Dr Suhas Kshirsagar - The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life With Ayurvedic Expert Dr Suhas Kshirsagar






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When it comes to our health, we’re used to focusing on ‘what’ we’re doing — what we’re eating, what exercise we’re doing, and what supplements we’re taking. But today’s podcast guest — world-renowned Ayurvedic physician Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar — says that if we want to lose weight, limit inflammation, sleep deeper, exercise better, reduce stress, and boost our wellbeing, then ‘what’ isn’t the only thing we should focus on… we should also be asking WHEN.

Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar is a leading Ayurvedic physician, the director of the Ayurvedic Healing and Integrative Wellness Clinic in Northern California, and the author of two of my favourite books on Ayurveda — The Hot Belly Diet and Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life. He’s also a consultant at the Chopra Center, an educator at several Ayurvedic institutions, and a motivational speaker who’s shared the stage with people like Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer… so it’s safe to say, he knows his stuff!

In this episode, we dive deep on Ayurvedic chronobiology — that is, how to schedule your life for optimum health and effortless energy, based on your body type.

I had so many ‘aha’ moments during this conversation (especially when he revealed how much control our “clock genes” have over our biological processes — it’s amazing!) and I’ve already made some significant shifts in our family schedule to better suit our body clocks.

So if you’d like to know how your calendar is affecting your genes, why timing is *everything* when it comes to weight loss and stress reduction, and how to finally get a good night’s sleep, this conversation is for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why you need to understand Ayurveda and your specific body type (08:12)
  • How we get imbalances and how to prevent common lifestyle diseases (10:29)
  • Why disease is a detour (11:26)
  • How understanding your body type affects your schedule and routine and how it can change your life (12:42)
  • The ideal schedule for your body type (22:53)
  • Why lack of sleep makes you dumb (seriously!) (38:28)
  • What is ‘social jetlag’ and why it’s ruining your health and life (42:43)
  • Why you must avoid blue light and screens at night (46:48)
  • What exercise is best for your body type and the ideal time to workout (51:24)
  • How to build your ideal day according to your body type (01:00:18)
  • What he attributes his success to (01:02:31)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode Resources

  • Ayurvedic Healing (website)
  • Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life by Dr  Suhas Kshirsagar (Amazon)
  • The Hot Belly Diet by Dr Suhas Kshirsagar (Amazon)
  • How To Live An Extraordinary Life With Mike Sherbakov (podcast episode)
  • Using The Stars And Planets To Guide Your Life With Laura Plumb (podcast episode)
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra (Amazon)
  • Why Sleep Deprivation Makes You Stupid, Slow and Dangerous by Heather Davis, EdD (pdf)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

This week’s podcast is brought to you by Organifi which is a superior organic, all natural, vegan, superfood blend refined and clinically tested and time proven. As most of you know I travel a lot, but my health is one of my top priorities and something I am so passionate about and will never skimp on, which is why when I travel I carry my little Organifi green juice sashes with me so no matter where I am in the world I can always start my day with delicious, alkalizing, nourishing greens. Which is great because no matter what happens after that I have at least started my day loaded with green goodness. And the best part is they don’t just do greens, they have red juices, gold turmeric blends, clean protein powders, probiotic blends and more. And if you want to get 20% off anything store wide all you have to do is head to organifishop.com (which I will link to in the show notes just in case you’re driving) and type MATRIBE at the checkout to get your 20% off everything in your cart. How epic is that!

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  1. Jodie Ward says:

    Every time I put my earbuds and tune into your podcasts I know my life is about to change for the better
    I cannot thank you enough for igniting my fire and for allowing me to help light others fire too
    I’ve shared your podcasts far and wide
    You bring light Melissa

  2. Abbie says:

    Melissa, thank you so much for this fabulous episode! I listened in the car and while tidying my kitchen, now I’m going to sit down with pen and journal and re-listen! It was so good! I love all of your shows but this one really resonated. I’m so grateful for your work. I’m a Pilates and Yoga teacher and studying at IIN which was partly inspired by your example. Thank you again. Your influence is spreading far and wide rippling out into my community in country WA as I share your podcasts and books! Much love Abbie

  3. Virley says:

    Hi Melissa! Love your podcast! Did Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar share the article about how lack of sleep makes you dumb? Super curious about the studies linked to Alzheimer’s. Thank you!

  4. Daniella says:

    Hi Melissa, loved this episode so much.
    I’m really interested in knowing more about my body type. Do you have any recommendations on how to do this?
    Thanks so much, Daniella

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