Sophia Amoruso

Building A $100 Million Dollar Empire, The Truth About Rapid Success, & How To Assemble Your Dream Team | Sophia Amoruso






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Some people have the Midas touch. Sophia Amoruso is one of them. She started her first business, a tiny ebay store, when she was broke and scrounging in dumpsters for her next meal. Despite all the odds, it rapidly became a $100 million dollar global brand, while Sophia herself became a fashion icon, a New York Times bestselling author, and an entrepreneurial superstar.

So how do you go from dumpster diving to founding one of the fastest-growing retailers in the world? How does a broke outsider become one of the most sought-after and respected entrepreneurs on the planet? And what lessons are there from this wild journey that can help all of us follow our true path, ignore the naysayers, and pave our own way to unbridled success?

In this inspiring conversation, Sophia reveals all. If you have your own business, if you’re dreaming of starting one, or if you simply want the courage to follow your own path, this episode is going to knock your socks off. 

Press play to learn: how to build an iconic global brand, why success has nothing to do with how popular you were at high school, the critical importance of assembling an A-team of people to support you, her hardwon tips for finding and hiring the right people, how having a mentor can radically accelerate your success (and where to find one), the surprising technique she swears by for overcoming her inner critic, and why it’s okay to break the rules when you’re building a business.

About Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso is the Founder & CEO at Business Class, a serial entrepreneur, and New York Times Bestselling Author who has forged an unprecedented path in founding and scaling iconic brands and businesses. Sophia has evolved from one of the most prominent figures in fashion to a cultural thought leader, inspiring a new generation of founders, professionals, freelancers, and creatives. When Sophia was 22, she started a little eBay store selling vintage clothing out of the back of an ‘87 Volvo and named it Nasty Gal. Over the years, she scaled the business to over $100 million in revenue and wrote an 18-week New York Times Bestselling book about the whole thing and named it #GIRLBOSS. Through her businesses, books, and podcasts she’s mentored millions of people, sharing her highs and lows along the way. A Northern California girl at heart, she lives in Los Angeles, is a dog mom to three poodles, and prefers hikes over happy hours.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The wild story of how her tiny ebay store become a $100 million global business (5:35)
  • The unexpected bolt of inspiration that sparked her famous book (17:00)
  • The surprising technique she swears by for overcoming her inner critic (21:46)
  • Why teamwork makes the dream work — and how to harness this power in your own biz (30:59)
  • Tips and advice for gathering your own dream team of rockstars (32:23)
  • What it’s like to be the face of a global brand (and the powerful lessons she’s learned from being so visible) (37:17)
  • How she deals with comparisonitis (46:24)
  • How to find mentors to jumpstart your success and accelerate progress (51:00)
  • Why it’s crucial to make ‘fun’ a foundation of your business (55:01)
  • The best platforms for finding epic team members and making hires (58:26)
  • Her #1 tip for radically boosting your health (1:11:34)

Episode resources: 

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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