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How do you want to feel today?

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could ask yourself that question, then flick a switch, and instantly shift your body into that state? It sounds like something from a science fiction movie, but today’s podcast guests, Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD and his wife, Kathryn Fantauzzi, have created a pioneering biotech device that does exactly that. 

Known as the ‘Apollo’, this wearable technology (which looks just like a sporty wristband) is proven to improve your body’s resilience to stress, so that you can focus better, get to sleep, and stay energized.

When I first heard about the Apollo, I thought it sounded intriguing and was keen to give it a go. Unfortunately, I was only able to try it a few times… because my husband stole it and has barely taken it off since! (Looks like we’ll be ordering another one!). 

Nick has declared this device to be one of the most powerful biotech items he’s ever used, and we’ve had plenty of dinner table conversations about how it’s transformed his sleep, his meditation, his yoga practice, his stress levels and more. Ever since he started raving about it, I’ve been excited to get the creators of this device on the show, so that you can hear about this powerful technology for yourself, and find out more about how to retrain your nervous system, recover from stress more quickly, and improve your wellbeing through science.

Apollo Neuroscience is the first scientifically-validated wearable system to improve heart rate variability, focus, relaxation, and access to meditative states by delivering gentle layered vibrations to the skin. The company was co-founded by Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD and his wife, Kathryn Fantauzzi. Dr. Rabin is a board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist who specializes in the treatment of chronic stress. While Kathryn, Apollo’s CEO, specializes in bringing discoveries out of the lab and into the real world.

There’s so much in this conversation that will blow your mind — including the incredible applications of this technology for improving kids’ concentration and reducing their anxiety and ADHD; the potential use of this device in high stress situations like surgery and labor; and why my friend says the Apollo is so effective it’s like “wearable plant medicine” (yes, really!).

So if you want to discover how to improve your body’s ability to relax and recover on demand, how to effortlessly get the most restorative night’s sleep of your life, and how to take control of how you feel by utilising what science has to offer, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you.

In this episode, we chat about:

  • What inspired them to take action and create the ultimate tool for stress relief (4:10)
  • The science behind Apollo Neuro and the genius method it uses to help our bodies beat stress and achieve homeostatic balance (9:16)
  • The mind blowing benefits that Apollo has had on its users (including decreasing anxiety and panic attacks, and improving sleep) (15:13)
  • The impressive benefits of Apollo for children, especially during stressful times like the current pandemic (21:06)
  • Can this technology be used to help during surgeries and even childbirth? (This part blew my mind!) (24:21)
  • All you need to know about heart rate variability, and why it is so important to get to know our bodies’ data in order to improve our health (28:05)
  • Why getting your sleep under control is so crucial for your wellbeing, and the three easy practices ANYONE can use to rebalance their circadian rhythm (36:55)
  • How coffee and alcohol are not only sabotaging your sleep cycle, but contributing to heightened levels of stress in our bodies (41:05)

Episode resources: 

  • Apollo Neuro (website)
  • BON CHARGE (use the code Melissa to get 15% off) (website)
  • Prairie Sonata by Sandy Shefrin Rabin (Amazon)
  • In Search of Memory by Eric R. Kandel (Amazon)
  • Start With Why by Simon Sinek (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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