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Those of you who’ve read Mastering Your Mean Girl, you’ll know that in 2010 I hit rock bottom, and ended up in hospital very unwell and unhappy. I felt really lost and had no idea what I was going to do with my life. What I did know, however, was that I needed to get healthy and happy again. So I signed up for IIN (the Institute for Integrative Nutrition), not really knowing what to expect… and I’ve never looked back.
IIN changed my life, which is why I am SO excited to be chatting with its founder, Joshua Rosenthal in today’s episode.
Now, when I say that it changed my life, I mean it! Literally! It helped me launch my dream career and turn it into a profitable business that supports me and my family, it helped me heal and get healthy, and it helped me achieve a level of happiness I didn’t know existed. I also met some of the most amazing soul sisters from all over the world, who have become some of my besties… It also gave me the confidence to call in my dream man.
Becoming an IIN holistic health coach was really one of the best things I have ever done and sky-rocketed my career. And because I experienced such profound results, my brother, sister-in-law and many of my friends have gone on to study at IIN too. It’s seriously awesome!
So if you’ve been craving change in your life, and have a burning passion for health, buckle up for today’s podcast… you’re gonna love it.
In this episode we chat about:
- Why Joshua created IIN back in 1992 (05:08)
- What a health coach actually is (09:02)
- What’s truly possible for a health coach to achieve (11:35)
- How IIN is different to other health and wellness certifications (13:06)
- What the IIN curriculum covers and how much is involved in the 6 and 12 month programs (22:53)
- What’s all the fuss about bio-individuality? (25:49)
- How to use primary foods to hack your health and nourish your family (26:54)
- Why everyone needs a health coach (30:32)
- The future for health coaches and nutrition (if you’re a wellness nerd like me, this stuff is so exciting!) (37:27)
- Joshua’s definition of ‘meditation’ and why it’s a necessity in the modern world (53:21)
- A special offer from Joshua to save on your IN tuition fees, plus so much more!
Episode resources:
- Institute for Integrative Nutrition (website)
- Special Offer from Joshua and IIN: how to get a generous discount on your IIN tuition fees through my Ambassador Scholarship (website)
- Integrative Nutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health and Happiness by Joshua Rosenthal (Amazon)
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Amazon)
- Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus (Amazon)
Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.
P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.
P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.
Thank you Melissa. This is a very interesting and inspiring interview. Listening to Joshua Rosenthal is a real pleasure. He speaks in a clear and calm way which allows the listener to focus completely on the conversation and better absorb the concepts.
This was so great to listen to. I can’t seem to find anywhere in your info or the website of IIN how much the course costs.
Hey Danielle,
You will have to email IIN about the cost and my special offer, but here is all the info on IIN.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
This episode was so beautiful & mind blowing. Really enjoyed listening to you both & was so helpful.
Lots of love,
Hello beautiful Melissa, I absolutely loved your interview with Joshua and was hanging on every word! So much goodness! I graduated from IIN last week and I can honestly say it was one of the best things I’ve ever done! Completely transformed my life and I am so very excited and inspired about the magic ahead! So much gratitude and love
to you for the inspirational work you do in the world and your vibrant, empowering, divine presence. You have certainly been a guiding light in my world since I discovered you 3 years ago!
Oceans of love
and light Heidi x
Thank you so much for your kind words angel.
I am so excited for what is ahead of you. Keep me posted beautiful!
Melissa, thank you so so much for this interview! I eat, sleep and breath health and nutrition and have always wanted to make it my career. I recently stumbled upon the IIN instagram page but have not made the time to look into it. This just confirmed that enrolling in this program is indeed exactly what I have been looking for! Your interview questions were the absolute best! This really hit home for me and my heart is so happy knowing that helping people achieve a better quality of life could be in my future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do and all that you stand for. Your light shines bright love
YAY!!! I am so excited for you honey. Enjoy and let me know how you go!
This is exactly what I need to do! this has been so valuable! I am so glad!
Hi Melissa, I got totally hooked on your podcast over the past few days – so many interesting people and such great input! Well done! So inspiring. Loved this episode with Joshua Rosenthal. x, Kathrin
Hi Melissa,
Thank you so much for this podcast with Joshua. I am at a cross road and have some many things that I am passionate about and just don’t know where to go. IIN always manages to pop up when I am thinking about it so maybe it is a sign. This podcast gave me some insight and has definitely sparked an interest. Thank you
Hey Melissa,
Thanks for sharing a mind blowing article.i was very excited when started to listing all episode.such a helpful those are.
Again Thanks dear. Keep sharing like those types of article.
What an inspiring podcast! Really thinking about saving the money to do IIN! Also, I don’t have twitter, but you should interview Lee Tilghman from @leefromamerica!
Hey Melissa! I’ve been in the network marketing/health and wellness space for the past 10 years and I’m also a certified executive coach.
I LOVE the company I work with but for the past few years I’ve had this burning desire to take my business to the next level and coach individuals to succeed outside of my network marketing company.
I want to have a greater impact, reach more people and coach others how to live their BEST possible life! I’ve looked into IIN to gain more knowledge about nutrition (that and mindset totally light me up) BUT I’ve also come across quite a few negative reviews of the content offered by IIN? Would you mind sharing how recently you graduated and for someone(like me) who isn’t want to become a practicing dietician, what are your thoughts on the curriculum?
Thank you! Tina Madsen
Hey Tina, I personally LOVED it and it was perfect for what I wanted to do. What exactly do you want to do?
Doh, I just heard you say when you graduated(back in 2011) so ignore that question!
Would love any other input you have to contribute! Tx! Tina
Hi Melissa
Thank you for this wonderful and inspiring episode. Since listening to it a few weeks ago I have made the decision to study with the IIN.
I am so grateful for your beautiful podcasts.
Thank you
Katie xx
Oh Katie, you are going to LOVE IIN. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Enjoy and let me know how you go. xx
I just wanted to say thank you so so much for this and all of your podcasts Melissa! Upon feeling lost recently, I started to head back to the beginning of your podcasts all over again!
I am very much interested in studying at the IIN and was wondering if your Ambassador offer was still available and how I would be able to get details on it?
xx Sending you positive vibes and sunshine on this rainy Sydney afternoon
Hi angel, YAY I am so excited for you to start IIN. All you have to do is email them ambassadors@integrativenutrition.com and say you want Melissa Ambrosini’s ambassador discount. That’s it sista. Good luck and keep me posted with how you go. xx
Hi Melissa!
Loved this episode so much, I would love to find out more about IIN and the special offer mentioned, however I don’t seem to be receiving an email after signing up? I’ve tried a couple of times with 2 different emails.
Thank you so much for inspiring me every week, you’ve had such a big impact on my life
Hey Raquel, that’s odd. Ok, so the best thing you could do is email my girl Maggie from IIN (Maggie.Hartley@integrativenutrition.com) and tell her you want my ambassador discount. She will look after you honey. And please let me know if you have any other questions. xx