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Now more than ever, we’re seeking answers. We’re hungry for truth. Our souls and spirits are craving more — more meaning, more connection, more awakening…

So in this podcast, we’re doing something radical: we’re rewinding the clock. 

Because today’s guests, Gregory Martin and Jihii Jolly, have a powerful message. They say that the knowledge, answers and peace we seek — along with real solutions to real-life problems — can be found not by turning to the newest tech or the latest trendy healing modality… but by tapping into 3,000 years of Buddhist wisdom.

If you’ve been aching for a divinely simple way to steer your life towards what REALLY matters and uncover the REAL you, then you’re going to love this hugely inspiring episode about finding miracles, inner peace, and full-blown transformation in the most unexpected of places.

Gregory Martin is co-author of the best-selling book, The Buddha in Your Mirror: Practical Buddhism and the Search for Self, which has been translated into 5 languages with some 500,000 copies in print. He is also the former publisher and spokesperson for SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death. Retired former vice president of publishing and study for SGI-USA Buddhist organization, he is also a professor in the SGI Nichiren Buddhist tradition, lecturing and writing for much of his 50 years of practice. Greg holds a BS degree in Environmental Science from Rutgers University. He is married, a father of two and grandfather of two, and lives in Aliso Viejo, California.

Jihii Jolly hosts the popular podcasts Buddhability and Buddhist Solutions for Life’s Problems, both of which unpack practical Buddhist insights through the stories of practitioners from her own community of SGI Nichiren Buddhists across the U.S. A multimedia journalist and graduate of the Columbia Journalism School, her work focuses on media, culture and religion. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, Tricycle, and Pacific Standard among others. She was born in India, raised in New York, and currently lives in NYC with her husband.

So, sweet friend, if you want to discover the miracle-making chant that works for everyone (whether they believe in it or not!), if you want to learn why changing the world starts with changing yourself, and if you want to discover practical steps to develop your inner ‘Buddhability’, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The powerful mantra that puts you in complete alignment with the Universe and helps you call in miracles (02:57)
  • Think that chanting is just for monks? Hear the amazing ways that chanting can transform your life (11:04)
  • How Buddhism can ignite the path for human evolution and enlightenment (15:03)
  • Jihii’s incredible journey of transformation (and the unexpected way that chanting helped her create massive change in her life) (22:27)
  • The step-by-step guide on how to chant (and how to avoid the common mistakes that so many people make when starting out) (27:53)
  • Why Greg’s relationships with himself underwent a massive overhaul (and how you can rewrite your relationship with yourself too) (32:53)
  • How discovering what you’re truly capable of can unleash your hidden superpowers (38:56)
  • Why cultivating creativity and flexibility is essential for life on planet earth (45:53)
  • The inner work they are both doing right now to be the best version of themselves (and how Buddhism is helping them along the way) (51:14)

Episode resources:

  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • The Buddha in Your Mirror by Greg Martin (book)
  • Jihii Jolly (website)
  • Buddhability (podcast)
  • Buddhability (website)
  • Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen (book)
  • Discussions on Youth by Daisaku Ikeda (book)
  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth & Death by Daisaku Ikeda (book)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Karen says:

    Melissa *** Thank you so so much for airing this podcast! I’m a practicing Buddhist of over 40 yrs and found out about you and this particular episode through another Buddhist friend. I know of Jihii and met Greg many years ago. The first thing I did before listening to your podcast was to post the link on my fb page. I knew it wouldn’t require screening.

    From ordinary to extraordinary…..not the power to leap tall buildings with a single bound but to bring happiness to human beings and peace to our planet. That is the most powerful leap we can take.

    I look forward to hearing about your own experience and the outcomes of your “test”. Matter of fact, I’d love to hear about the experiences of your listeners who may have decided to try chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Based on your own experience would you be open to a sequel named “Take the Challenge” for instance, for your listeners?

    It was wonderful discovering your podcast and I wish you the best of success.

  2. Beth says:

    Thank you, Melissa. Wonderful podcast. I know Greg Martin from the early days of my practice. 20 years for me. I do it because it works. I have changed so much in my life and will continue until my last breath. Do try it. You will be surprised at the results.

  3. Kerstin says:

    Thank you, Melissa, for airing this podcast. I am a Nichiren Buddhist in San Francisco, CA who needed an inspiration to get practicing and setting determinations again. I have been lax for the past two months or so. I am excited about getting back to chanting tomorrow am. I am going to start writing my goals tonight. As a Buddhist leader, I really needed a pick-up. All 3 of you gave that to me. I will also listen more often to Jihii’s Buddhability podcast.

  4. John Maberry says:

    I’ve known Greg for a very long time! I’ve been practicing Buddhism for nearly 45 years. One of my favorite Greg Martin quotes that I share is “let someone else bring the Buddha to work; you bring the Buddha.” I can’t recall how many times I’ve used the famous line from Mick Jagger, “you can’t always get what you want . . .” I came up with that one on my own many years ago.
    This was a VERY great interview with him and Jihii Jolly. I got some new kernels of wisdom to share with others. I try my best to encourage others on my websites and my book “Waiting for Westmoreland, a memoir, The path from Vietnam to enlightenment.”
    So happy to hear you are on the case, pursuing your challenge of the practice of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to bring the power of Buddhism into your daily life. You won’t be sorry!

  5. Linda Burke says:

    Hi Melissa!
    What a wonderful episode! Thank you for chatting with Greg and Jihii. I have been a SGI member since 1984, and it has helped me change my life on so many levels. The challenge of Human Revolution has helped me to show actual proof in every area of my life. There is nothing like it!

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