Melissa & Nick Ep 429

Workouts We Swear By, Dental Hygiene Hacking, Essential Supplements, Reducing Anxiety & More | Melissa & Nick






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Q&A is back, baby!

You guys sent us a heap of epic questions, and as usual, we’ve pulled no punches when it comes to answering them as honestly, vulnerably and transparently as possible.

From health, fitness, weight loss, supplements and biohacks, right through to new music, Nick’s upcoming novel, and the crypto system that’s changing our lives, we venture far and wide in this juicy, inspiring, strategy-packed conversation.

Tune in to hear how both of us broke the cycle of trashing our bodies and began loving them instead, our number one tip for optimum wellness, why the health of your teeth and gums is crucially important (it goes SO much deeper than just a glowing smile!), the simple rituals that have given us the biggest shift in our happiness levels, our best-ever tip for creating generational wealth (and exactly how to get started) and so much more.

We love doing these episodes, and we hope you enjoy all the practical tips, honest feedback, and behind-the-scenes insights we pack into them. If you want to submit your own burning Q for next time, be sure to follow me on Instagram — @melissaambrosini — and keep an eye out for our next question poll.

So if you want to learn how to be the best version of yourself ever, hear the routines and biohacks that are rocking our world right now, and discover our genius tips for how to feel more joy in your daily life, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we talk about:

  • A sneak peek into our favorite farmer’s market breakfast, plus Nick’s latest diet experiment (01:45)
  • The amazing inspiration behind Nick’s upcoming novel (This story is incredible!) (05:14)
  • The ‘tipping point’ that led us to stop trashing our bodies (and how to turn your own health around *without* waiting for rock bottom) (14:09)
  • Why we’re obsessed with dental hygiene, why taking care of your oral health is so crucial, and the life-changing dental habits we swear by (20:36)
  • The workouts that are giving us big results right now (and how finding an exercise routine you love is the best fitness hack of all time) (29:39)
  • My personal journey with anxiety, and what I do to prioritise my mental health (39:12)
  • The biohacks and supplements that are currently blowing our socks off (if you’re looking to dial up your health to the next level, you’ll love these cutting-edge techniques) (47:03)
  • The daily rituals and practices we use to stay powerfully present and squeeze massive amounts of joy out of life (54:47)
  • Trying to lose weight? Why taking a loving approach could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for (59:21)
  • The truth about dietary gums (including xanthan gum, guar gum, and locust bean gum) (01:04:17)
  • Our views on the vaccine (1:09:05) 

Episode resources:

  • Comparisonitis (book)
  • The Plan (website)
  • 9 Longevity Secrets From The World’s Healthiest People | Dan Buettner (podcast)
  • 1 Giant Mind (app)
  • Melissa Ambrosini | Insight Timer (website)
  • Kicking Gum Disease, Glowing Skin And Sun Secrets With Nadine Artemis (podcast)
  • Noosa Basics (website)
  • doTERRA Essential Oils (website)
  • Living Libations (website)
  • Essential Oil Wizardry (website)
  • Primal Life Organics | LED Teeth Whitening System (website)
  • Primal Life Organics | Dirty Mouth Toothpowder (website)
  • Theragun (website)
  • Kettlebell Lifestyle (website)
  • Paul Chek (website)
  • Perfect Aminos (website)
  • What We Eat In A Day, Our Food Philosophy & Our Morning & Night Routines | Melissa & Nick (podcast)
  • Itovi (website)
  • OMD: The simple, plant-based program to save your health and save the planet by Suzy Amis Cameron (book)
  • Hydrogen Health – Use the code ‘Melissa’ to get 20% off (website)
  • Megahome Water Distiller (website)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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