
5 Wellness Rules That Deserve To Be Broken







  1. The tell-tale signs it’s time to switch-up your daily routine.
  2. How I got over my fear of eating carbs.
  3. The crucial wellness principle I’m modeling for my daughter (that took me WAY too long to learn).


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I’ve been thinking a lot about how wellness really isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ journey. 

And how sometimes, the very rules we believe are helping us could actually be holding us back. 

So today, I want to share five common wellness rules that, believe it or not, might be worth breaking to allow a healthier, happier you to emerge…

Rule 1: “A workout must be intense to be effective.”

I’m all for a tough, sweat-drenched workout – there’s something exhilarating about it. Feeling those endorphins racing through your body… so good! 

But constantly pushing yourself to the limit every day can have the opposite effect than intended. It can burn out your adrenals and fry your nervous system. 

It turns out, our bodies thrive on a variety of workouts and intensities. Slower, more calming sessions like yoga, pilates, walks in nature etc, are just as important as the intense ones. 

Embracing this kind of variety not only makes your fitness regime more sustainable, but it also adds an element of fun and enjoyment that’s hard to beat.

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Some days, my body craves a HIIT workout.
Other days, it’s yoga on the couch!

Rule 2: “Find a routine and stick with it.”

This rule needs a major rethink. 

If your daily routine doesn’t feel right anymore, it’s not just ‘okay’ to change it… you absolutely should! 

With a young child at home, I’ve learned to be flexible with my daily routines, and as a family, we’re constantly adapting things to meet our daughter’s changing needs. 

For example, when she went from two to one day sleeps, we restructured our whole day to work around her.

Even if you don’t have kids, the same principle applies: if a routine isn’t serving you, it’s time to revise it.

Rule 3: “You need to track every step and every workout.”

While tracking has its place, obsessing over numbers can take the fun out of being active. 

It’s totally fine to take breaks from tracking — or even to retire from it entirely if it’s causing you stress. 

Instead, focus simply on how you *feel*. Many people find this to be a far more rewarding approach. It can even reignite your joy in movement if your passion has taken a dive.

Rule 4: “Avoid carbs at all costs.”

I spent a good chunk of my twenties following this rule to the letter. But becoming plant-based has opened my eyes to a different way of eating.

It’s been liberating to learn how beneficial healthy whole-food carbs are, especially as a source of energy, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients.

It’s also been fascinating to see how much my body thrives on them. It’s been a game-changer for my energy levels, sleep, mood and overall well-being.

My go-to carbs include roasted root vegetables, grains (like quinoa, millet, and oats), and plenty of fresh fruit.

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A typical lunch — Japanese yam chips, hemp heart patty, sauteed silverbeet,
olives and sprouts, all topped with EVOO, and whipped up by Nick. Yum!

Rule 5: “No pain, no gain.”

In my career as a professional dancer, I used to equate pain with progress.

Pushing myself to extremes became my norm, I was hyper-critical of my diet and exercise habits, and I pretty much turned punishing myself into a full-time job.

Transitioning out of this punishing mindset into one that’s more nurturing has been a transformative and deeply healing journey. 

These days, I’m all about self-kindness, choosing activities that genuinely bring me joy — whether that’s a soothing walk, a slow stretch, or savoring my favorite Loco Love raw organic chocolate. (Not an ad, just a fan!)

This change isn’t just for my own benefit; it’s also for my daughter. I never want her to treat herself the way I used to treat myself. So I’ve got the best incentive in the world to be kind to myself, and to model what true, unabashed self-love looks like.

Hot tip: Some of the self-love rituals I’m introducing to my daughter include: saying affirmations in front of the mirror, mindful coloring in, kid-friendly yoga, and deep belly breathing.
The Key Takeaway

Most of us have spent our entire lives following rules and being rewarded for it. But if something’s not working for you, it’s time to give yourself permission to step outside the box and start over.

You’ll see far more benefits from listening to your body and treating yourself with kindness, than just following a set of stock-standard guidelines. 

Remember, the best rule in wellness is the one that makes you feel your best.

You’ve got this, Beautiful! ☀️

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #542: How To 10x Your Social Media Following & Hit 7 Figures | Natalie Ellis

Episode #541: How To Add Years To Your Life & Life To Your Years | Melissa & Nick

Episode #540: How To Sound More Confident & Communicate Like A Pro | Vanessa Van Edwards

Episode #539: From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M | Leila Hormozi

Til next time, sending so much love,

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