N026 - Reclaim 5-10+ Hours Each Week

5 Smart, Simple Ways to Reclaim 5-10+ Hours Each Week







  1. Why it’s essential to minimize context switching ✅
  2. The importance of self-care in time management ⏳
  3. The life-changing magic of AI for entrepreneurs


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Do you ever feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in the day? 

You’re not alone. In our fast-paced world, time often feels like our scarcest resource. 

But what if I told you that with a few smart tweaks, you could reclaim 5-10 hours every week? 

That’s right, 5-10 extra hours that can be spent on whatever truly matters to you. 

Ready to make that a reality? 

Let’s dive in.


Before We Start — You might have come across some of these strategies before. But here’s the real question: Are you actually applying them in your life?  Think of this as a nudge to not just read these tips, but to actively incorporate them into your routine. Remember, reclaiming your time isn’t just about knowing what to do; it’s about doing what you know. So let’s turn these ideas into actions and watch how your days transform!

1. Batch Your Tasks

Ever noticed how it takes a while to get into the ‘zone’ each time you switch tasks? It’s called context switching, and it can be a massive time-waster. 

By batching similar tasks together, you reduce the time lost in transitioning. It sounds simple, but it can have a huge impact.

Try allocating specific days or blocks of time for similar activities, like emails, meetings, or creative work. This focused approach can massively boost your productivity and save hours in your week.

2. Use Apps for Automation

There’s an app for everything these days, so make sure you’re taking advantage of them!

Start with the low hanging fruit: Automate your bill payments. Use scheduling tools for appointments. Try productivity apps to keep your tasks in check. Set up auto-reminders for birthdays. Automate regular purchases (like toilet paper, pet food and more) so that you never have to think about them again.

The idea is to let technology handle the mundane, so that you can focus on what you love.

Here are some of my favorite apps for automating repetitive tasks:

  • Keeper Security – Best password manager.
  • Things – Best task management app for Mac and iPhone users.
  • ClickUp – Best task management for PC and Android users.
  • Google Calendar – Best digital calendar (can be used in iCal too).
  • Paprika – Best app for keeping track of recipes, shopping lists and more.

3. Chop Once, Eat Twice

Every time you’re preparing a meal, try to do something that makes your next meal easier.

For example, if I’m cooking Little B’s breakfast, I’ll quickly chop up and roast a tray of veggies for our lunch while I’m overseeing her pancakes or porridge.

If I’m chopping up greens for lunch, I’ll always do enough for dinner too.

And if I’m prepping our dinner, I’ll always think ahead to the next day to see if there’s something I can do ahead of time, like soaking beans and lentils, etc.

Thinking ahead in this way can save you SO much time and radically reduce your stress and mental load at meal times. AND my future self LOVES me for it.

4. Harness the Power of AI

If you’re a business owner — and ESPECIALLY if you’re a solopreneur — using AI is like having an extra set of hands (and an extra brain!) working in your business, helping you get things done.

AI can help with a range of tasks, from scheduling and customer service to content creation and data analysis. 

It’s basically like having a personal assistant that works 24/7, never gets tired, and constantly learns how to serve you better. 

I started using AI a year ago, and I can tell you: I’ll never be without it again! ❤️‍


Hot tip: Not sure where to start with AI? Are you worried that it will make your content sound robotic and soulless? Or maybe you’ve played around with ChatGPT before, gotten crappy results, and then written off AI entirely? If you relate to any of the above, register for the 3-day online challenge I’m hosting next week: AI Secrets for Solopreneurs. There’s only a handful of these free tickets left, so if you want to secure one for yourself, then jump over here now and enter your details to save your spot.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

It might sound counterintuitive, but taking care of yourself actually saves time. 

Exercise, meditation, good nutrition and proper rest can boost your energy levels and focus, making you more efficient at everything you do. 

So the next time you’re tempted to skip the self-care, remember that when you’re well-rested, well-fuelled and unstressed, tasks can be done in less time, with less hassle, and less procrastination.

The Bottom Line

Reclaiming your time isn’t about drastic life overhauls; it’s about making smarter choices every day. 

Start implementing these five strategies, and watch as your week opens up with hours of newfound time.

So, what will you do with your extra 5-10 hours? 

The possibilities are endless, Beautiful! ✨

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #563: Is Homeopathy The Answer to Vaccine Injuries & Autism? | Dr Isaac Golden

Episode #562: My Entrepreneurial Journey: What I Did, How I Grew & What I’d Do Differently Next Time

Episode #561: The Groundbreaking Power Of Neuroplasticity To Treat Chronic Fatigue | Ashok Gupta

Episode #560: The “Life Declutter” That Can Help You Reclaim Time, Space & Mental Bandwidth

Til next time, sending so much love,

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