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When someone tells you that you can reboot your metabolism and teach your body how to burn fat as your main fuel source, it’s safe to say they’d capture your attention, yeah? Well, what if they said that they could teach you how to do all that in just 21 days, and that the effects would last FOREVER? Sounds almost too good to be true, right? But today’s podcast guest, Mark Sisson — from leading Paleo blog Mark’s Daily Apple — assures us that it’s not only possible, it’s 100% achievable, and he’s here to tell us how.

Mark is a lion in the world of Paleo and primal health. A former world-class endurance athlete, he’s become one of the leading voices of the Evolutionary Health Movement and has dedicated his life to helping others reach optimal health and performance.

With his unconventional — but extremely effective — approach to health, he has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge accepted wisdom on all aspects of diet, exercise and lifestyle, inspiring them to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. (And at 64 years of age, completely ripped, and bouncing with energy, you can tell that Mark is someone who walks their talk… and that his talk absolutely works!)

So if you are ready to unleash copious amounts of energy, kickstart your metabolism, and become a fat burning machine forever, Holy Smokes are you going to love this episode.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Mark’s journey from endurance athlete to where he is today (05:19)
  • Whether the keto diet is actually right for you (09:33)
  • What is metabolic flexibility and why you NEED to know about it (12:12)
  • How to ditch carbohydrate dependency and become a fat burning beast for good (12:58)
  • Mark’s ultimate ‘how to’ for getting into ketosis — including the ideal times to train and eat (15:23)
  • The importance of bio-individuality when it comes to your diet and health (19:54)
  • How sleep and stress affect your metabolic rate and ability to burn fat (you do NOT want to miss what he has to say here!) (25:25)
  • The ideal amount of time we need to sleep (29:20)
  • Why play is the key to happiness (30:49)
  • How to eat from a place of love, not fear (and why this is a game-changing mindset shift) (37:32)
  • How he deals with stress (47:49)
  • What (the eff!) is ‘forest bathing’ and why Mark says you should do it every day (49:16)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson (Amazon)
  • MarksDailyApple.com  (website)
  • The Keto Reset Diet by Mark Sisson (Amazon)
  • Kitchen Intuition by Devyn Sisson (Amazon)
  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. LOVED this episode! Great questions Melissa! I found it very interesting how everyone’s bodies are so unique in how many carbs they need. I loved Mark’s inspiring approach and can’t wait to read his book! I got so many good tips from this episode! Thank you so much!

  2. Dona Winger says:

    I am just starting to follow Mark Sisson. I have his new book that I’m going to have to look at more closely now. The thing that most surprised me about this interview is his book recommendation, Atlas Shrugged. It is one of my favorites as well, but not often highly regarded in progressive circles. It’s like a book recommending a person! I look forward to your podcast every week. Well done.

  3. […] One of my favorite, most influential entrepreneurs + minds + health advocates is Mark Sisson. Mark has many accolades at this point, but I know him from his blog, Mark’s Daily Apple, his brands Primal Blueprint and this one (Primal Kitchen), and have also heard him on the Melissa Ambrosini Podcast. […]

  4. […] enjoy listening to Primal Blueprint founder Mark Sisson talk about all thing nutrition and health. This podcast with Melissa Ambrosini is my favorite thus far, I’d highly recommend listening to it for a deeper look into what the […]

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