
How To Rise Up From Rock Bottom & Transform Your Life With Danette May






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What happens when you literally lose everything? Today’s podcast guest, Danette May, is no stranger to heartbreak and loss. But as you’ll hear in this incredible conversation, while rock bottom can be an incredibly painful space to find yourself… it can also be the birthplace of something amazing.

Danette May is one of America’s leading healthy lifestyle experts, and the founder of The Rise movement. She’s got a long list of achievements to her name — including world-renowned motivational speaker, #1 best-selling author of seven health and women’s empowerment books, a former celebrity fitness trainer, along with being a loving wife and mother.

Danette’s journey of transformation began after losing her son during childbirth, getting divorced, and finding herself with $47 to her name, all in quick succession. With life as she knew it torn apart, Danette found herself alone and hurting at rock bottom. With incredible bravery and determination, she began to focus on healing… and from there, figured out how to transform her health, mindset and lifestyle, in order to create a life she truly loved. In this episode, she’s pulling back the curtains on her transformation process, so that we can learn how to stand fully in our power and construct the life of our dreams.

So if you want to discover how to overcome extreme obstacles, practice radical self-love, and manifest the fullest, most vibrant version of yourself, then pop in those earbuds… this episode is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her transformation story and how she got to where she is today (11:03)
  • How she moved through her darkness and dealt with unspeakable loss (12:34)
  • The 3 powerful pillars for health and happiness (15:44)
  • How to cultivate self-love and why this skill is *so* essential for transformation (18:22)
  • How to transform your life from the inside out (31:39)
  • Why you need to pay attention to who you’re surrounding yourself with (33:50)
  • How to call in your soul sisters (40:10)
  • The truth about finding your soul mate (49:53)
  • The powerful role of visualization in creating your dream life (52:26)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Danette May’s website (website)
  • Danette May’s Free 3 Day Meal Plan. (website)
  • iRise Organics (Facebook)
  • Flat Belly Fast. (Amazon)
  • The Rise: An Unforgettable Journey of Self-Love, Forgiveness, and Transformation by Danette May. (Amazon)
  • A Tribe Called Bliss by Lori Harder (Amazon)
  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay (Amazon)
  • The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks (Amazon)
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Amazon)
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (Amazon)
  • How To Find Your Tribe With Lori Harder (podcast episode)
  • #RelationshipGoals With Chris And Lori Harder (podcast episode)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)
  • Open Wide Video Masterclass (podcast)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Susan says:

    Melissa, I now hunger for Wednesday’s thanks to you! Today’s podcast with Danette May was unbelievable and I’ve already shared it with a friend—as I’m now in the habit of doing weekly! You and your guests inspire me to no end! Thank you Danette for speaking honestly about crazy busy momma morning routines! I have four kids and live it too! Melissa, I can’t read all the books you recommend fast enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this awesome tribe!!!!

  2. Jamille says:

    I was listening to this episode and felt disappointed in the part about cutting negative people out of your life. Feels harsh. Rather than excluding them, shouldn’t there be some effort to welcome them to rise as well? Maybe offering a more positive point of view to those gossiping hairdressers… giving them the chance to be more compassionate about the people they are talking negatively about. Not everyone can be as mindful about their actions, but this shouldn’t mean that they are left to suffer. I understand the need to protect yourself from negative influence and being selfish in that way, but I think what’s more important is act with love in situations of hate. Be the change.

    • Hey Jamile, thanks for your comment. Just to be clear no one said anything about acting from hate instead of love. My intention is to always come from a place of love and sometimes that looks like not putting yourself in the firing line of someone who is being very harmful, hurtful and negative. You can still be kind and loving and simply choose not to stand in the firing line or to engage in that low vibe conversation. But you can do it in a kind and loving way which is always my intention. Does that make sense honey?

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