Dr Eric Zielinski - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

The Power Of Essential Oils With Dr Eric Zielinski






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What are essential oils? How do they interact with our bodies? What are the practical ways we can integrate them into our lives for optimal wellness? Today, more than ever, we are hearing more and more about essential oils and just how magical these powerful gifts from the earth are. Despite them being in the spotlight however, it’s not every day that you come across someone in the public health sphere who’s an essential oils guru, but the wildly popular Dr Eric Zielinski specializes in the therapeutic use of essential oils, so I knew I had to have him on the show!

Achieving true health is not an easy task. For many people, it might be easier to pop a pill or push aside lingering discomfort in favor of finishing everything on your to-do list. But Dr Z (as he is commonly known) says there is a different way and is passionate about showing people how to make their health a priority with Mother Nature’s medicine. Essential oils can be the natural solution for an infinite number of physical, emotional and spiritual issues, so if you want to learn about the best essential oils from a true research backed expert, and how to live a toxic free life, this episode is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • His journey from chiropractor to essential oils guru (04:08)
  • What are essential oils and why are they so powerful (06:47)
  • Why understanding dilution is imperative (10:06)
  • The top things you must know before you start using plant extracts (11:43)
  • Why bio-individuality is key when using oils (11:54)
  • The many ways you can use the oils in your everyday life (21:47)
  • How oils can help boost your health and happiness (23:47)
  • You won’t believe these products that use essential oils! (28:38)
  • The best oils for women (41:31)
  • The most harmonising oils to combat stress (41:38)
  • How to become obsessed with oils (42:47)
  • How to use aromatic anchors in your life (49:50)
  • Oils for meditation and spirituality (51:24)
  • How and why you need to control your home environment and how to create a home wellness sanctuary (56:40)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

If you would like to join our essential oil family and have Nick and I personally mentoring you on our own Path To Freedom head here now. You don’t just get oils, you are part of a tribe of like-minded people all on the Path To Freedom together. 

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Renee Gerstner-Stevens says:

    Thank you for this conversation. Ahh, such beautiful words, wisdom & ways to love ourselves & life with essential oils.
    Doctor Z is such an inspiring man who is practicing genuine love for all he has & because of his path to today his insight is truthful.
    I have a passion & love for essential oils because of all their goodness & natural ability to enrich us.
    Thank you for this fantastic interview.

  2. Suzie says:

    Gosh, I loved this episode! Absolute perfect timing too, I spent yesterday afternoon researching essential oils and trying to find a good place to start and woke to your email about this podcast this morning! Definitely feeling like I have some direction now! xx

  3. Jessica says:

    So wonderful to hear a guest (finally!) who doesn’t have a morning routine due to smaller children. My little 20 month old wakes around 5:30am and I really struggle to find a routine that includes some “me” time. I have to constantly remind myself that this is only a phase in my life and that she needs me at this moment. As she slowly begins to wake later, I hope to get up before her and formulate my own morning routine to be the best mother for her and the best partner for my husband.

  4. Isabel says:

    Hi, amazing podcast! I’m so passionate about essential oils!
    You always ask suggestions for other guests on your podcast, what about Violet Gray Design to chat about crystals, gemstones and their healing capacity?! That would be so cool!

  5. Kasey Willson says:

    Loved it! Thank you beautiful X

  6. Mandy says:

    I was trying to download the dilution chart for essential oils but it says it’s not there after you enter your name and email

  7. Saskia Coley says:

    Loved this episode, perfect timing for me to hear it. I tried the link for the dilution chart but wasnt able to download. Oh no! I’m researching safe use of EO at the mo so this was perfect. Thanks Melissa. I love your show! xx

  8. Susan says:

    Loved the podcast!! I’ve been trying to download the dilution chart that you linked to but its not working? Any ideas??
    I love essential oils and use them daily but have always wondered about dilution!

    Thanks heaps for all you do!

    Love Suze.

  9. Kimberley Ellmers says:

    Thanks for the podcast Melissa and Dr Z – It was really informative and beautiful to listen to. I’m aware of the brand Doterra for essential oils – Is there any other brands available in Australia you would recommend? Thanks in advance xx

  10. Nicole says:

    Thank you Melissa for this wonderful podcast, as always a very inspiring podcast and full of knowledge.
    I am wondering what brands of essential oils are recommended by Dr Z as he mentions that 75% of the products out there are bad. I live in Denmark and its not always easy to source ‘alternative’ products here. Love Nicole

  11. Bernadette says:

    Hi Melissa I absolutely loved this episode – so much great info and now I want to get me some amazing essential oils! Love your work!

  12. Chantel says:

    Really enjoyed this episode Melissa. Thank you for sharing and continuing to inspire x
    Look forward to the new book.

  13. Grace says:

    Just wondering what brand of oils to buy as he said a lot are fake, would really apprieciate before i buy the wrong ones! 🙂

  14. This is another amazing podcast Melissa – I have listened to this 3 times already and have oils burning now – plus stopped along the way to make a body oil for myself. Thanks again for bringing all of these incredible people into my life – you are beautiful in every way xx Michelle

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