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An abundance mindset was not something that came naturally to today’s guest, Peta Kelly. In fact, not that long ago, she had to do some major re-writing of her money story. But when she did? She became a self-made millionaire… at the grand old age of 25. (Seriously!). So you can probably tell you’re in for some epic aha’s in this episode.
Peta was recently featured in Forbes Magazine and has also been named in Inc Magazine’s list of Top 27 Female Entrepreneurs changing the world. Pretty epic, huh?!
She is a divine soul on a mission to unleash the genius of GenY’s globally. At age 22, she ditched her PhD studies and went on the hunt for that ‘thing’ that was calling her higher. That’s when she found her first business passion in network marketing and became a 7-figure-a-year earner by the age of 26. Her network marketing journey led Peta to her bigger, more global soul work and now she’s building a global enterprise, Jeaniius — a hub of nakedly brilliant people, mobilized to create epic-ness for our planet through conscious enterprise and magical collaborations.
Peta teaches the new way to live, lead, earn and give, and what excites her the most is bringing her brilliant, badass generation together as one team and one family so that we can gift our planet (and our kiddies) an environment where they can truly thrive.
If you have any limiting money beliefs, abundance blocks or simply want to be ‘richer’ in all areas of your life, this episode is for you!
In this episode we chat about:
- How she became a self-made millionaire at age 25 (04:42)
- How she mastered her Mean Girl to retire her mum at age 26 (13:53)
- Her secrets to busting through fear (15:33)
- Why rewriting your money story is key to experiencing abundance (and how you can do it in your own life) (21:23)
- Why alignment is so ridiculously important in manifesting your heart’s desires (31:52)
- The one exercise that will change your relationship with money forever (41:23)
- Why being ‘nice’ to money is imperative (such a cool idea!) (42:11)
- How to become financially free… even if you’ve always been ‘bad’ with money, or thought it wasn’t ‘possible’ for you (48:17)
- The 3 powerful M’s that will rock your life (50:11)
- Plus so much more!
Episode resources:
- Peta Kelly’s Website (website)
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (Amazon)
- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks (Amazon)
- Whatever Arises, Love That by Matt Kahn (Amazon)
- Womb Wisdom by Padma Aon Prakasha and Anaiya Aon Prakasha (Amazon)
- The Supercharged by Peta Kelly (website)
- Peta’s FREE 5 Days Money Series on Facebook (Facebook)
Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.
P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.
P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.
Oh my gosh! This could not be more timely for me Melissa! I am at that exact crossroad of ‘Why am I doing something that doesn’t light me up? I know what I want to do why don’t I just do it?!’ Love, love, loved listening! Thank you beautiful ladies! xx
YES YES YES! Can’t wait to dive into this one. X
I love love LOVE this! (How to financially free yourself with Peta Kelly). Terrific to hear a woman’s point of view on money, and the advice to clear up the energetic environment around money. Thanks so much!
I absolutely loved this episode, so interesting. Thank you so much!
Great podcast thankyou!!!! Rewriting my money story now
I love thinking of money as a female energy. The Indians call of the Goddess of abundance, Lakshmi.
Im not able to find Peta’s 5 days of financial tasks on her FB site though, could you point me in the right direction? Thankyou xxxx
Hey angel, it’s under videos on her Facebook page. Check it out!
This interview is so inspiring! I’m off to rewriting my money story now. I can see how some beliefs I have about money are keeping me stuck and it’s time to change that. Thanks, ladies!
This was AMAZING! And always the timing was completely perfect for me! I’m off to checkout Peta’s fb page and rewrite my money story
So excited!!
I absolutely LOVE PK!!! I have been following her for quiet sometime on her journey through NWM and to hear her on your podcast Melissa was just amazing! I love the way she puts things as I resonate with it so much. Will be rewriting my money story today, Thank you both ever so much for your inspiring ways xoxoxo
Great podcast as always Melissa, I particularly enjoyed this one. XO
Wow wow wow!!! I loved every minute of this podcast. Literally 30 minutes after listening to it I bumped into an old friend with a similar vision for a heart centred business and as a result a new idea is being birthed.
I just love it! Just get out of the way already! The universe wants to give you what you want but we get in the way! I have taken so much from this podcast and my money story muscle is getting so much stronger and I know this because amazing stuff keeps happening!
Thanks so much Mel for having the most incredible guests. I feel so incredibly grateful to have such amazing information available. Like seriously! It’s insane! xxxxx
Melissa I am absolutely loving your Podcasts. So many gems. Thankyou …PS Your Podcasts seem to be sped up with speakers speaking really fast…is anybody else finding that?
Hey Debra, thanks for your love. You may have you time sped up. Check on your app and let me know how you go. xx
Hi Melissa. I just wanted to share my appreciation and gratitude for your interview with Peta Kelly. Her perspective and approach to money has helped me see and relate to money differently. It’s just so interesting and makes a great deal of sense. She has raised my awareness and makes things simple. She is inspirational and I love that her wisdom is conscious & heart felt. Again, thank you. Love and blessings to you
Thank you so much for your love and appreciation, it means the world to me. xx
Hi Melissa,
I loved this episode. I feel like I fell off the wagon with listening to your podcasts for a while as I chose to put my head in the sand with some stuff I’m dealing with but I’m very much back on board again now, listening and learning from you and your amazing guests. I guess the question I have after listening to this podcast is how can I identify how I really feel about money and what are the behaviours and opinions that I’ve learnt from my parents – I guess you could say I have a lot of noise and I’m not sure really how I feel.
i hope you can help!
Hey Holly, start by writing ‘I believe money…..’ just write and see what comes out. Then ask yourself ‘is this what I truly believe?’ Then re-write your money story like Peta suggests. It’s super powerful. Once you have done it let me know how you went. I can’t wait to hear back from you. xx
hi melissa! i thoroughly enjoyed this interview and went to her fbook page under videos to try to find the 5 days of financial tasks… thanks!
Hi Melissa,
I’ve just finished listening to this amazing podcast. Can you please advise where to find Peta’s FREE 5 Days Money Series? The link directs to the Facebook but not sure where to go from there?
Thank you. x
Hey honey, head to her Facebook page and then look under her video’s. It should be there. Let me know how you go. xx
Hey Natalie! Did you have success in finding the free 5 day money video? I am having difficulties finding in myself and have looked under Peta’s videos on FB and cannot seem to find it. Thanks!!
Hi ladies, I found it here – I think this is the same one?
Peta articulated so well the ego vs the soul. I see….. money is the MEANS not the END point as it’s the generation and circulation of money to be in alignment. Here’s to a more vibrant future, thank you ladies xxx
I just listened to the latest episode with Peta Kelly and was so reminded of how transformative this episode was for me. I remember listening to it on the train on my way to the job I despised, feeling so stuck and alone, and Peta’s enthusiasm and truth-bombs just melted into me. I felt so open to her message. Later that same day I got a last-minute job interview and completely switched careers. I am so grateful to you and Peta for your empowering work!!
WHOOO HOOO Laura, so proud of you and hope you are loving your new job. xx
My God, she talk so fast, goes so deep and blows me in my eyes, tears coming and forcing my cells to open. Namaste
Beautiful interview…… Peta you are human. Yes maybe super human, but yes you are human. As a human, you are not meant to ever be “perfect”. Striving to be impeccable in all areas is “perfect”. :)). My ex went through university putting his text books under his pillow with the hope of osmosis. Thank you for a wonderful interview. Just what I was needing.
I am so glad it resonated Evelyn. Make sure you check out Peta’s book. It’s epic!
Hi. I just listened to this episode today and wanted to learn more about the financial freedom series Peta has put together, but the link provided above for FB is invalid. Do you have another suggestion for this type of work with money (maybe from a different guest from your show) or know where to find Peta’s free 5-day series(cause I checked her website too). Thanks!
Hey honey, Peta has since closed down her Facebook, but it’s all in her book Earth Is Hiring which I highly recommend. Grab yourself a copy, have a read and let me know what you think. xx