
How To Do A Mid-Year Reset On Your Goals







  1. How to evaluate your progress without judgment
  2. Why it’s okay to let go of goals that no longer light you up.
  3. How to get back on track and breathe new life into your dream-chasing


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Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already?!

It feels like just yesterday we were setting intentions and sticking things to our vision board for 2024. 

On that note, how have your goals been going?

If your answer is “not quite as well as I’d hoped”, then you are in the right place — and you’re going to want to save this email.

Today, I’m sharing a powerful process for doing a mid-year reset of your goals.

No matter how you’re feeling about your progress so far, this process will help you tackle the rest of the year with renewed energy, focus, and purpose.

Let’s dive in.

Step #1. Reflect On The Year So Far

First up, let’s get the lay of the land.

This isn’t about beating yourself up over what you haven’t achieved or getting down on yourself for progress that seems ‘slow’. 

Instead, it’s about getting real about where you’re at and taking a closer look at any challenges you’ve been facing. 

You might like to find a quiet space, pull out your journal, and spend some time thinking deeply about the past six months:

  • What goals have you made progress on since January?
  • Which goals have slid off your radar?
  • What accomplishments are you most proud of?
  • What have been the major obstacles or distractions you’ve encountered?
  • How have your priorities shifted, if at all?

Step #2. Redefine Your Goals

Now it’s time to redefine — or even release — any of those goals that need tweaking.

Ask yourself:

  • Which goals are still important to me?
  • What new goals have emerged?
  • What goals (if any) would give me a sigh of relief to simply let go of?
  • Are my original goals still realistic, or do they need adjusting?


Hot tip: It’s totally okay if what you wanted in January doesn’t seem as relevant now. Maybe you’ve had a major life event, encountered new opportunities, or simply developed a different perspective. Life changes, and so can your goals. 

Once you’re clear on where you want to focus your energy for the rest of the year, it’s time to ground your goals in reality…

Step #3. Break Down Your Goals

Success is built on daily actions, not just grand visions. So to effectively move towards your goals, it’s crucial to translate them into actionable steps. 

Start by breaking down each goal into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks. What specific actions can you take this quarter? This month? This week? Today? This hour?

Then, every day, make a conscious effort to ensure that your chosen activities contribute directly to your larger objectives. 

This alignment will help you make consistent progress towards your goals — even those big, scary, pie-in-the-sky ones.

Step #4. Regular Check-Ins

Make it a habit to check in with yourself regularly. 

This could be a quick weekly review or a more detailed monthly assessment — What’s working? What’s not? What needs tweaking?

These check-ins are crucial for maintaining momentum and making adjustments on the fly.

Step #5. Celebrate Your Wins — Even The Small Ones

Don’t wait until you hit your final destination to pat yourself on the back.

Every small achievement is a building block towards your bigger vision and deserves to be acknowledged.

Whether it’s sticking to your planned tasks for the week or finally starting on that project you’ve been postponing, celebrate your progress. Not only will this boost your morale and keep you motivated, it also makes life a whole lot more fun!

Hot tip: Are you a coach? Got income goals for 2024 that you haven’t hit yet? Next week, I’m hosting an online challenge — The 6-Figure Coach — that will show you the exact steps to take your business to 6-figures (and beyond) without sacrificing your lifestyle. The first 1,000 people to register get their tickets free, so don’t snooze on this if you want to join us! Click here to secure one of the remaining free tickets 
The Bottom Line

Doing a mid-year reset isn’t just about adjusting your goals; it’s about renewing your commitment to yourself and your vision for the future.

Remember, no matter how much you have or haven’t achieved since January, there’s still 6 months left of this year — more than enough to turn 2024 into an outrageous success.

So what are you waiting for, Beautiful?

Let’s do this. ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #589: Making $70M with Chat Funnels & Automated DMs | Natasha Willis

Episode #588: Asking Better Questions Can Upgrade Your Life, Business & Relationships

Episode #587: “Your Karma Could Be Blocking Success” | Caitlin Marino

Episode #586: 7 Simple But Powerful Steps To Declutter Your Energy & Feel More Vibrant

Til next time, sending so much love,

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