Melissa Ambrosini - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Soulful Sex And Soulmates With Melissa Ambrosini






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You can probably tell by now that this is going to be bit of a different episode. No, Melissa has not had a sex change, this is in fact her husband Nick doing bit of a podcast takeover. Each week Melissa asks you who you want interviewed on the show, and one of the most common requests is actually to hear more from Melissa. So in this extra special episode I am going to be playing the role of host while I get to ask Melissa all your top questions on the topics of love, relationships and soulful sex. Plus, if you are extra lucky, you might snag a few extra juicy insights from me too along the way 😉

Melissa Ambrosini needs no introduction. But since I have you as my captive audience, let me share a bit about Melissa from my perspective. When we first met, I was totally taken by what I call her ‘shininess’. Melissa is honestly the most authentic and beautiful person I have ever met, which explains why I proposed to her after just 2 weeks! I wanted this woman in my life forever.

Over the past 4 years since we met, I have watched her grow from an inspired young woman into a global thought leader who has the purest of intentions with everything that she does. Each morning when we wake up, she asks me “what are three things you are grateful for” and I often say “I am grateful that you said yes.”

Melissa makes me want to be more every day. And I think that really sums her up. Everyone I meet who has been touched by Melissa and her work, is inspired to be more. And I can’t wait for you to get your hands on her next book Open Wide because I know just how crucial this information is.

We both learned a lot of what is in the book before we met, and when we came together it was the perfect playing field to put it into action. I had many relationships before Melissa, and even a marriage. I can honestly say that not understanding the core concepts of what Melissa presents in Open Wide was like flying blind. I seriously had no idea what it meant to be a man! But thank goodness I managed to figure some of this out, which allowed me to then unite with my soul mate.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why Melissa wrote the deeply vulnerable Open Wide (05:49)
  • Why fear could be a sign that you are on the right path (10:26)
  • Why understanding the masculine and feminine is so important in your relationships and within yourself (11:59)
  • How to rebalance your masculine and feminine energy systems (13:26)
  • The importance of polarity and how it plays out in your relationships and everyday life (16:18)
  • What is soulful sex (22:55)
  • Why sex can be an act of service (25:35)
  • Why a man would choose whether or not to ejaculate during love making (27:40)
  • How do you call in more love and manifest your soulmate? (31:32)
  • The illusion that once you meet your ‘one’ it’s all rainbows and butterflies (37:59)
  • How to keep the spark alive in your relationship (43:56)
  • How to ‘consciously uncouple’ (50:16)
  • How do you let go of expectations in all of your relationships? (57:12)
  • How to make new soulful sister connections and be a good friend (01:02:35)

Episode resources:

  • The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida (Amazon)
  • Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch (Amazon)
  • Neale Donald Walsch on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • Open Wide – The Latest Single by BROADHURST (website)
  • BROADHURST (Nick’s official website) (website)
  • BROADHURST (Nick’s music on Spotify) (Spotify)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Penelope says:

    Loved this episode so much! You have some beautiful examples on how you come back into your feminine when you’re too in your masculine. I’m curious though, what are some ways you come back to your masculine, and that drive, if you feel you might be too much in your feminine? Xx

  2. Stephanie says:

    I just started listening to this episode and I was curious what you put into your green smoothies. Is that what you have most days? Can you recommend some really healthy breakfast options? Thanks!!!

  3. Alie says:

    Hey Melissa, loved this episode!
    I’m curious to know, if Nick is all about serving you during soulful sex, what is your aim/desire during it? Do you let him take the lead and just surrender and enjoy or do you also feel like you want to make it more about him sometimes?

  4. Vanessa Cashin says:

    Love love love
    Cannot wait to be part of your open wide tour in Sydney. I have shared your books & podcasts (as well as a ticket to the tour) with one of my in need soul sisters and hope that she finds you as inspirational as I do.

  5. Anastasia says:

    Have been loving and sharing all your podcasts, this one is one of my favourites. I have a male friend whom would like more info on the “Why a man would choose whether or not to ejaculate during love making” can Nick suggest any reading materials?

  6. Jess says:

    I listened to this episode this morning and absolutely loved it! I know you briefly touched on Expectations VS Boundaries, is this explored a little more in the book? I am learning big lessons around this at the moment. x

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Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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