
EMF: The Invisible Toxin That Is Ruining Your Life With Dr Libby Darnell






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There’s no denying that EMFs (electromagnetic fields) are harmful! It’s a fact that we need to stop hiding from. Whether you feel it within yourself (like I can) or not, you are being affected by these fields every single day, and they’re having an undeniable impact on your health, happiness and hormones.

Today’s podcast guest, Dr Libby Darnell — a Functional Medicine practitioner and Doctor of Chiropractic — has experienced this impact personally and professionally. She knows the detrimental effects of EMF all too well, after losing her seven-year-old niece in two months after high exposures of EMFs in her home and school.

Now an expert on how to keep your family safe from EMF radiation, Libby is on a mission to spread the message about this life-ruining toxin and share the simple but effective techniques that can save us, our kids and our future. In this must-listen episode, she tells it to us straight — including revealing some pretty scary secrets about the dangers lurking within every modern household (I have to say, I was gobsmacked!).

So settle in, buckle up, and get ready for the aha’s — this one’s quite the ride!

In this episode we chat about:

  • What EMFs actually are, how they affect you, and why they are detrimental to your health (05:24)
  • Why you need to check your smart meter to save your health (14:27)
  • The repercussions of doing nothing to protect yourself from EMFs (19:15)
  • What Libby predicts in the future for our health and EMF exposure (19:58)
  • The scary truth about ‘dirty electricity’ and how you can avoid it in your home (20:28)
  • The common household item (that your kids probably LOVE) that is slowly toxifying everyone in your household (21:22)
  • How EMFs can affect your sleep, health and fertility (27:07)
  • Libby’s crazy effective (and super cheap) EMF protection hack (you’ll be running to your kitchen to give this one a go (36:25)
  • The easy but powerful technique you can do whilst brushing your teeth, to limit your EMF exposure (37:55)
  • The dangers of fluorescent light bulbs (40:56)
  • Why you should unplug your mobiles and laptops before using them (45:54)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Top 10 EMF Action Steps (website)
  • Smart Meter Guard Material –  This will be on Stetzer Electric within the next month. It is not available anywhere else right now. It is the only thing Libby tested that works 100%, so, unfortunately, she cannot offer an alternative right now. Please check that site in the future for the best resource. (website)
  • Flutter Busters (website) or Stetzer Electric (website) for American filters (email darnell@flutterbusters.com for American EMF questions)
  • Stetzerizer Australia for Australian filters (email stevestetzer@gmail.com for Australia EMF questions) (website)
  • EMF reducers for cell phones, Ipads, Laptops, etc. (FYI This does not make the device safe, it simply reduces the amount of energy produced) (website)
  • Dr Libby Darnell on Facebook (Facebook)
  • Revived Living (website)
  • DefenderShield Cases (Amazon)
  • DefenderShield Air Tube Headphones (Amazon)
  • Outlet Timers (Amazon)
  • F.lux for your computer and Ipads (website)
  • Dr Raymond Hilu (website)
  • You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero (Amazon)
  • The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod & Robert Kiyosaki (Amazon)

If you are in Sydney and want to have an expert come check your house contact Kelly from Building Biology NSW or Lyn McLean at EMR Australia. I have used Kelly a few times now and she is awesome. Get it touch with them today.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Karena Hinman says:

    WOW wow wow Mel! This podcast blew my mind this morning, I have listened to a few EMF info podcasts & doco’s but never with so much action planing & knowledge and insight to the affects it is happening. The part that got me most was how this affects my children (BIG WAKE UP CALL!) – my 4 yr old & the bun in the oven 🙂 I won’t lie – overwhelm has hit home however I have the Ten Step Plan now to put into action starting today – thank you so much for bringing this topic to the forefront of my mind and being in a position to act upon it – much love kxx

  2. Xty says:

    Thank you for this! EMF radiation exposure should one of the top concerns of every parent.

  3. Ann Marie Jones says:

    OMG Melissa! This episode was INCREDIBLE!!! EMF exposure on my radar before this episode was probably at 2%. I live in an apartment and work in a school and feel like I now need to educate myself even more on this topic. Thank you SO MUCH for the resources and making this something manageable to incorporate.

  4. JoAnn Gladson says:

    Awesome interview!

  5. Stephanie says:

    Wow! Thank you for sharing. This really has me thinking. Like you Melissa, I FEEL differently after being on my cell phone. I’ve always questioned that feeling. Now that I have a young daughter, I’m more concerned than ever with limiting her exposure to EMF’s. There’s so much we don’t know about all this. It’s such a “new” health issue and frankly, it’s pretty scary. Going to do what I can to make our home as safe as possible.

  6. Kirsty Dowding says:

    This was amazing!! So much great information. My office at work has been moved next to the server so I will be looking at ways to lesson the effects of this during the day. Any tips??? Thank you so much for sharing. WIFI was off last night, flight mode on, no more working on my laptop while plugged in & tin foil while brushing our teeth

    • Nice work Kirsty. You’re amazing! Can you ask for the server to be moved?

    • Biomats and grounding mats are the same thing. There are different brands out there used to achieve somewhat varying goals, however every one I have tested shows a measurable amount of current running through your body. Until proven otherwise I would recommend staying away.

      • natassia says:

        Dr. Libby

        I have been reading on the stetzer filters and was very eager and excited to get it for my home but then came across some people saying that their house caught on fire/ almost caught on fire due to the filters. Have you heard anything in regards to this?

    • Libby Darnell says:

      Kirsty! Is there anyway to move away from the server? That packs a powerful punch! If not you can shield it using material from lessemf.com, however that can get on the pricey side. It’s 100% worth it for your health, but the simpler option is to move as far away from it as you can get. I’ve also had clients communicate to their supervisors that they are electromagnetically sensitive. Some have requested a doctor’s note, which can be a challenge, but some have simply agreed to move them away from electrical devices. Worth a shot!

  7. Sophie says:

    Wow. Eye opening. I knew so little about this! So many people won’t take the time to educate themselves on this subject. I’ll be spreading the word! Thank you both for such an insightful interview. I look forward to making these positive changes!

  8. serena says:

    Thank you so much for covering this topic, which I feel is a missing link in the wellness industry!!

  9. Morgan says:

    Thank you so much Melissa, for this incredibly informative podcast. I struggle to get into a deep sleep, so I’m hoping that by installing EMF blockers and implementing a few of the other tips I will be able to improve not only my sleep but long term health! Thank you for shining a light on such an imperative topic and for all that you are doing to improve the lives of those around you – I’m very inspired XXX

  10. Bindy says:

    Such an amazing informative talk, thank you so much Melissa! I started looking into the dirty electricity filters & saw articles like this appear:


    Do you think they are safe in your opinion from all you’ve read / heard? I have kiddies & don’t want to put my family at risk, but I also feel it’s a risk being immersed in dirty electricity! Thank you SO much for all that you do xx

    • Hey Bindy, I am not 100% sure so I will let Libby answer this one for you as I am not an expert. xx

    • Libby Darnell says:

      Hi Bindy! I love that you are doing your own research! Long story short, that video revolves around some “drama” between filter competetors. I could elaborate if you like, but at the end of the day you are 100% safe with Stetzer filters and their distributors. I cannot say the same for other filters on the market.

  11. Aimee Boyd says:

    That was the most mindblowing podcast ever! So truly powerful! Thank you so much! I am going through the show notes and taking so many action steps!
    I can’t believe this topic is not discussed more or more well known! Since talking to people about this podcast, people have no idea of the effects – will be sharing this podcast to many family and friends! xxx

  12. Kellie says:

    Such an informative podcast Mel. I was hanging on her every word. Thanks so much for this.

  13. Simrat Pannu says:

    Hands down, incredibly life changing. I always knew EMF’s were a concern, but this podcast really illustrated the problem at hand, and in a way that I can now educate my friends and family.

    Now– to send the podcast to everyone! Thank you Melissa!

  14. Nan says:

    What an amazing and so informativ podcast! Thank you so much for always setting the ground for important knowledge and wisdom to be shared. I live in Europe, do you have any tips on which filters to use her?

  15. Liz says:

    Thank you both so much for this episode. I feel very passionate about this topic, especially now that I’m a mother. I have learned so much and can’t wait to action a lot of the steps mentioned. Out of all of your wonderful and informative episodes Melissa, I think this one is the most important! I am so grateful to you for interviewing such incredible thought-leaders. Thank you again xx

  16. Julia says:

    Thank you for your knowledge! I plan on sharing this to educate more people on this topic. Melissa you truly inspire me to be my healthiest possible self, thank you for sharing.

  17. Libby says:

    I LOVED this podcast. Been sharing it with friends all weekend. This has been on my radar for a while but I haven’t heard anyone talk about it with such insight and wisdom. My children also get laptops in year 5 (!!!!) it’s been a concern for us too. Can you recommend any books around this? Im keen to go down this rabbit hole and learn as much as I can.

  18. Kylie says:

    Such as great episode 🙂 It is scary what EMF’s can do!
    I was wondering what MIT stands for with regards to your goal setting? Can I ask where you purchased your defender shield products from as they are US based. Looking to get headphones and laptop shield and phone case.
    Do you find the swanwick sleep glasses help? Been looking at purchasing.
    Thanks x

  19. Veronica says:

    This topic keeps coming up so much, and we just started turning out phones to airplane and looking into laptop protectors (my husband sits with it plugged in and on his lap all the time!!! eeek)
    One day after I listened to this I went to my naturopath and EMF came up as something that I need to take care of – and now I have all these amazing tools. Thank you beautiful for making all this vital info so accessible x

  20. LOVE that you did a post on EMF. It is so important to bring awareness to this issue – hats off to bridging a subject that many don’t want to hear about!!
    For those on the West Coast (WA) like Kelly, I do EMF testing – I also offer a free 45 minute phone chat so people can hit me up at http://www.buildingbiologywa.com.au.

    So much love!!

    Deanne Hislop

  21. Renae says:

    I have been doing a few of these things for a couple of years now without any prior knowledge of EMFs. I just couldn’t get my head past the fact that we are constantly surrounded by mobile and wifi that it has to be bad for us in someway. The facts are a hard reality but this podcast was an easy and necessary listen.
    Thank you beautiful humans X

  22. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to this great podcast! I am so excited to make changes to better serve the health & wellness of my family. Very greatful! Bless you. X

  23. Rachel says:

    Amazing Ep Melissa & Dr Libby. Thank you. Another EMF cases for phones / computers is Safe Sleeve. I used these and really notice the difference. Thank you again. X

  24. Jamie says:

    Hi Mel! I loved this podcast! I live in Chicago so I have been using a grounding/earthing pad for years…is that considered the same thing as a biomat?

  25. Melissa,

    Great to see this issue being discussed on your show, congrats!

    A couple of insights for your audience.

    Dirty electricity (interruptions to the flow of current running through electrical wiring) is an issue but not if your electricity has been properly installed and well grounded. Appliances and sources like solar panels with cheap inverters are a big source for us in Aust as are light dimmers. Dr Milham wrote the book on Dirty Electricity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAgNHirQhxc&feature=youtu.be

    Stetzer and related filters can help with reduce high-frequency noise on electrical wiring but not electric or magnetic fields. Your hair dryer is a major magnetic field exposure right on your head!

    Rather than standing on aluminium foil cleaning your teeth? Bare foot grounding is much better for you.

    More to share so I sent a copy of my book to your Bondi PO Box.

    Be well

    • Thanks so much Jason and I can’t wait to read your book. xx

    • Libby Darnell says:

      I agree with all of the above! Thanks for the additional info!

    • Libby Darnell says:

      Due to ground current, which is measurable, I do not recommend grounding/earthing unless you’ve tested your property to make sure you don’t have ground current. The tin foil trick takes the risk of ground current out of the equation. Yes, hair dryers are definitely a temporary source of EMFs, but dirty electricity and ground current are constants. Always important to reduce as many exposures as you can however! I’m sure Melissa will enjoy your book!

      • Michaela says:

        Dr. Libby Darnell, I cannot thank you enough for this absolutely important insight. I am so grateful to have stumbled upon Melissa’s podcast and will be an avid listener from here out. Thank you Melissa for having Dr. Libby Darnell on your show! I have one question – regarding the measurement tools for the inside of home and outside for grounding. Can you point me in the right direction for where I could go to purchase one? Thank you!

  26. Cat says:

    Great information, thank you! Are bio mats and grounding mats the same/ similar?

  27. Jordana Downes says:

    Thank you so much for bringing us this podcast Melissa. All your podcast are so relevant to me and just amazing. Thank you.
    I am now trying to work on the checklist and get a clean house.
    Dr Libby never mentioned baby monitors but it seems certain types are not good so working on this now. Thanks again xxooo

    • Libby Darnell says:

      Hi Jordana! You are 100% correct! I even bought a “low EMF” baby monitor and it still was incrediby high. My baby sleeps upstairs and I sleep on the lower level. I simply leave my door open and can hear him whenever he needs me. If you MUST use a baby monitor try to use an audio only version and keep it as far from your baby and yourself as you can. For example, across the room.

  28. Liana says:

    Hi Mel,
    Firstly, thank you so much for a very insightful podcast! I loved it!
    I have just looked up the Zubi products from the Greensmoothiegirl and would love to purchase them.
    However, they don’t appear to post to Aus. Do you know of any ways around this?

    Many thanks!

    • Hey Liana, thanks for your kind words. You will have to email them and see if there is a way around it as I am not 100% sure. Sorry I couldn’t help more. xx

    • Libby Darnell says:

      Hi Liana! I’ve contacted them to see if we can get shipping to you! Will get back to you!

      • Liana says:

        Wow, that amazing!
        Thanks Libby

      • Sonya Dubrich says:

        Hi girls!
        I too would like to know if we can purchase/ ship the xZubi disc from GreenSmoothieGirl to Australia, or if there are any others you recommend since there are so many out on the market.

        Also after reading all the comments, and learning that you don’t recommend Earthing mats/ bed sheets, I’ve found myself completely conflicted with everything I have learnt (earlier this year). I found my sleep to become so deep since using, so I presumed I was totally doing the right thing.
        When I first started using I experienced 2 weeks of solid headaches and I was led to believe it was because I was detoxing from all the emf’s!
        I am totally confused. Can Libby provide any clarification. I’m not sure what to do, because I’m am/ was such a believer of them.

      • Hey Sonya, this is from Libby…
        ‘I totally understand! There is SO much conflicting information out there, mostly because this is such a new topic! If you have ZERO dirty electricity and ZERO ground current then using grounding/earthing mats is perfectly safe. If you don’t know the answers so those questions then I wouldn’t recommend using your equipment for now. Steve, stevestetzer@gmail.com, is the Australia tester I recommend. After you test and make any modifications necessary you can confidently and safely use your equipment!! I’m currently searching for an Australian alternative to the Xzubi, as I’ve learned they currently don’t ship to Australia. I will get back to you ASAP!’ xx

  29. Amanda says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Not sure if I missed it in the shownotes, but what is the device called that you can purchase (I think she said for 100 dollars) to test the electricity in your house?

    Also, what is the device called that your husband carried on the plane?

    Awesome episode! Thank you for all the information!

  30. Catherine Lowe says:

    Great interview. You mentioned the audio script would be available at melissaambrosini.com/31. Where is the full transcript?

    • Hey Catherine, I am so glad you love the interview! We don’t have a transcript but we have show notes which are above. Sorry if that was not clear and let me know if you can’t find what you are looking for. xx

  31. Kim says:

    I listened to this just a day ago, and it certainly has made me aware of what is happening around me. I will be initialising measures to make certain that my family and I are protected as much as I can. Thankyou so much!

  32. Saalihah says:

    Melissa, Thank you for sharing this excellent podcast on EMF..I have already implemented a few changes as per Dr Libby. We can only try. Thank you again

  33. Lianne Bell says:

    Hi Mel and Libby,
    I found this podcast both fascinating and terrifying. I was wondering if you would recommend one of the pendants or watch type devices to wear all the time as well as putting the other measures in place, and if you do can you recommend where to go or what to look for, possibly in Australia. I am terribly overwhelmed they range in price from $50-$2,200 and are there certain ones to avoid? Thank you

    • Hey Lianne, this is from Libby…
      ‘I wear the Q-Link around my neck (or tucked into my bra if I don’t want it to show). I have never been able to show its efficacy through testing, however, I feel better when I wear it! I typically don’t recommend anything I can’t prove through testing, however I still mention the Q-link because it helped me personally and has been recommended by other doctors I’ve worked with. This model is $90.00 US.‘ I hope that helps. xx

  34. Leni says:

    Hi Melissa! Thank you so much for putting together this episode. I’m currently working through my EMF reduction to-do list and I’m just wondering if you know where to buy incandescent bulbs in Australia? I’m based in Melbourne.xx

  35. Erin says:

    Firstly I just wanted to say WOW!! What an incredible episode, although quite overwhelming it’s great to have this information so thank you
    I just wondered if you could tell us how much the filters are and also the price of the meter? I know I can contact Steve but just thought it might be handy to have the prices on here for people to see also.
    Thanks again

    • Hey Erin, this is from Steve… ‘The Filters come in a box of 15 which may be needed for an average 3 bedroom dwelling. Bigger the home or greater the difficulty in cleaning the electrical wires, more filters maybe needed. Along with the Filters you will also need to purchase the Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter. This combo is very important. One, to measure the amount of Dirty Electricity on each circuit (power points) and two, to mitigate and stop the electromagnetic radiation on the home wires at the Meter Box. This is the worse for of radio frequency radiation; Stetzerizer EMR Powerline filters remove all the harmful DE leaving an electrically clean living environment. You have peace of mind and protection from dirty power while you stay in that atmosphere.
      The Stetzerizer combo is made of of the following breakdown: 15 filter box $1125.00 (lifetime warranty) + 1 Meter $165.00 + Overnight exp $35.00 = $1,325.00’ Hope that helps. xx

  36. Shelby says:

    Hi Melissa, loved this podcast. Very informative and eye opening. Those 10 action steps are great and I’m starting to put some into place, but somethings are unavoidable in many of the environments I’m in on a daily basis. I know you may have mentioned it in the show but are there things we can do to somewhat counteract the exposure at the end of the day, or at least reduce some of the effects?

  37. Bianca says:

    Hi Melissa, I loved this podcast! Thank you so much! I also wanted to let you know that I do miss your blog posts! I miss hearing about your own health journey and your experiences with healing. How have you gone with treating your SIBO? Do you recommend a health practioner in Sydney at all? Do you see a Doctor or Naturopath? Or both? Please do a Part 2 of Heal Your Gut with Kirsty Wirth! Love hearing about gut health or just health in general! Thank you again xx

    p.s. I know your a busy woman but would love if you released another cookbook 😉

    • Hey Bianca, thank you so much for your kinds words and great ideas, I will take them on board. And don’t worry more blog posts are coming, I am just finishing off my next book which is out in December. To answer your questions… How have you gone with treating your SIBO? All clear sista. YAY! Do you recommend a health practitioner in Sydney at all? Kylie Seaton is amazing. Do you see a Doctor or Naturopath? At the moment no one but Kylie is amazing. Hope that helps angel. xx

  38. natassia says:

    Amazing podcast & Great Tips!! Have you bought any of the outlet timers on amazon yet? I am checking them out but not sure which one is good.

  39. Ang says:

    Hi Mel,
    I’ve just started listening to your podcasts in the past 2weeks and I’m loving them! I learn so much, I get a boost of positive energy and I feel inspired to make positive changes in my life.

    My eyes were really opened up to so much in this ep on EMFs and I’m keen to download the action guide to reduce the EMFs in my home & to stand on some aluminium foil tonight while I brush my teeth!
    I learnt so many new things as I didn’t have any knowledge about EMFs or dirty electricity. I found Dr Libby so easy to listen to. Thanks for such informative and interesting episodes!
    I can’t wait to listen to the next episode that’s on my downloaded list! Xo

  40. Ariana Fleming says:

    This podcast has changed my life! I have been looking for answers for years as to why I have been feeling lethargic. I thought I had Ross River Virus, I thought I was depressed, I felt like I had lost all my motivation. All of this has been since I have had wifi, since I started using a smart phone everyday. The only days I was feeling better was when I was gardening!!! Thank you Dr Libby and thank you Melissa you have helped me and my family so much. Forever grateful x

  41. Audrey says:

    Loved this episode, Melissa!! AMAZING!! Just wondering if you could please recommend a EMF tester? Thanks beautiful Xx

  42. Ally says:

    Hi Melissa and Libby!
    I found this podcast so interesting (albeit very scary!!) and wanted to say thanks for so many informative tips.
    I live in Australia- can you suggest a smart meter shield and filters for purchase here? As soon as the podcast finished I went to check if our house has a smart meter and unfortunately it does 🙁
    Thanks again to both of you- incredibly eye opening!

  43. Lynn says:

    Thank you for opening up the forum for this one Melissa. It’s something I constantly worry about with having an older home and our NBN box now installed about 3m from where we sit in our lounge (also on the wall of an adjacent bedroom).
    Just a little confused on what to get for our family. I’d firstly like to tackle out phones so the DefenderShield or the Xzubi? Then our lightbulbs! I’ll at least start with Dr Libby’s 10 tips. xx

  44. Betina says:

    I have heard this podcast twice – once with my boyfriend! THANK you so much for sharing all these amazing tips! Since the podcast we have been searching for how to handle dirty electricity in Denmark (Europe). We have what is called “earth” on most of your electronics – which should make the dirty electricity not an issue. At least that is what we can read – do you have any knowledge about this issue in europe? :)’

  45. Lisa says:

    Curious if salt lamps have any positive effect to reducing things like emf?

  46. Tricia says:

    I have just discovered your podcast and this is the first one i listened to and I am blown away…. thank you to both yourself and Dr Libby for providing so much insight.

    I always worry about EMFs, especially with the NBN being recently installed and currently have the Tesla Blushed in our house, however after listening am definitely going to purchase the stetzerizer. I also have a biomat which I now will no longer be turning on and will stand on the aluminium foil instead.
    I’m wondering whether if at work I have aluminium foil under my feet it will help absorb all the “bad stuff”?

  47. Charmaine Garbett says:

    I loved this podcast! But what do I do in my situation where my boyfriend thinks I’m getting ‘brain washed’ and won’t listen to this and thinks it’s all fake – I just get upset when he’s not open to other things like this and I really wish I knew how to make him realise. He’s on the computer all day at work editing photos, makes a lot of phone calls for work as well and plays games at night. He has poor sleep, he’s depressed and gets angry very easily. I want to get our house tested and turn things off at night but how do I make him consider this may be impacting him? Or just people in general?

  48. Steph says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Just wondering if there is any other link to purchasing xZubi in Australia as the link provided does not ship to Australia?
    Or a similar product.


  49. Jacinda says:

    Omg Melissa, what an amazingly Interesting pod cast!
    Well doe for sharing the love with all these amazing humans and allowing them to share with us their insights and findings in life.
    I have only just recently got onto Your podcasts, and have found Them all so interesting. But this one was just mind blowing.

    Thank you so much xx

    P.s.i Just invested in your meditations on the weekend and they are awesome x

    Much love xx

  50. Grace says:

    Hey Mel! Wow what an amazing episode! I was so oblivious to all of this!!! I cant believe it – im completely shocked. I rang my energy provider as soon as i heard Libby mention smart meter signals – they said that mine was wired (at first i thought that was great news!!! BUT…..) they also said it wirelessly sends data every 30 mins to the energy company thats bad right?!!!! but its wired and wireless hmmm i dont get that….anyway HOLY MOLY!! I asked if i could opt out and they said NO 🙁 what was the link for the smart meter guard i cant seem to find it in your show notes?

  51. Bridgette McGauchie says:

    Hey Melissa loved this podcast, but I’m a little confused are Halogen lights in Australia the same as the incandescent lights, they appear to look the same? If not any ideas where to find the incandescent light globes?
    Thank you

  52. Leah says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I loved this podcast and am currently working towards reducing our EMF exposure for my young family. I too am interested in the xZubi 5-pack and live in NZ so they don’t ship here either. I like that this product can be used on other appliances and not just mobile devices. Have you or Libby found any other recommendation for you AUS and NZ followers?

    Leah x

    • Hey honey, I haven’t but the best thing to do would be to email Libby, she is the expert and will be able to point you in the right direction. Well done for taking action to protect you and your family. xx

  53. Andrea says:

    This podcast is great. Well done, Melissa!

  54. Rachel Coulton says:

    Hi just wondering what dr Libby email address is so I can find out where I can get smart meter guard and others emf shields in Australia?

  55. Sherri Darrenkamp says:

    First of all, thank you so much for the information you are providing us! As I listened to your story of how you figured out what was going on with your own mental health, it was very awakening to me. I truly believe my family is experiencing the same attack on our health. I did my research and found out I do have a wireless electric meter which transmits every 15 minutes! My son is in the worst health of us all and his computer desk is located right on the other side of the wall from this meter. Lots of work to be done! Thanks again!

  56. Kayla says:

    Hi Melissa. I was wondering if the bodywell chip is an alternative to the xzubi?

  57. Kimberly says:

    EMF radiation from underground power lines has ruined my life. Have you heard of this. We didn’t know it until we were completely moved out of the house-I walked back in and felt like I was being electrocuted! The digital meters outside our homes in a 1500 home development are, I believe, the cause.

    We now live pretty much off the grid with no WiFi or tv. I cannot go into a restaurant, a mall, a coffee shop…the list is endless. Is there anyway to reverse the nerve damage I’ve endured?

    • Oh my goodness honey I’m sending you so much love. I’m sure you can reverse the nerve damage, but I’m not a doctor so I would reach out to Dr. Stephen Carbal and ask him, he is my go-to health guru. Let me know what he says and how you go honey. xx

  58. Danielle says:

    Hello, I loveeedd this episode. I knew about EMF’s but not to this extent. Very eye opening. I was trying to use many of the links here on this page though and a couple would not work. I know I am late to the party with this episode but wondering if because it has been some time the links are no longer accurate?

    • Hey Danielle, how epic is it! Make sure you take EMFs seriously, it’s important for our health. And thank you so much for letting me know about the links. I will email Libby’s team. xx

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