Phoebe Tonkin And Teresa Palmer

Shooting For The Stars With Phoebe Tonkin And Teresa Palmer







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Living your dream life and shooting for the stars is not reserved for someone else —  someone prettier, smarter or wealthier. Oh no my sweet friend, it’s reserved for you! I believe the difference between why some people are living their dream life and why some people aren’t is courage.

Those people who are taking the steps every day toward the life of their dreams are constantly staring their Mean Girl in the face and saying, ‘I see you but I am not going to let you win’. This takes courage and bravery, something Phoebe Tonkin and Teresa Palmer embody wholeheartedly.

Recently when I was in LA, I had the pleasure of chatting with these two Aussie actresses and creators of Your Zen Life.

These ladies are the real deal! They’re super inspiring and undoubtedly walk their talk. I love what they have created with Your Zen Life and how passionate they are about helping their readers learn about health and wellness so that they too can live their best life. But most importantly, I love how courageous and brave they are. Just like all of us they too have Mean Girls they battle it out with every single day, and in spite of that they still show up fully and completely, which is why I love them and their message so much.

In this interview with Phoebe Tonkin and Teresa Palmer, you’ll learn…

  • The girls’ daily rituals that help them thrive and glow.
  • The best way to juggle all the different hats us ladies wear.
  • Why it’s so essential to make self-care a priority (and how they each make it happen in their own lives).
  • How to unlock your passion in life and follow it without fear.
  • How to start a blog (and why it’s been such an important part of their journey).
  • The secret to managing social media without going insane!
  • The power of switching off and taking a break from technology and media.
  • How to deal with haters.
  • Plus loads more.

If these girls can follow their dreams, then so can you sweetheart. Remember no one is more special than anyone else, we are all one and all created equal. God, the Universe, Love, Buddha — whatever you believe in — didn’t give out differing doses of ‘special-ness’ when we were birthed into this world. Whenever you see someone else kicking goals and doing amazing things it’s a beautiful example of the limitless potentiality that lives inside you too. So it’s time to quit renting that penthouse in Fear Town and shoot for the stars, gorgeous. And there’s no time like the present. GO FOR IT!

Courage and bravery are the foundations for living your dream life.

Like I mentioned in the interview, when I am next in LA the girls and I will keep the conversation going and shoot for round two, so if you have any questions you’d love to hear their take on, please leave them below in the comments.

Before we go, I’m itching to know — what was your biggest takeaway from this gorgeous chat? Share with me in the comments below. And remember, beautiful souls from all over the world come here for daily inspiration, so open your heart and share your truth — it might be that one little insight that sparks massive shifts in someone’s life.

P.S. Did you find this interview helpful? Share it with your besties, your mama or even your boyfriend — anyone you think needs a little extra encouragement on the path to living their dreams.

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  1. Amanda says:

    I loved this interview Mel! Phoebe and Teresa are beautiful and I love their website. Thanks for giving me a dose of inspiration this morning when I really needed it xxx

  2. Marcella says:

    COURAGE! Yay, and permission sometimes, too? Xo

  3. Rosie McCarthy says:

    Loved the interview Mel. In particular, loved the emphasis on cyber bullying and the way people have been treating others online. One of my first blog posts was about this and the behaviour I will and won’t tolerate within my online presence. It is so important for people to feel safe when they are putting themselves out there, reaching out for guidance and being completely vulnerable. I truly hope that the girls are right and in 10 years time we will look back on it as something terrible that used to happen and that has been fixed!
    Loving The Goddess Group on demand, can’t wait for your next one. Such a good option for those who can’t be there live in Sydney. Would highly highly recommend it to anyone thinking about it.
    As always you are an inspiration, thank you for all you do.
    Love Rosie xxx

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much beautiful Rosie.

      I guess there is always going to be people who don’t agree with you and that’s ok. Our job is to not let it affect us. That’s the place I want to get to. Imagine a place where we all spoke freely without fear of being judged, what a world 😉


  4. Kate says:

    Thanks Melissa for the motivation and encouragement to chase your dreams, because we all can!

  5. Wholesome says:

    Thanks for connecting with these lovely ladies and sharing this wonderful interview!

    It’s so awesome they’re such down to earth Australian ladies <3 Lots of knowledge gems in the interview too!

    Most ladies I know need constant reminders to remember to think of themselves and make time for self care.

    It's beautiful to be reminded that when you become more aware of what you need to blossom in the world, you're more likely to take the actions in accordance to achieving what your heart desires. Self love is so key <3

    Thanks, Melissa!

    • Melissa says:

      100% honey couldn’t agree more. Once you know what it is that you love it’s all about taking inspired action baby! 😉


  6. What a beautiful and inspiring interview. It is so nice to hear little reminders about taking time out for yourself. My first baby is due today actually, so hearing about taking 20 minutes a day or myself after bub arrives is something I will hold onto and implement.xx

    • Melissa says:

      It’s so important honey. Remember if you want to be the best muma you can be you have to fill yourself up first.

      Good luck with your pregnancy darling. I am sending you so much love and good vibes.


  7. Felicity says:

    I LOVED this interview Melissa – it was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you xx

  8. Tanya Doherty says:

    Love it Melissa, your all so inspiring! xx

  9. Emma jean Jean says:

    Loved this interview beautiful Mel. It’s so lovely to hear how these wonderful woman are thriving and how passionate they are. I’m loving the reminders I get through all the things you share and write and also I’m absolutely loving being part of the Get your Glow On tribe!!! Love you so much!
    Lots of love,
    Emma xx

    • Melissa says:

      We LOVE having you Em. Thank you so much for showing up for you, and committing to being your best self. The world needs you 😉

      Love you.


  10. Cayla says:

    I loved this so much, my favourite part was when you spoke about the importance of self love, and the focus on the love and acceptance you need from yourself rather then focusing on what others think of you. This has come up a lot for me recently and I am so grateful that this video was delivered to me in this time and this place. Thank you so much Melissa, and just by the way, your camera personality is amazing. You glow on and off camera. So much love and light to you and your little pop up at the end made me smile haha your just a ball of pure light and joy!

    Love you so much,
    Cayla xx

    • Melissa says:

      HAHAHA I believe you gotta have fun in life and not take yourself too seriously.

      See you on Saturday darling.


  11. Pippa says:

    What a cliffhanger 🙂 Really looking forward to part two whenever it happens – what a good excuse to go back travelling to LA Melissa 🙂
    This gorgeous chat reminded me of the Goddess Group on Tuesday and focussing on self love first – love it!! Thank you so much xo

  12. lisa says:

    LOVE this! Have loved these beauties for years! Would looove to know more about their health / wellness / beauty routines. Favorite recipes, if they follow a specific way of eating, what skincare products they use, what they do for exercise and how they stay so GLOWY 🙂 Thanks for being an inspiration Melissa, and for shining light and inspiration outwards through yourself & other like minded humans! xxx L

  13. Antonia says:

    Hi Melissa,
    this interview was AMAZING! Awesome!
    I totally agree that you can have multiple passions.
    I would like to know about their favourite apps, inspiring blogs, books and morning routines.
    Thank you.
    love and light

  14. Georgia says:

    haha love the pop-up at the end!
    Great interview Mel.
    What awesome and inspiring young women! Look forward to part two.
    G x

  15. toni says:

    Melissa! This was so fantastic, thank you for introducing me to Your Zen Life. Your beauty & soul shone along with these 2 lovely Hollywood actors. You’re a star!!!

  16. Amanda says:

    This was an awesome interview. I have two children, 8 and 13, and couldn’t agree more that you need at least a little time each day for yourself. I love my kids to death, but I must have a little time to regroup and get my head back on straight. I can’t wait to here the second part of the interview.

  17. Erika says:

    This interview was amazing! My biggest take away was that haters are gonna hate but we shouldn’t let it effect us from putting our work out into the world. There are always going to be people who say not so nice things because they themselves are hurting, but to be able to not take it personally is something that I’m currently working on. Thanks so much for sharing this video! I absolutely adore your blog!

    Thank you,

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much Erika, I adore you too 😉

      You’re exactly right honey people are always going to have their opinion and that’s ok. All that matters is how we truly feel about ourselves. This is the key!


  18. Elaine Argaet says:

    The wake up call that presented itself was ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ What a challenge!

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