
The Matrix, Meditation And Mindfulness With Carrie-Anne Moss






Photographer : Catherine Just


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Carrie-Anne Moss shot to global stardom as Trinity in the global box office smash hit, The Matrix trilogy. But this heart-centered, humble woman has not let fame and success change her. As well as being a mega Hollywood actress, she is also a mama, wife, a voice for women, and an incredible spiritual teacher. (How’s that for multi talented?!)

When I first read Carrie-Anne’s teachings and musings — over on her gorgeous website, Annapurna Living — I knew I HAD to have her on the show. Anyone who can stay as calm, centred, and conscious as she is, while still kicking butt in the crazy world of Hollywood, clearly has some potent wisdom up her sleeve.

If you’re craving some powerful inspo — particularly on how to experience remarkable freedom while living a life of success, satisfaction and nourishment — you won’t want to miss this powerful conversation.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Carrie-Anne’s discovery of her spiritual path, before she became an actress (04:52)
  • What she learned from her character Trinity in the Matrix (08:25)
  • How she dances between the masculine and feminine energy (09:17)
  • How she let’s go of guilt and nourishes her mind, body and soul (11:43)
  • The power of spiritual awareness (17:50)
  • What living through an earthquake and watching her life flash before her eyes taught her (20:00)
  • How she navigates her way through Hollywood (24:40)
  • The power of elevating others (25:35)
  • How parenting our children can inspire growth (30:18)
  • Why personal growth is the key to loving your life (32:07)
  • Managing your relationships alongside your spiritual journey (36:52)
  • Communicating effectively with your lover (42:39)
  • Why your imperfections are ‘perfect’ (46:42)
  • How to awaken through your cycle (53:09)
  • How having children and becoming a parent has changed her (56:15)
  • How to connect with the moon to supercharge your creativity and productivity (1:04:40)
  • Why she consciously chooses not to put anything toxic in or on her body (1:28:18)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Annapurna Living (website)
  • Annapurna Living on YouTube (YouTube)
  • Books by Marianne Williamson (Amazon)
  • Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan (Amazon)
  • iLuna App : iOS & Android (iOS app) (GooglePlay app)
  • Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins (Amazon)
  • Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (Amazon)
  • Nadine Artemis on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • Living Libations (website)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Abbie says:

    WOW! Listening to this conversation (podcast) was one of the most profound experience for me. When I woke up this morning I had no idea I would end the night thinking about how much I just learned from Carrie Anne Moss about mindfulness, conscious living, morning routines, abundance, and so much more. This podcast was basically a roadmap for how I aspire to live each day with vigilance.

    I am so inspired to continue to do the work I love and know that the little light I try to share with the world is something a lot more people are doing.

    Thanks for this,

  2. Justine says:

    This interview was my favourite one HANDS DOWN. I was so enthralled with Carrie- Anne’s words of wisdom that the 2 hours went by in what felt like minuets. I listened to the interview 2 times today to make sure I captured every single golden nugget. Thank you Melissa! <3

  3. PR says:

    Hi Melissa, I absolutley loved this episode it is my favorite in the series so far. Just wondering if you happen to have the link to the meditation with Carrie referenced? Thanks so much for the amazing work your doing! xx

    • Hey Phoebe, Carrie Anne has made the meditation available as a free preview here, along with one other video. You can also view the curriculum for her Inner Circle and see the free videos as previews. Enjoy! xx

  4. Michelle says:

    Beautiful podcast I loved it, thank you so much for bringing that to us. I was looking for the resource that Carrie-Anne referenced in relation to her guided meditations that she does for abundance I think it was. I am only new to meditation and find it very difficult to turn the mind off and would love to access some great guided meditations to assist. The one Carrie-Anne talked about sounded wonderful. Thank you so much xx

    • Hey Michelle, Carrie Anne has made the meditation available as a free preview here, along with one other video. You can also view the curriculum for her Inner Circle and see the free videos as previews. Enjoy! xx

  5. Bernadette says:

    Another fantastic podcast – so many great little gold nuggets of inspo!

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