
Mastering the Inner Game of Business







  1. Why it’s crucial to protect and safeguard your energy.
  2. How to create the conditions for mental clarity.
  3. Why it’s actually easier to chase big goals than small ones.


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In my 12 years of working with coaches, entrepreneurs and online business owners, I’ve realized that one of the most overlooked factors when it comes to achieving success is the INNER game of business. 

Sure, the systems, tools and strategies you use DO matter, there’s no denying that. 

But here’s the thing: if you’re not working on your inner game, none of the outer stuff will make a difference. 

In fact, you could have the best strategy, business coach or tech-stack in the world, but if you’re exhausted, scattered, and not in alignment, then it won’t get you anywhere. 

So here’s how to master the INNER game of business…

1. Protect Your Energy.

As an entrepreneur, your energy is one of your most valuable assets. It dictates everything from your performance, to your decisions, to your productivity. So put simply, if you don’t have enough energy, your business is going to suffer.

Caring for and safeguarding your energy doesn’t just include the ‘usual culprits’ like eating a nutritious diet, moving your buns daily and getting enough sleep.

It’s also critical to avoid energy zappers like people-pleasing, spending too much time on social media, and hanging out with people who deplete you.

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Time in nature is one of my favorite ways to recharge my energy.

2. Create the Conditions for Mental Clarity.

If your brain is always racing and trying to do a million things at once, it’s going to negatively impact your work performance (not to mention the rest of your life!).

Not only does a chaotic mind make it hard to focus, it also makes it harder to tune into your intuition, make strong decisions, and see the bigger picture. 

The antidote? Create the conditions for mental clarity, so that your brain has the space and bandwidth to perform at its peak.

My favorite technique to achieve this is meditation and breathwork. 

I aim to get my tush on my medi-cushion for 2 x 20 minute sessions each day, and those minutes are always by far the most integral thing I do for my business everyday.

Hot tip: Even a few minutes of stillness and deep breathing can have a huge impact on your mental state. So if 20 minutes feels like too much of a reach, aim for 5 minutes and build up from there.

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I always spend a few minutes — or if I’m tight on time, even just a few seconds — centering myself before podcast interviews. It makes a HUGE difference to how I show up and to the final product.

3. Take Radical Responsibility for Yourself and Your Business.

It’s tempting to point a finger at external circumstances when things go awry. But in reality, this attitude diminishes your own power and can potentially spiral into a victim mentality.

Learning how to take radical responsibility for your business — in fact, for everything in your life — is like having a secret superpower. All of a sudden, you have the ability, willingness and mindset to change, improve and find solutions for any situation the Universe throws at you.

So the next time something doesn’t go well in your business — whether it’s a product launch, a client call, whatever — resist the urge to play the blame game, curl up in a ball, or binge an entire Netflix series.

Instead, confront the situation head-on. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this experience? And how can I pivot and improve for next time?” 

This proactive approach takes guts, but it’s like a ‘cheat code’ for achieving success and creating momentum. And trust me: once you’ve seen how powerful it is, you’ll never go back.

4. Upgrade the Stories You Tell Yourself.

Most of us think in habitual ways, without even being aware of it. 

Over time, these thinking patterns get ingrained as ‘stories’ that can then become self-fulfilling prophecies. 

Consider how many entrepreneurs convince themselves of things like, “It takes at least five years to turn a profit” or “Finding new clients is hard.” It’s hardly surprising when these beliefs become their lived experience.

The solution? Become aware of the stories you’re telling yourself, and do the work to upgrade them.

Imagine the shift in your approach (and therefore your results) when you replace the above stories with ones like: “My success is inevitable,” or “My ideal clients need my unique expertise.”

5. Think Bigger.

I cannot tell you how many entrepreneurs I meet who are focused on building their income by 5% or 10%. Or who want to increase their following by 100 subscribers a week. 

There’s nothing wrong with these goals, per se. Except that MOST people aim small. Most people lack the courage, drive, or ambition to aim big. 

Which means, ironically enough, that when you’re playing in the small pond like everyone else, there’s actually more competition and it’s harder to achieve those goals. 

When you think big, on the other hand, you’re suddenly in a much smaller, more rarified group. 

Also, your thought processes suddenly open right up, generating solutions and ideas that are exponentially more creative.

Hot tip: To understand this principle better, try this simple exercise. Ask yourself, “How can I increase my income by $10k this year?” Your brain will likely suggest minor adjustments and incremental changes. Now, shift to a bolder question: “How can I increase my income by $1M this year? This larger question forces your brain to break free from conventional thinking, to become more expansive, and to be truly creative. Even if you implement just a fraction of the ideas you generate, THIS is where true innovation and growth occur.
The Key Takeaway

Your inner state is as crucial as your business game. Aligning both ensures a robust, resilient, and thriving business.

Best of all, when you commit to mastering your inner game, you won’t just grow your business… you’ll transform your entire life.

Which of these steps are you going to try first, Beautiful? ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #541: How To Add Years To Your Life & Life To Your Years | Melissa & Nick

Episode #540: How To Sound More Confident & Communicate Like A Pro | Vanessa Van Edwards

Episode #539: From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M | Leila Hormozi

Episode #538: How To Break Free from Imposter Syndrome & Unlock Your True Potential

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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