JJ Virgin - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

How To Have A Miracle Mindset With JJ Virgin






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Imagine if your worst fear became your reality. For today’s podcast guest, JJ Virgin, that was very nearly the case when her son was almost killed in a hit and run car accident. But rather than getting caught up in the emotions you might expect after going through such an experience — like anger, rage or grief — JJ did something truly extraordinary: she forgave

JJ Virgin is a powerhouse of wisdom and insight. Not only is she a seriously epic superhuman, she’s also a prominent TV and media personality, speaker, podcaster, and the author of four NY Times bestsellers, including the renowned The Virgin Diet. A sought-after nutrition expert, she teaches her clients (including many of Hollywood’s elite) how to break through food and carb intolerances, so they can finally lose weight and transform their health and their lives.

Her latest book, Miracle Mindset, shows warrior mums how to be strong, positive leaders for their families, while exploring the inspirational lessons she learned as she fought for her own son’s life… And it’s this juicy topic that I was most excited to delve into with her today.

If you want to be massively inspired, master your mindset, and learn how to shift your thoughts so you can excel in ALL areas of your life, this conversation is for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • The horrific moment when her life changed forever and how she got through it using her miracle mindset (04:15)
  • What is a miracle mindset and how to adopt one today (13:48)
  • The powerful exercise that will take you from a scarcity mindset to an abundant one (16:37)
  • Want to go from anger to gratitude at warp speed? Try this! (20:39)
  • Radical forgiveness — why it’s so transformative, and how to embody it in your own life (26:43)
  • The huge impact of the people around you have on your mindset (and why you want to be very conscious of who you spend time with) (31:12)
  • The secret behind her professional success (36:48)
  • How to power up your creativity (43:45)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin (Amazon)
  • Miracle Mindset by JJ Virgin (Amazon)
  • 40 Years of Zen – Neurofeedback Intensive Training (website)
  • Dave Asprey on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • Mindvalley (website)
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Amazon)
  • You Are Stronger Than You Think (Documentary by JJ Virgin) (website)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. I met you and your hubby in Melbourne and show was awesome and it was because of my beautiful daughter Lauren 25 shouted fir my birthday. I recently was first on seen at horrific accident. The guy was just smashed and it was bad. I showed up and I helped as much as I could. The guy died on scene and I cried after 3 hours of constant work by ambulance and helicopter flight mica paramedic. I have been getting counselling for this. My point is the old me would never ask for help but I decided I need to ask for help and love myself for being there and assisting this guy and his friend and making no judgements. I feel empowered by the situation instead of a victim and proud that I carried myself in a decent fashion. I was thanked by others on scene and I now feel at peace after taping flowers to the tree. I appreciate life is prescious and to take each day one day at a time. The girls from ambulance rang and we talked and debriefed and they are recommending me for for a commendation. No more mean girl thoughts here that I don’t measure up or questioning if I am good enough. Your books and podcasts etc have been so beneficial for my mental health and thought process. Regards Kathy. Ps keep up the great work both of you

  2. Simone says:

    I love this episode! I am using the rubber band….
    I would love to hear Gabrielle Bernstein

  3. Lorna says:

    Wow! This was another amazing episode that really hit home for me. Thank you so much for this episode. I can’t wait to dive into the documentary and book. This was exactly what I needed to hear today <3

  4. Giselle says:

    This podcast really hit home for me too. I have been struggling to cope with many senseless acts of violence in my life. I was the victim of repeated sexual abuse when I 13-15 years old and I still find myself angry at the adult in my life who knowingly did those horrible things to me. I know I should forgive him for my own sake, so that I can fully trust people and stop being afraid of intimacy and relationships. It is a very difficult process. When I was 18, my brother and I witnessed the death of a dear friend. She was killed in a drive by shooting when my little brother and I were about a meter away from her having a normal conversation. The police assumed this was an act of gang retaliation that had nothing to do with her. These men just wanted to gun down anyone in the neighborhood at the time to send a message to another gang. This girl was probably one of the sweetest, most well loved and kindest people I ever knew. A girl simply incapable of negativity. I could not understand why someone would murder an innocent 16 year old in cold blood. The men responsible were never caught and it always felt like this horrific incident went unresolved. Through all of this ,I have found that the longer you hold on to or repress your feelings the worse it becomes. When you repeatedly experience these unresolved feelings, they become negative patterns in your brain and spread to other areas of your life. Your fear of certain situations, in my case cars backfiring, a man I was dating unexpectedly touching me on the shoulder, gun violence in movies, become amplified. You can lose so much in your life, and more importantly you can loose yourself when you leave these feelings unresolved. Thank you for sharing these insights! I was really struggling to cope with all these terrible events that happened in my life. The judgment strategy above seems like the answer I have been looking for.

  5. Mel says:

    I love this episode♥️ It made me cry. It made me believe. It made really think about my mindset and really think it what my words and what they are saying♥️

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