
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to fall into a rut. Life can become predictable sometimes, and before we know it, every day starts to feel like a repeat of the one before, especially when you have kids. 

But do you know what?

It can be WAY simpler then you think to shake things up and jump yourself out of that ‘groundhog day’ feeling.

So on that note, I wanted to share with you something I did last week to shake up my routine: 

I ventured out and attended not one, but TWO live events in the space of a week. 

(😱I know, who even am I?! 🤣)

I haven’t been to many live events over the past few years (thanks, Covid!) and ESPECIALLY not since the birth of my daughter. (In fact, these two events marked the first time I’d ever not been there for Bambi’s nighttime routine — something which I felt way more upset about than she did, ha!) 

Also: the events both required a few hours drive to get to the venues. So I got home WAYYYY after my bedtime. (For this self-proclaimed early bird who likes to be in bed by 7:30pm, this was a BIG DEAL!) 

But you know what?

Even though it took some organizing to make it happen, holy guacamole am I glad I went! It was worth it a million times over.

I was blown away by seeing those two people — my friends, Jay Shetty (who was on my podcast here) and Gabby Bernstein (who has been on the show here and here)— speak at their respective events. (Let me tell you, to say they were “inspirational” is the understatement of the century. They were off the charts!)

I had a few takeaways from these two gorgeous nights that I wanted to share with you:

1. Stories are the most powerful tools we have for sharing a message and a mission.

If you ever want to inspire someone into action, whether it’s your child, your colleague, your team, your clients, your audience, whatever, stories sink into our psyche so much more effectively than lectures or diatribes ever can.

(Oh, and watching a master storyteller in action is a real *chef’s kiss* experience!)

2. Sometimes, it takes the right person at the right time to truly make a message resonate.

You can hear it from other people, and it won’t land. But when that one person says it in their unique way, BAM — suddenly it clicks into place like it never has before, and you feel a rush of insight flood your system.

(If you’re a biz owner or content creator, this is an extra powerful reminder. It’s easy to worry that everything has been “said before”. But your true audience needs to hear YOUR big message from YOU, in the way that only YOU can say it. So keep sharing from the heart, my friend!)

3. There is NOTHING like the energy of live, in-person events.

The buzz in the room on both nights was so contagious and uplifting — I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed that feeling!

It also made me itchy to start doing more live events myself. (And spoiler alert: Nick and I are currently planning out some epic in-person experiences in the not-too-distant future, so make sure you are on my email list to be the first to find out and get early birds tickets!)

4. Finally, you don’t need to do something as ‘formal’ as attending a live event to shake up your routine and get a hit of inspiration.

I get some of my best inspiration from nature, so when I’m feeling like I need to top up my creative tank or break out of a rut, a walk in nature (ideally without my phone!) is my first port of call.

Physical movement also helps me shake off feelings of ‘stuckness’, especially when it’s a form of movement that’s creative and expressive, like dance.

You could also try something as simple as taking a new route to work or trying a new recipe for dinner. By introducing novelty into your daily routine, you’ll keep your mind fresh and open to new ideas.

I hope these tips are useful for you. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference in how we feel and how we approach life.

Tell me which one of these key takeaways most resonates with you, I would love to hear.

So let’s embrace new experiences and treat life like the adventure it is.

Sending waves of inspiration your way, my friend!

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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