N036 - Changing Your Mind

I Never Thought These 3 Changes Would Lead to Massive Business Success!







  1. Why cutting your losses can be great for your business ✂️
  2. Why I had to get comfortable saying yes to doing less ‍♀️
  3. The time-saving tool I was completely wrong about — and that I now swear by!


If you’re a female coach or consultant like me, & you're tired of struggling to find high-paying clients, this is for you. My team of coaches are ready to help you discover the EXACT methods I used to hit 7 figures in less than 5 months. Click Here To Apply For A Free Strategy Call >>


Ever poured your time, energy and money into something for your business, only to realize it just wasn’t right? 

Or clung to a way of doing things because it’s how you’ve always done them, then suddenly realized you need to do a complete turnaround?

I’ve been there more than once. 

It’s not easy to admit when a plan isn’t working or that a long-held belief needs a shake-up. It takes guts to say, “This isn’t working; I need to change course.”

But I do think that as entrepreneurs, this is something we should talk more about.

So today, I want to share three decisions I reversed in my business that initially felt like setbacks… but that turned out to be some of the best moves I’ve ever made. 

Let’s break them down.

#1. The Dream Office That Wasn’t Meant to Be

Eight years ago, I fell in love with the idea of having a beautiful office — a place where my team could come together, and creativity would flow as freely as the fresh green juice we’d always have on hand.

We found a gorgeous workspace in Sydney (where we lived at the time) and decked it out with stunning interiors. It was every entrepreneur’s dream… on paper.

But here’s the twist: the reality of daily commutes, fixed office hours, and the hefty overhead costs started to sink in. 

I had to be honest with myself — my dream office just didn’t fit with the flexible, dynamic vibe I wanted for my team and myself. 

We ended up cutting our losses and letting go of the lease after just six months. 

This decision freed us to return to a work-from-home model that’s been a cornerstone of our agility and success ever since.

Lesson Learned: 

No matter how much time, money, or effort you’ve invested in something, if it doesn’t align with your vision or it doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to cut your losses and walk away. 

#2. Saying Yes to Doing Less

In the early days of my business, I thought that the best way to succeed was to do everything I possibly could myself. 

But trying to ‘go it alone’ didn’t lead to success; it led to exhaustion and burnout.

Also, I’d become the bottleneck in my business, and it was slowing our growth.

I knew I needed to change my approach, so I began scouting for support people who believed in my mission as strongly as I did, and hired them to be my dream team.

It was scary at first, letting others take the reins on projects I would have normally hovered over. But this shift was a game changer, and now I can’t imagine life without my team. 

Lesson Learned: 

Having support freed up my time to focus on what really mattered, allowed me to stay in my zone of genus and let my creativity and innovation take flight. This wasn’t just good for business — it was essential for our success.

#3. Admitting I Was Wrong About AI

I used to be really resistant to using AI in my business.

Without realizing it, I’d bought into a lot of the common myths about AI, like — 

  • I thought that it would make my content sound bland, boring and soulless.
  • I thought that because my business was built on authenticity, AI could never work for me.
  • And I thought that because I’d used ChatGPT a few times with dismal results, that AI basically just “sucked”.

I’m not scared to say it: I was completely wrong!

It was Nick who convinced me that we needed to learn how to use AI properly and strategically; that we should give it a go.

So we did. 

And I’m so incredibly glad because AI has transformed the way I work.

Lesson Learned: 

When you know how to use it properly, AI is an amazing tool that can be a game-changer for your business.

It’s not just about saving time (though let’s be honest, that’s awesome.)

AI brings a level of efficiency and creativity to my business that I never thought possible. 

It’s like having an extra brain that’s always on, always ready to help, and always full of ideas. 

These days, I can’t imagine being without it.

Hot tip: If you want to know my best-ever AI secrets for saving time, tripling productivity and generating more profits, I’m sharing them all in an online challenge starting next week.  Click here to register for AI Secrets For Solopreneurs >>In this challenger, you’ll learn:  How to use AI to reclaim 10+ hours each week (even if you’re not tech-savvy), the simple system that allows you to “clone” yourself to 10x your content output and boost your engagement,  a behind-the-scenes look at the cutting-edge strategies the people you look up to online are ALREADY using to stay ahead of the game … and so much more.  The first 1,000 people to register get their ticket FREE. So if you’re interested, click to secure one of the remaining free tickets for AI Secrets For Solopreneurs >>
The Bottom Line

Changing your mind isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a superpower. It shows you’re listening, adapting, and willing to correct course for the betterment of you and your business.

So, what about you, Beautiful? Is there a decision you’re contemplating that might need a fresh perspective? 

Remember, it’s never too late to change your mind and pave a new path to success.✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #583: Unleash Your Inner Witch, Unlock Deep Healing & Manifest Your Dreams | Mia Magik

Episode #582: 5 Unexpected Ways Exercise Supercharges Your Business Success

Episode #581: How To Biohack Like a Woman | Aggie Lal

Episode #580: 7 Surprising Hacks Swiped From The Most Successful People In The World

Til next time, sending so much love,

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