The Postnatal Depletion Cure | Dr Oscar Serrallach

The Postnatal Depletion Cure | Dr Oscar Serrallach






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It’s normal for mothers of babies and young children to feel exhausted, rundown, foggy and depressed, right? Absolutely not, says today’s podcast guest, Dr. Oscar Serrallach… 

While postpartum depression has become a well known and recognisable condition, Dr Serrallach says that it’s actually postnatal depletion that is at the root cause of so many of the “stock standard” symptoms that affect so many mamas — including the baby blues, fatigue, baby brain and soul-crushing exhaustion. And in this epic conversation, he’s sharing the renowned protocol he developed to promote healing and recovery for all mums who still don’t feel like themselves — whether they gave birth one week, one year, or even one decade ago.

Dr Oscar Serrallach graduated with a medical degree from the Auckland School of Medicine, New Zealand in 1996. He received his fellowship of Family Medicine and General Practice in 2008 and is currently completing a Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He is the owner and principal doctor at the Mullumbimby Integrative Medical Centre based in Northern NSW Australia, and has garnered praise from high-profile fans like Gwyneth Paltrow, Penelope Cruz and Dr Libby Weaver.

Since I first encountered Oscar’s work, I’ve been desperate to get him on the podcast to share his groundbreaking wellness protocol with you. His work is so important for empowering mothers everywhere to reclaim their energy, and not only survive motherhood, but thrive in it. I’ve been recommending his book to all my friends who are mamas or mamas-to-be, and I can’t wait to put his strategies into practice.

So if you want to find out how to restore your health and vitality using nutrition, support your emotional wellbeing, and rewrite what it means to be a mother, then pop in those earbuds… this one’s for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • What inspired him to help women in their postnatal phase (5:35)
  • What every woman needs to know about postnatal depletion, and what makes it different from postnatal depression (9:37)
  • Why we need to pamper, guard and treat new mamas like royalty (and how to set crystal clear boundaries around your own postpartum period to set you up for success) (14:49)
  • The importance of understanding what your body and baby need at different stages, and how this is essential to prevent postnatal depletion (23:03)
  • The crucial role of collaboration and support in caring for new mamas (30:49)
  • How to create a postnatal ‘master plan’ to set yourself up for success in trimester four (35:37)
  • The essential supplements you need to be taking during pregnancy in order to prepare your body and your baby for labor (36:17)
  • Why it is imperative for mothers to go through nervous system practices to work on their responses towards stress (and the best place to start) (40:11)
  • Why sleep should be treated as medicine and not a luxury for mums — and his genius strategies to get more of it! (45:22)

Episode resources:

  • The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach (Amazon)
  • When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone (Amazon)
  • The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler (Amazon)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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  1. Laura says:

    Funny how things pop into your life when you need them most. This is exactly me right now! Thank you universe and thank you Melissa for sharing this information. I’ve just bought his book to learn more!

  2. Olivia says:

    I loved this episode thank you!! I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby & it didn’t even occur to me to look after myself! How strange is that! Just wondering Melissa which food train did you use?? I think I’ll be having a look into this for myself & my family be post partum. Thank you! X

  3. […] I was lucky enough to be featured on one of her episodes. Lily Nichols for postpartum meal ideas.The Postpartum Depletion Cure a book by Dr Oscar Serralach, to learn more on the role of nutrition in postpartum mood […]

  4. […] Lily Nichols for postpartum meal ideas. Her blog post Real Food Postpartum Recovery Meals. The Postpartum Depletion Cure a book by Dr Oscar Serralach, to learn more on the role of nutrition in postpartum mood […]

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