds like such a beautiful ritual and I would love to include that with my little family. x

    • Thank you for your kind words, sista. It’s a very simple process… We all hold hands and close our eyes, we take 3 deep belly breaths so that we are in a calm state to digest our food. Then one of us (we take turns each night) says this prayer. ‘Bless this beautiful food we are about to eat, that you salmon for giving us your life (mention any protein), thank you veggies for nourish our bodies, thank you farmers for growing this delicious food and anyone else involved in getting this food to our plate. Thank you, daddy, for cooking such a delicious meal to nourish our temples. Blessing to everyone. Bon appetit.’ That’s it! It’s such a beautiful ritual I love. Enjoy! xx

  6. Laura says:

    Oooooh…this was such a goodie. It felt like a real confirmation for some of the ideas and concepts that I have heard / know to be true but perhaps needed to really grab hold of.

    I truly believe that nothing is a coincidence and books / podcasts come into your life when you need them and the fact that I have been reading Wayne Dyer’s book; “I can see Clearly Now” which is very much about self actualisation and then hearing Mike’s discussion on this…I know that this is a path I need to explore further. This idea of living out the life that you were supposed to live and fulfilling your life’s purpose. Maslov – consider me your new most dedicated student!!

    Thanks for another wonderful podcast Melissa!

    PS. Who knew that Mike was such a fittie too???!! Added bonus when I came off the podcast and onto the site! Wit woo!

  7. Elena Baskerville says:

    What an incredible episode, he is incredible

  8. Lauren Patterson says:

    Loved, loved and loved again.
    This podcast opened up so many thought windows.

    Thank you Melissa and Mike.

  9. Thanks Melissa and Mike for the reminder that we can all make a difference in the world in big or small ways. I love Mikes too to follow your curiosity and what you enjoy and that will lead you to your purpose and passion. After founding and running a mental health charity for 8 years and ironically getting burnt out I’m now looking for the next way to serve – and I’m going to Hive – the global leaders summit in the US for people doing good in the world in August and Mike is the MC!!!- thank you! The podcast was just the inspiration I needed to keep turning over stones – and have the courage to say hi to Mike when I see him!

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