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Monday Motivation is a weekly dose of epic inspiration, delivered directly to you! These “mini episodes” are designed to clear out any mental clutter, shift you into clarity and uplift your spirit, so you can dive into your week bursting with love, focus and excitement.

Happy Monday!

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  1. Sandy Atkins says:

    Yesterday I returned to listening to your podcasts. I had taken a break. I realised when hearing you say that a friend had needed a break from personal growth, from constantly trying to grow. That was the same for me. I loved your expression As we water plants, we need to water ourselves and our friendships. The break was to allow things to absorb, sink in and just be. Thank you for the opportunity to gain clarity on why I felt overwhelmed by information.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my return, to hear your beautiful voice encouraging snippets of powerful stories from those you interviewed. I listen to three back to back.
    I am grateful for your consistency, your courage, your beautiful nurturing way of doing things. Thank you for all that you do, provide and give in your offerings to serve for the greater good. I appreciate you and all you stand for.

    • Oh Sandy, thank you so much for your beautiful words. I’m SOOO grateful and so proud of you for tuning in and listening to your heart and giving it when it needed. Well done angel. You’re amazing! Keep shining. xx

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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