
Celebrating #500, Part Two: Re-Prioritizing Your Health, Raising Empowered Kids, The Low-Tox Products We Love, Crypto & More | Melissa & Nick






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We’re back for Part Two! 

Nick is joining me behind the mic to continue our celebrations in honor of the show reaching its biggest milestone yet: 500 episodes!

In this wide-ranging conversation, we’re answering more of YOUR burning questions, like: What’s the best way to start working on my health if I’ve let it slide? How do you get up so early when you’ve got a small child? Do you find it harder to meditate since having a baby? Do you still use and love essential oils? What sort of support systems do you have in place to manage work, parenting and life? How have you handled the crypto downturn? How do you manage deadlines when you’re stressed and overwhelmed? And for the love of raw chocolate, when can we get our hands on your new book?! 

As always, it’s an honor to share our insights, lessons, and best recommendations with you. If you’re hungry for advice, ideas and inspo that can help you uplevel your health, wealth, parenting, habits, routines and more, then buckle up… this one’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How to find the time and energy for a morning routine when you’ve got young kids (1:53)
  • Do we still use essential oils? (9:13)
  • 3 powerful ways to connect with and heal your inner child (14:09)
  • How homeopathy changed Nick’s life forever (16:07)
  • The monthly bodywork appointment we’ll never, ever miss (18:07)
  • Our favorite no-tox moisturizers for luminous, dewy skin (20:48)
  • How to regain control of your health when you’ve fallen off the bandwagon (22:56)
  • What we’ve learned (so far) about parenting and the gentle method we use for toddler emotions (26:50)
  • The game-changing approach to raising kids that has transformed the way we parent (37:36)
  • Our thoughts on dummies (aka pacifiers) and why our perspective on them has shifted  (40:30)
  • How we manage deadlines — especially when time is short and stress is high! (43:56)
  • The latest info on the release of Time Magic (and why we can’t wait for you to read it!) (47:19)
  • Rapid-fire questions on birth, motherhood, preparing for baby #2, crypto market volatility, and so much more (48:25)

Episode resources: 

  • Episode #500, Part One: How To Have A Wildly Satisfying Sex Life, Dealing With Conflict, Our COVID Experience, Epic Morning Routines & More (Podcast)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl (Book)
  • Open Wide (Book)
  • Comparisonitis (Book)
  • Blue Block Glasses Bon Charge (Use the code Melissa for 15% off sitewide)
  • Blue Light Blocking Lamp Bon Charge (Use the code Melissa for 15% off sitewide)
  • Blue Light Blocking Clip Light Bon Charge (Use the code Melissa for 15% off sitewide)
  • Sunlight Lamp (Shop)
  • The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (Book)
  • Essential Oils (Shop)
  • Organic Jojoba Oil (Shop)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Shop)
  • White Vinegar (Shop)
  • Young Living (Shop)
  • Essential Oil Wizardry (Shop)
  • Inner child healing meditation (Listen here)
  • Follow Melissa on (Instagram)
  • Noosa Body Mechanics (Website)
  • Bioelectric meridian therapy machine (Shop)
  • Biologi Organic Rosehip Oil (Buy)
  • Coconut Oil (Buy)
  • Ayurveda Abhyanga Oil (Buy)
  • Pure Essential Face and Body Cream (Buy)
  • Get The Big Five Tests by Dr Stephen Cabral (Here)
  • Become a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner (Here
  • Join Wholy Mama 
  • Nurturing Wonder In Our Children, Making Christmas Magical & The Art Of Creative Discipline with Lou Harvey-Zahra (Podcast)
  • Lour Harvey-Zara (Website)
  • Take The Terrific Toddler Course (Program
  • Happy Child, Happy Home: Conscious Parenting and Creative Discipline by Lou Harvey-Zahra (Book)
  • Creative Discipline, Connected Family by Lou Harvey-Zahra (Book)
  • Growing Children, Thriving Children by Lou Harvey-Zahra (Book)
  • The Connected Family Handbook by Lou Harvey-Zahra and Danielle Harbison (Book)
  • Get your copy of Time Magic (Book)
  • Get the free audio masterclass (How Successful People Start Their Day)
  • Conscious Divorce, Sex After Baby, Cutting Ties With Family Members, Favourite Breakfasts & More (Podcast)
  • Tens Machine (Buy)
  • Get the Dr Stephen Cabral CBO Protocol (Here)
  • Infrared Sauna Blanket (Use the code Melissa for 15% off sitewide)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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