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I’ve been bouncing around the house all morning like the happiest little coconut because I have some HUGE news that I can FINALLY share with you…

… my TEDx Talk is now live!

The topic of my talk?

How Your Inner Critic Is Holding You Back…

.. and how — with my life-changing 4-step C.A.S.T process — it doesn’t need to keep you trapped and suffering anymore.

And guess what? I go deep. Really deep.

I talk about the time when I had depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and was at rock bottom…

I share (never seen before) photos of me in costume from my time as a professional dancer at the Moulin Rouge…

I even share about the time I had a face full of cold sores (seriously — there were sores all over my face, in my mouth, up my nose, down my throat… a “friend” said I looked like someone had taken a blowtorch to my face!)

I pulled out all the stops and left my heart up on that stage. Because c’mon, it’s a TEDx Talk — you’ve gotta give it 1000%!

With the game-changing C.A.S.T. technique in your toolkit, your inner critic won’t stand a chance. You’ll be free to chase your dreams, be yourself, and live your life away from that constant negative voice telling you you’re not good enough.

… It could just be the most impactful 14 minutes and 20 seconds of your entire week.

So pour yourself a cuppa, settle down somewhere comfy, and get watching.

I can’t wait to hear what you think!

P.S. Once you’ve watched, please do me a favour and use the buttons to share it on your socials. It will only take a few minutes, and it makes a huge difference to the long-term impact of this message. Thank you so much! I would also LOVE to hear your thoughts below in the comments (I read every single one!).

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  1. Isabel says:

    Bravo sister, you did amazing! I hope the message spreads even further now! Love, Isabel x

  2. Jess says:

    Such a powerful message, and such an inspiring talk. Love your work, lady. And love you.

  3. Melisa Marie says:

    Such an important, practical, relatable & inspiring message!! Think of you & your strategies often & how I can overcome overwhelm & anxiety. Thank you for being such a beautiful bright light & reminding us constantly how we can be the best versions of ourselves!!! xx

  4. Brooke Fallins says:

    Loved this! I’m going to start using the CAST technique today x

  5. I just finished watching this amazing Ted Talk and WOW !! I think it’s so important to hear these words and be reminded of how powerful our own self talk really is. Thankyou Melissa for opening up, sharing, and shining light on something that can totally set us on a new course of living.

  6. Tamsyn Neill says:

    Absolutely life changing beautiful! Your genuine raw and authentic way of sharing your story makes it that much more impactful. So many epic takeaways here xx

  7. Such a beautiful and powerful insight into the intricacies of being human and how we can overcome our own fears and negating inner dialogue to re-establish a loving and supportive relationship with our very own self, and access our full potential. Thank you for shining brightly and sharing your light with the world Melissa. ✨

  8. Brandy says:

    Something I absolutely needed to hear this morning! My mean girl and I were going at it, then I listened to this and was reminded of my true self! Thank you Melissa for all the love you spread!

  9. Heather says:

    Hey Melissa

    I took my morning cuppa to our home office and saw your email. So, I sat sipping and listening 🙂 Because I have read your wonderful book ‘Inner Mean Girl’ it was great to rehear the words that I had read. My daughter is going through a rough patch at the moment and I have shared your link with her.
    Being in Australia and I’m here in NZ it is hard to not be able to give your daughter just a great big hug!
    Thank you for your shining light and positivity…much needed

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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