
The Most Overlooked Secret For Sexy Skin With Jasmina Aganovic






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Most people know that their skin is an organ — the body’s largest, in fact. And more people are becoming aware of just how much their skin absorbs (hint: everything you put on it!). But did you know that there’s a full-blown ecosystem of tiny bacteria that live on your skin too?

Healthy skin is meant to have a flourishing microbiome. But because most beauty and personal care products are full of toxic chemicals, not only are we upsetting the delicate pH balance of our epidermis (and wreaking havoc inside our bodies at the same time), we’re also decimating our skin’s natural bacterial colonies… which can have major health ramifications, and make it impossible to get the clear, dewy skin we all crave.

That’s why Jasmina Aganovic and the team at Mother Dirt have created the first ever ‘biome-friendly’ product line that proactively restores and preserves the good bacteria naturally found on our skin.

All Mother Dirt products are preservative-free, kid safe and allow consumers to choose products that don’t negatively impact the natural state of their skin or the planet.

If you want answers to your skin issues (and want to find out how to get sexy, glowing, flawless skin) this episode is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • What common skin issues such as eczema, acne, dry and flaky skin, sensitivity, blotchiness, roughness, oiliness, and body odor really mean and how you can prevent them (03:59)
  • The true impact that toxic beauty and skin products are having on your health and why you need to ditch them (05:34)
  • Why your skin microbiome is just as important as your gut microbiome and how you can preserve it for glowing skin (07:31)
  • Why being too clean may being doing you more harm than good (11:24)
  • What ‘ammonia oxidising bacteria’ (aka AOB’s) are and why they are so important for sexy skin (12:44)
  • Why we should be mindful of what we’re putting in our body (14:41)
  • Why sweating is important (30:14)
  • How you can spend less time and money on beauty and skin products and still have sexy skin (32:58)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Mother Dirt Products. (website)
  • The Dirt on Clean by Katherine Ashenburg (Amazon)
  • Think Dirty App on Android and iOS

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Naomi says:

    Hi Melissa,
    Thanks for another great podcast today! Just a quick question, can we buy the mother dirt products anywhere here in Australia or is just through their website? Thanks again, I’m looking forward to trying their products, sounds amazing! xxx

  2. Kaitlyn says:

    I found that really fascinating! I too have a very simple skincare regime & often have people asking what I do….I don’t do much haha!

  3. Giorgia says:

    Thanks for this podcast, Melissa! I am a skincare junkie, always looking for better ways to take care of my skin. This brand sounds so exciting, I will definitely check it out.

  4. Kirsty Dowding says:

    Great podcast I learnt a lot & this was super interesting. Do you know if you can buy these products in NZ?

  5. Isabel says:

    Ah!! I love this podcast so much. Her knowledge is so rich! – Interesting that she talked about getting rid of the good as well as the bad each time we use products; makes me realise how simple we need to keep it, and also that we need to be switched on with what we are using!

    Thinking of our skin as having an ecosystem creates a mind change! … everything we do to it is either helping or hurting us and our immune system! And it makes sense that the coping response is for our skin is to defend itself … and therefore breakout etc. Wow!

    So thankful for people like you both who really take the time to dig deep and find out simple truths such as these!

    I love that you talk about why our skin health is just as important for us as our gut health!! … of course! Because it’s our biggest organ and needs protecting! You’re so right!

    I would absolutely love to try MotherDirt skincare products! So hoping to get the chance to treat my skin to their goodness.

    I love this! Thank you both so much!~

    Issy x

  6. Nicola says:

    These are way out of my price range. I will wait until they are available in australia so don’t have to pay shipping! For now i’ll just keep using natural products and try not to wash too often! very insightful podcast though, thank you!

  7. Marcella says:

    Hey Melissa, thanks for this episode. This is a subject I’ve been researching a lot lately. I loved hearing about the skin biodome from you and Jasmine, so interesting! One step I hear about a lot but wasn’t included in Jasmina’s regimen is exfoliation, can you shed some light on that? Is that an example of an uneccesssary step? Thank you!

    • Hey Marcella, I guess everyone is different. Do you feel your skin needs exfoliation? If yes, then go for it. Mine doesn’t so I don’t do it but again everyone is different. I hope that helps honey. xx

  8. Charlie says:

    Hi Melissa, I LOVE your podcasts. I am intrigued with beauty routines and moving over to natural products. Though I have no idea how to reduce what I use! Could you please let me know what the items were that you travel with/use daily e.g. cleanser, moisturiser etc? And do you really just wear mascara, powder and blush everyday? What brand do you use? Many thanks and I’m sure a lot of people would love to know! 🙂

  9. Amanda Parker says:

    Hi Melissa! Thank you so much for this amazing podcast!! I am presently transitioning from conventional to organic thanks to yourself and Emmily. I could not be more greatful to have come across you both. Magic Dirt sounds incredible and I cannot wait to try it! Much love ❤️

  10. Eloise says:

    A lovely podcast – thank you! I wonder if you have any recommendations as to organic fake tans?

  11. Mia says:

    looking forward to trying these – very interesting listen! loved it. in regards to water filters, which do you recommend? thanks <3

  12. Yogi says:

    Hi Melissa

    I have absolutely loved this episode. I have never even thought about the good or bad bacteria on my skin and how it impacts me but after listening to your podcast and especially this one, I really want to start making a slow transition towards natural beauty products, self-care and self-love! I have recently started (or I should say trying!) to meditate. I am in a process of healing and become the best version of myself.

    Thanks you again so much <3 xxx

  13. Fiona says:

    So interesting, Thanks Melissa.

    Would love to purchase however AUS$80 for postage very expensive especially when starting you need to purchase monthly.

    Can you update when these products are actually available or we have an Australian stockist?

    Many thanks


    • Amanda Smith says:

      I was about to purchase too but the postage price is so much! Would love to know if there is / going to be and Australian stockist

  14. Amanda says:

    Hi Melissa, that was a very insightful podcast, thank you so much for sharing. I am struggling with breakouts on my left jawline and have been trying everything available to fix it. I will certainly look into a more natural/organic way to treat it. for your skin at the moment, do you see a facialist or dermatologist here in Sydney? x

  15. Gayna says:

    Well done Melissa such a fantastic podcast. I commute 3 hours each day and listening to your podcasts each day has lifted my spirits and filled me with such great information, thank you, you’re awesome

  16. Isabella says:

    Hey Melissa! I absolutely love your podcasts and your life philosophy, you are such an inspiring woman!! After listening to this podcast I have started to look at every ingredient I am putting into and on my body and I am so inspired to cut down on my beauty routine!!
    I just had one quick question to ask you- I use tea tree oil before my shower to clean off any dirt on my face. I also have a few pimples and find it works quite well in managing them. I have also read though that tea tree oil has antibacterial properties.. would this mean that it is potentially bad for my skin micro-biome?

    • Hey Isabella, I am not 100% sure on this one. Best thing to do is email Jasmina or anyone at Mother Dirt and get their opinion as they are the experts. Sorry I couldn’t help more angel.xxx

  17. Alex says:

    Hi Mel, like you I barely put anything on my face. I was lucky enough to have a mum who never let me use any cleansers no matter how many times I asked, wanting to be like my friends, and I rarely use makeup. I wash my face every morning and night, and use sunblock and a light moisturizer every day and rosehip oil at night. This seems to work for my skin but I do feel my face is super tight and dry after washing and am now wondering if I should be doing this as much as I am? Any advice would be amazing. And one more thing- do you use sunblock? I live in NZ and we have an amazing local brand called Snowberry, I use their sunblock but don’t think its completely natural or organic. Thanks again for another fab podcast! Can’t get enough. Alex xxx

    • Hey Alex, if your face feels tight I personally don’t think that is a good thing. Try cutting back and see if that helps. In regards to sunblock, I would 100% make sure you are using an organic and natural brand. Emmily Banks from Depths Of Beauty is your go-to gal for which brands are best as I am not sure. Sending love angel. xx

  18. Montanna says:

    Loved this podcast! But lets be real, I’ve quickly become addicted to all of yours! They are so great! Ive been trying to get rid of the numerous products I have and reduce to only a few products. I do feel that my skin needs some extra love when it comes it the sun. I am looking for one that I would use daily. I was just wondering if you have any suggestions of a body and face moisturizer with sun protection in it. Even separate products would do! Or do you have any other suggestions on sun and skin care?
    Thank you!

  19. Alie says:

    I’m also all about less is more! I like to moisturise and add a bit of blush. I wondered if you have any recommendations for organic make up brands i.e blush, mascara?

    Also curious to know which natural deodorants you have (on the days you need it!)


  20. Genevieve says:

    Hi Melissa, I listened to this podcast on Friday and have spent much of my weekend thinking about it. I’m so intrigued that I’ve ordered the mist, shampoo and cleanser.

    I’ve been searching your other podcast comments and I see that you don’t use a hair straightener or hair dryer (save in winter). I do this too but my hair could be a bit nicer. Have you found the mist to help with your hairs appearance?

    Also, have you stopped using conditioner? Do you ever use mousturiser? (I know you’ve said previously you’ve used coving oil – man I love that stuff!)

    • Hey Genevieve, thanks for listening. I haven’t tried the mist on my hair so I can’t comment but I have found the healthy I get the better my hair looks. I sometimes use conditioner and no at the moment I don’t use moisturizer as I don’t feel my skin needs it. I hope that helps angel. Let me know if you have any other questions. xx

  21. Grace says:

    What is a good shower filter to buy? There’s heaps online but you cant believe everything you read!! Any brands that stand out to you? Xx

  22. Kristin Clemens says:

    Hey Melissa! I’m a newer listener too for podcasts and I’m always so inspired!! This podcast definitely hit close to home for me recently as I am dealing with a new skin rash and pimples from various things I’ve tried to help the rash. I’m definitely going to have to look into mother dirt! I did have a question about shaving though! I am all about spending as little time in the shower as possible but shaving takes forever! Any tips or products you use to help with that and protect your skin at the same time?

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