
What’s Working Right Now In Marketing, Mixed-Bag Style







  1. How to give your Instagram profile a makeover.
  2. How to optimize your social media posts for shares.


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Lately, I’ve been having some really great conversations about marketing with my business besties and clients. 

We’ve been sharing mindset shifts, surprising strategies, and stuff that’s working for us right now. 

I’m not one to gate-keep, so I thought I’d share the best ones with you, mixed-bag style.

Let’s jump in.

Give your Instagram Profile a Makeover

When did you last refresh your Insta bio?

This is such low hanging fruit — yet you’d be surprised how frequently people overlook it.

A good starting point is to make sure you’ve addressed these 3 things:

  • Is it clear what you do and who you help? Always aim for clarity here, rather than being cute, clever or woo woo.
  • Is your profile photo on brand? It should build your know-like-trust factor at a glance. (Hint: if it’s appropriate for your industry, a pic where you’re smiling while making good eye contact is a shortcut for building trust and likeability.)
  • Have you got a call to action? People who are reading your bio WANT to dig deeper into your work. Make sure you tell them, clearly, how they can do that.

Remember the ‘Rule of 7’

Worried that you’re not getting enough traction with your marketing? 

Remember the Rule of 7: on average, people need to interact with your business at least 7 times before they trust you enough to make a purchase.

So if it feels like you’re shouting into the void with your marketing, keep this in mind. You could be on interaction #6 for a heap of highly aligned, high quality dream clients.

Keep going, Beautiful. You can do this.

Engage, Don’t Just Broadcast

Too often, we think of social media as a megaphone, blasting our messages out into the world, hoping someone will listen. 

But the ACTUAL secret sauce to social media growth? Engagement. 

Start treating social media like a two-way street. Respond to comments, ask your followers questions, and jump into conversations. 

This isn’t just about pushing your message; it’s about building authentic relationships. 

And guess what? The more you engage, the more your audience grows to know and trust you, which is absolute gold for your business… and your bottom line.


Hot tip: Set aside 10 minutes twice a day to engage with posts in your niche. Comment, like, and interact genuinely. Watch how this simple habit amplifies your reach and deepens connections.

Avoid Content Burnout

So many entrepreneurs think that once they’ve created a piece of content, it’s “lazy” or “bad” to reuse or repurpose it.

But it’s not. It’s smart.

Not only does it save you time and energy (so you can avoid content burnout), it also allows you to be effortlessly consistent with your marketing, which will instantly put you in the top 2% of content creators.

So stop letting your old content gather digital dust, and give it a refresh — 

✔️ Update old blog posts with new data, insights, or graphics. This not only revitalizes your content for new visitors but also boosts your SEO, as search engines love fresh, updated content.

✔️ Find your 3 highest performing social posts from 3-6 months ago. Tweak them in some way — maybe a new image, a different video, or an updated caption — and re-post.

✔️ Repurpose your content across platforms. Turn a newsletter into a podcast… into a YouTube video… into a social post… into a blog post, and so on. ♻️

Lightning Round: Marketing Edition

Research shows that open rates drop a staggering 18.7% when that word is in the subject line. (Source: Zippia) 

  • Never use the word “newsletter” in your subject line. Research shows that open rates drop a staggering 18.7% when that word is in the subject line. (Source: Zippia)
  • Number of shares is one of the most important engagement metrics for the Instagram algorithm. And the most shared type of content on the app? Reels → So making highly-shareable reels is still one of the best ways to explode your following. (Source: Meta, HootSuite) 
  • On Instagram, carousel posts have the highest engagement rate for business accounts. When did you last make and post a carousel? (Source: Statista)

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #591: Mastering Grace Under Pressure: Staying Poised When Things Go Wrong | Jamila Musayeva

Episode #590: The EXACT Daily Habits & Foods That Helped Me Generate Over $11M In My Business

Episode #589: Making $70M with Chat Funnels & Automated DMs | Natasha Willis

Episode #588: Asking Better Questions Can Upgrade Your Life, Business & Relationships

Til next time, sending so much love,

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  1. Katie says:

    I can’t see where you share the word never to use? It’s not there?

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