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What makes successful people different from everyone else? Why can some people achieve amazing things, while others never make it off the couch? It was this line of questioning that fascinated today’s podcast guest, Jack Canfield.

And seeing as he’s now the number one success coach in the world, as well as a mega-selling author (who’s written and co-authored more than 150 books, including 66 bestsellers including Chicken Soup For The Soul, and The Success Principles), it’s safe to say that he found some powerful answers to those questions!

Jack graduated from Harvard with a Master’s Degree in psychological education and was one of the earliest champions of peak-performance, developing specific methodologies and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce lasting and life-changing results.

I love it when you have followed someone for years and then you finally meet them and they blow your mind… Jack did that for me. His wisdom, humbleness, and loving energy made me fall even deeper in love with him.

So if you want to pick up some absolute gold about creating a success mindset and achieving real results, straight from the godfather of personal development himself, this episode is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • His journey from school teacher to number one success coach in the world (03:57)
  • What success is to him (07:39)
  • Jack’s story about discovery and his encounter with a Golden Buddha (10:40)
  • The importance of taking care of ourselves and serving others (13:41)
  • Why being authentic is so powerful (17:46)
  • Why comparison is a fast track to misery (and how to eradicate it from your mindset) (21:08)
  • The power of presence when it comes to success (26:26)
  • How to achieve your goals whilst still remaining present (32:38)
  • The four stages of spiritual development (34:50)
  • The phrase that will change your life and help you achieve massive growth (39:49)
  • How to go from where you are to where you want to be (41:09)
  • The top success principles of highly successful people (so much gold here!) (46:44)
  • What the ‘hour of power’ is and why you need to start doing it today (59:29)
  • The key to life (01:05:53)
  • The mirror exercise for radical self-care (1:10:16)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Train The Trainer Online Program by Jack Canfield (website)
  • Train The Trainer FREE training by Jack Canfield (website)
  • Books by Jean Huston (Amazon)
  • 100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom by Jack Canfield (Amazon)
  • Chicken Soup For The Soul by Jack Canfield (Amazon)
  • Success Principles by Jack Canfield (Amazon)
  • Oprah Super Soul Sunday (YouTube)
  • Books by Byron Katie (Amazon)
  • Compound Effect by Darren Hardy (Amazon)
  • The Boy Who Knew Too Much by Cathy Byrd (Amazon)
  • The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington (Amazon)
  • The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Thank you Melissa and Jack for a beautiful conversation and for being open to share your gifts and wisdom!

  2. Darcy Hulland says:

    Absolutely took so much out of this! Thank you gem!

    I have a mini book that I write podcast notes in for everything I learn or find relevant to me.

    Scott Pape is from a little town that I’m originally from, would love for you to interview him on a podcast!

  3. One of the BEST podcasts I have ever listened to. Everything that was spoken about really resonated, thank you. I will definitely be sharing with my tribe. So much inspiration and knowledges in this one!!

  4. Melissa says:

    This was truely amazing, one of the best podcasts yet! Thank you for bringing such inspirational people to us.

  5. Jeanne says:

    I feel so inspired by this podcast, I’d like to share it with everyone I know…! It is so powerful, so relevant, it literally gave me goosebumps. Thank you ! I was ironing while listening to both of you (precious souls!), but I had to stop each 45 seconds to write down each insight of wisdom… (my laundry is not very grateful for it but I am). 🙂 Have a beautiful day xxx

  6. Kirsty says:

    Awesome podcast ❤️ So many great messages!! Fav so far!

  7. Caitlin says:

    Thank you so much for having this conversation with Jack and sharing it with us. I listed to this on a long drive and had tears in my eyes multiple times, so much of what Jack was saying was exactly what I needed to hear with the chapter of life I’m living right now. I’m loving your podcast and will be listening to this particular episode again xxx

  8. Jocelyne says:

    Wow, thank you so much for this goodie!

    I had to drive through half of Switzerland and listened to this episode! It really motivated me to take action! Thanks so much!

  9. Jessica says:

    Absolutely amazing! Thank you

  10. Kayla says:

    Ah so inspiring! Thank you Melissa. Your podcast is actually the only podcast I listen to and the topics are exactly what I love learning about! I look forward to each one! x

  11. Michelle says:

    WOW.. I have just listened to this podcast today and it really rang true with so many things in my life right now – I went straight out and bought his books – Came home and spent more time with my husband and will be doing the gratitude mirror chat with my 11 year old daughter tonight – thank you for another amazing podcast Melissa – you ROCK!

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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