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What would you do if you met someone who had been through huge adversity; from a broken back, to terminal cancer, through to addiction, post traumatic traumatic stress and depression, but managed to come out the other side with a tonne of grace and wisdom? I can tell you what I’d do: ask as many questions (and soak up as many lessons) as possible!

And that’s exactly what I did with today’s podcast guest, Bhava Ram (formerly known as Brad Willis).

Bhava’s story is incredible. He went from being a front-line journalist and war correspondent for NBC (winning the Alfred I. duPont award for his work, which is like winning the Pulitzer Prize) to hitting rock bottom with overwhelming and terminal health issues, through to becoming a head-standing yogi with a brand new outlook on life. This is a man who has truly been through it all and came out the other end to serve.

I was introduced to Bhava by my husband and have been forever changed! He has impacted both our lives in a profound way. In fact, the work that he did with Nick before we got together really cracked Nick’s heart open nice and wide, ready for me.

Get ready for some serious inspiration and wisdom, because it comes hard and fast!

In this episode we chat about:

  • How he went from being a Type A over-achiever to a yogi (and what it’s like to completely step into a new identity) (05:53)
  • The dark demons that visited him in the rehabilitation center (14:17)
  • How he healed from cancer, a broken back, depression, addiction and traumatic stress (21:21)
  • How waking up early helped Bhava heal his body (this story is insane!) (23:58)
  • How Bhava’s doctor reacted to his healing (26:56)
  • Essential daily habits for anyone craving healing and transformation (28:11)
  • Who the best guru on the planet is and why you need to listen to them (29:41)
  • The power of mantra to manifest an abundance of health, wealth and love in your life (37:05)
  • How Bhava deals with fear when it comes up today (I love these tips!) (39:51)
  • The biggest contributing factor to your growth and evolution (and it’s not what you think) (51:40)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Warrior Pose: How Yoga (Literally) Saved My Life by Brad Willis AKA Bhava Ram (Amazon)
  • Laura Plumb (website)
  • Dr. Emmett Miller on iTunes (podcast)
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali by Edwin F. Bryant (Amazon)
  • Your Book Now (Become an author in 8 easy lessons) (website)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Kristen gely says:

    I love you – that is all

  2. Kristen gely says:

    I have a 6 month old son, first time mum with lots of health issues and this made me cry, beautiful, thank you x

  3. Annabelle says:

    Hi Mel! I love your podcasts and listen to them while walking – great way to keep me walking for an hour! I would love you to do an episode with Jessica Sepel. She’s a great nutritionist and health advocate and I think you and her would be able to cover some common misconceptions with health and discuss how easy it is to live a healthy life! xx

  4. Teresa says:

    I really enjoyed this podcast – I have a sister with chronic pain who still ‘gets up’ everyday but the quality of life isn’t there so hoping this podcast will inspire her to take the next step and find that quality

  5. Laura Coyle says:

    I think this might be my favourite episode so far, what an amazing story and beautiful man ❤

  6. Gigi says:

    I loved this interview. The timing was well served. How easy we forget and let our spiritual practices slide. I am motivated to rise with the sun tomorrow and dedicate myself to my own practice and self care. I just ordered Warrior Pose on Amazon Prime. I cannot wait to read it and pass it along. Namaste

  7. Natalie says:

    Wow this episode was so inspiring! What an incredible story! I’m really curious about our thoughts changing our neuro-chemistry – can’t wait to delve into some research and find out more! Thanks Melissa I am loving your podcast!

  8. Jehanne-Marie Milne says:

    Hi Melissa and Bhava. Thank you both for such a beautiful podcast. Thank you for sharing your story with us Bhava, definitely experienced at least two or three breakthroughs! Melissa, thank you for the work you do. You’re such an inspiration – especially because you show me it is possible to do work like this to help others. I’m manifesting meeting you and getting a chance to hang out and chat one day! You should interview Selwyn Bajan. He is Trinidadian and you can probably get in contact with him through the Sage Path. He’s a wonderful spiritual teacher who has an incredible story and philosophy. All the best, xxxx

  9. Annie says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Love all ur podcasts and guests! Wish I knew all the health benefits of yoga, healthy foods and lifestyles 17years ago before I lost my mum to breast cancer… ur podcasts have been inspirational and uplifting.

    Please keep up the positive work and spreading the love and health messages.


  10. This was such a powerful episode, Melissa. Thank you so much. I am just in love with every guest you choose, and I can feel how much you adore your conversations with each one. Thank you!!

  11. Catherine says:

    What a wonderful inspiring podcast! Truly inspirational, thank you Melissa and Bhava. I would love you to interview Helen Fernandez she’s an energetic healer and has an amazing gift.

  12. Jules says:

    I loved this one! Such an interesting and moving story. Really keen to read Bhava’s book now! x

  13. Joy says:

    Thank you both! That was so beautiful. I’m really interested in accessing Bhava’s “Your Book Now” program but the link requires a password to get onto the page, any ideas what that might be? 😉

    Thank you, endlessly thank you, for your book, your podcasts and for living your truth girlfriend! You are changing my life and I can think of at least 5 other Beautiful girls in my world who would say the same for their lives! So much love!

  14. Daniela says:

    One of the most beautiful stories I have ever listened to. I replayed it! And I e-mailed it to my beloved partner. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  15. Anja says:

    Hi Melissa
    Maybe I’m the only one, but on iTunes the episodes 17-19 have a length of only 4 seconds… I love to listen your podcasts while traveling, so would be great if you can fix it.
    Thank you! 🙂
    xx Anja

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