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The idea for The Wholy Mama Journal came to me at 2am one morning, while I sat feeding my beautiful baby girl. I was staring down at her, a gigantic smile on my face, drinking in her intoxicating scent, playing with her tiny fingers and feeling every cell in my body bursting with love and gratitude. I love being a mama, I love being her mama. How can I hold onto this feeling forever?!

Then a quote from Rumi popped into my head and wouldn’t let go: “Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.”

Wholy Mama Journal

As I sat there in the early hours of the morning, I was reminded that the more we express what we are truly grateful for, the more we have to be grateful for. That’s how the Universe works. That’s the answer — gratitude.

Now, I’ve had a very solid gratitude practice for years, but I wanted to express it more. I wanted to write it down. I wanted to hold onto those precious moments and never forget them. And I had a sneaking suspicion that I wasn’t the only mama who felt that way…

Wholy Mama Journal

So with that in mind, I imagined a tool that could be used to capture those feelings of intense mama-gratitude surging through my heart, and that could also amplify them. A sacred space just for me. A keepsake to give my baby girl one day, if I wish. And a memento for me in the decades to come when my babies have all grown up and flown the nest.

Wholy Mama Journal

I also wanted to create a space for me to get intentional about how I show up each day — after all, as the author Annie Dillard so perfectly states, how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. And that, sweet friend, is how The Wholy Mama Journal was born.

So this is your safe space to come home to. To begin and round out your day. No matter what happens in your day (or night), you can show up here just for yourself. It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes, it could simply be three! There’s no judgement, no rules, only love.

Wholy Mama Journal

This journal can be your cheerleader, your refuge, and your nourishment all at once. I got you. You are so seen, so heard, and so incredibly worthy. And mama, on behalf of your babes, you’re doing an amazing job. Never forget that.

Get your journal for you and your besties here.

P.S. You can pick from 4 different colours and get YOUR name engraved on the top, how special is that!

The Mindful Mama Journal

Enjoy, I created this for you!

Melissa Signature New

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  1. K says:

    So beautiful and exciting and what an amazing idea! Wow. Can’t wait to get these as a gift — especially with the custom name on top. So special. Congratulations Melissa. This is truly a special soul project and thank you for sharing and expanding your love and creativity (and deep mama love) as a book for all to cherish. So special. Namaste xx

  2. Fernanda says:

    wow thats really a nice and wondeful information you have shared, really loved it. love my personal spce, Thanks

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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