I was recently asked how I stay so committed to my health journey. This question kind of took me by surprise because, to be honest, I don’t even think about it anymore. After years of being fiercely committed, it has become so deeply ingrained in me that it’s like brushing my teeth — I don’t have to think about it, I just do it…
Things like eating organic, drinking clean water, not drinking alcohol or coffee, moving my body, meditating twice a day, dry body brushing, scraping my tongue, getting to bed early, getting eight hour’s sleep, spending time in nature and flexing my self-love muscle have all become so embedded in my way of life that they no longer feel like a chore, task, effort or burden. But, of course, creating these types of healthy habits takes time — and a deep-seated commitment to re-training your Mean Girl programming.
I often hear people commenting that they are too stressed, that they don’t have enough time to be organised or to prepare nourishing food, and that ‘quick and cheap’ is just… well, quicker and easier. I also hear others say that they get too influenced by outsiders — when their partners or friends want to get a pizza, a bottle of wine, and a tub of ice cream, it’s just ‘easier’ to go along with them and follow the crowd. Or when your girlfriends ask you out for a cocktail, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) sets in, and even though it’s not your truth you end up going out anyway.
It’s important to know that feeling fabulously healthy is a journey — one I’m still on. It’s a process which takes commitment, dedication and persistence. Like everything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it. And it doesn’t just happen overnight, you must keep at it every single day.
For me, there are two key things that help me stay on track and moving forward on my path to wellness…
1. Staying Committed To Your ‘Why’
We all want to feel fabulously healthy, vital and strong… but WHY? Why do you want that? It’s not a question we often ask ourselves. Is it because you want to be able to run around the park with your kids without feeling exhausted? Because you want to compete in the local women’s fun run? Because you want to be able to go out dancing with your girlfriends? Or even just to get up the stairs at work without puffing and panting? For me personally, my why is because I freakin’ love the way it makes me feel. I love feeling energetic, vital and fabulously healthy… who doesn’t?! When I feel like this, I am able to play cricket with my boys, take beautiful long walks with my soul sisters, and do a barre class or yoga without feeling like I am going to pass out.
I also have another why… one day I want to have a baby. And I want to make sure I am the healthiest I can be in order to create a beautiful and healthy bub. I understand and know that whatever health stuff I may have going on, I will 100% pass onto my baby, and I don’t want that. I want to give that little bubba the best possible chance at thriving, and if that’s the case, I have to show up and play my part. As a side note, my husband does too — when it comes to creating a bundle of joy, it takes two to tango and ladies, your men have just as much to do with creating a healthy baby as you do (but that’s another whole post!).
So what is your why? Why do you want to be fabulously healthy and stay on your health journey?
2. Educate Yourself
I think where people often fall off the bandwagon is with education. Once you understand and know what you know, you can’t ‘unknow’ it. So for me, there’s no way I could go and down a bottle of champers, a packet of chips, a can of Coke, a block of chocolate and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, because I know too much. I know that that isn’t the best choice for me and I know it won’t make me feel fabulously healthy. SO why would I do it!
Education is key when it come to wellness. Once you know something, you can’t unknow it!
Do whatever it takes to get the knowledge you need to make the best choices for you and your family.
Unless you have one of those zappers from Men In Black that erase your memory (which I’m pretty sure isn’t the case!), you can’t unknow what you know.
So in order for you to stay on your path, remember: knowledge is key! Read books, take courses, listen to podcasts while you do the housework, hire a coach, watch documentaries — whatever feels best and most inspiring for you. We need to stay curious and be students for life. Constantly seeking out knowledge is the best way to ensure you’re keeping up to date, making the right choices for you, and staying committed to your health and wellness journey.
Now I want to hear from you — What is your why? Why do you want to feel fabulously healthy? Share with me in the comments below. Then I want you to write it on a Post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror so you can constantly stay connected to it.
Remember, so many beautiful souls from all over the world come here to be inspired daily and your comment might be the one thing to ignite massive shifts for the better. So open that big heart of yours and share from there!
As always beautiful, thank you for being here and for being so fiercely committed to becoming wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. You rock my world!
I want to feel fabulously healthy so I can give 100 percent to what I do. I want to learn to do it from a place of love though, sometimes fear is a driving factors for getting healthy. Feeling vibrant and glowing with health is a beautiful way to track whether you are doing this lovingly or not! Another beautiful post Mel xx See you soon and love you so much!
I want to stay healthy so I can continue studying and follow my dreams of becoming a naturopath! It is important for me to put my health first so I can make the most of life and live my dharma.
I am inspired by own achievements and those of others around me. I want to help others reach their goals and attain optimum health – that’s why it’s so important for me personally to stay healthy – so I can be a true beacon of wellness for others.
Thank you for being so inspirational Melissa, I hope you have a wonderful day xx
Beautifully said Claire.
My ‘why’ is undoubtedly maintaining my ability to look after and support my most favourite people. If I’m cranky, tired, sick or uninspired I don’t have the energy I want and need to bring comfort to the people I love the most.
Exactly Matilda and you can’t show up to the world as your best you and we need you
Beautiful post Mel. When I’m feeling fabulously healthy life just FLOWS! and that is all the WHY I need! Life becomes effortless (well as effortless as being a mumma to a 6 month old can be ;)) I feel good, I have boundless energy and I attract that same energy into my life. When I put good things into my body (be that food, movement, thoughts or relationships) I feel incredible, and similarly when I stray from this path I very quickly begin to notice how yucky I feel. The big thing for me is to practice self-love and compassion towards myself, and notice when nasty thoughts, junk food or toxic relationship enter my life and take action to get life flowing again.
Hi Melissa, thanks for the great read. I agree 100% when it comes to educating yourself- once you dive under the surface and see the real picture, there really is no going back. That’s exactly how I feel with going vegan- people ask if its hard and if I miss meat or if I will go back to eating these foods again. Like you, being vegan is a joyous part of my daily life that I don’t think about either. Knowing all I do now about the meat and dairy industry there is no way I could ever go back to supporting such atrocity.
I think if the wider population in general did their own research into the food they nurtured their body with, then there would be a dramatic change! Already I see it beginning with new healthy food places popping up everywhere and McDonalds closing its doors around the world (woohoo!!!)
With education comes change and with loving yourself and respecting yourself and the world around you comes life long change.
Working together and supporting one another is always such a great step. xx
Agh I really needed this today! The hardest thing for me is committing to not snoozing past my early morning alarm! It’s when I do this that I feel rushed and annoyed at myself for not having the time to get through my morning rituals properly. Thanks Melissa
Hi Anja,
I totally understand how you feel. Have you tried going to bed earlier? I find that really helps me.
I would love to feel as healthy and vibrant as you do!
I am studying and have 2 young children so I tend to neglect my own physical wellbeing. Because I am naturally skinny I also lie to myself telling myself it doesn’t matter if I don’t exercise in order to avoid guilt.
For me it is a matter of making it a priority & hanging on to that ‘feeling’ I get when I imagine being healthy and strong.
Thanks Melissa x
Exactly Katie, it’s about how moving your body in a loving way makes you feel. It’s awesome! Even if it’s only 10 minutes. That’s better than nothing
I like to be healthy beacuse it’s the only way it feels good. And I like to feel good. I’m also a mother, wife, daughter, sister and a personal trainer so I want to be a role model to others and show that once you get on the “healthy train” the ride can be fun and filled with joy. No room for struggle here. Totally agree with you Melissa that once you start doing certain things they’re so deeply ingrained in your mind and body that anything different feels off. There is still a lot of room for improvement but now I understand it’s a journey and I can enjoy the process taking small steps at a time. Still love my coffee
Exactly Boshka it is a journey and not a race.
Keep at it beautiful.
My why is simple, I want to be the best version of me that I can be. I’m nowhere near yet but that is my goal.
Hey Rebekah,
Remember it’s a journey and you are already perfect exactly the way you are
I want to be fabulously healthy because that’s when I show up in the world. Everything starts to flow and a beautiful cycle of ‘coincidences’ start to fall into my lap. I love the feeling of vibrant clarity, it’s electric. I just know what I’m supposed to do, and I show up for that with conviction. It’s powerful, I feel powerful. And i feel overwhelmingly grateful for the worthiness of my being, this is really what I love most. Being grateful. It just can’t happen without feeling fabulously healthy, not to the degree that I want in my life anyway. I turn up for myself and the world around me, and that feels so good
Totally agree honey.
The ‘why’ is simple: I feel connected with my core (my essence) and more in touch with earthly vibrations. This is a very powerful feeling!
It sure is Linda.
Love you Melissa!!Love your energy and what you are doing !!
I am always inspired whenever I see healthy and energetic old folks who are 80 or 90 years old and are still full of energy and life .
They live very active , healthy , independently and most of all free of sickness !!!
Surely they now reap their fruit of their harvest by living healthy when they were young .
I want to be like that when I grow to 80 ,90 or even 100!!!
Still able to dance , do yoga , walking in the parks, go shopping ,have tea with friends and not lying in hospital bed or on wheel chair and dependent on others to look after me : ))
Thank you Melissa !!
I agree honey, me too. My husband’s Grandma was still doing yoga at 90. How cool is that! Let’s aim to be 100 and still doing downward dogs
As usual I love your post. This one is so good because it is true, we often think that it is easy for everyone else, that everyone else can do it except ourself.
I want be healthy because I am not feeling happy anymore in my body. Since few years my body change so much in a wrong way that I am fitting everyday with myself.
I dont want that anymore.
I want wake up each morning feeling happy and full of energy, I want go through the day with confident and feeling unstopable.
I just want be the HAPPY me again.
Much Love
Hey Charlotte,
You can have that right now. It’s your choice! Decided that you want to feel that way then take action honey. Do whatever you have to do to make that happen. Maybe it’s meditate, eat nourishing foods, get out in nature, or do some yoga. Whatever it is for you take action and do that today.
Let me know how you go.
Mum of 4 living a conscious life & teaching myself & my family how to live a healthy lifestyle with the benefits of organic foods, connecting to a deeper self to be the best we can. I’m now seeing this journey pay off with my children now talking about food & the benefits of living well! Hearing them share knowledge with others!
The biggest thing for me on my journey has been education because it’s true that once you learn you can’t un learn!!! Well said Melissa xxxxx
How cute is it when the little one’s start telling their friends about healthy living, it melts my heart
Great post, Melissa.
My WHY is very similar to yours – I know how damn good it feels to live this lifestyle (and I also know how horrible it feels when I do drift back to the old ways).
Also, I want to guide others to live an amazing vibrant life, and what better way to do that than by living it myself!
Thanks so much for all that you do. xx
Exactly Shelley! The BEST way to teach is to lead by example. Be the light and others will follow
Thanks for this! I often have to remind myself to live in that space of balance and wholeness but always eat my greens! Could you please share some of the podcasts you enjoy? I’d love to hear what helps inspire you. _/\_
Hi Sheri,
I was just writing a list of my fav podcast’s this morning for my Mastermind program coming out soon. Enjoy!
The Wellness Guys
Rewild Yourself
Up For A Chat
The Time Ferris Show
Seth Godin’s Startup School
The Good Life Project
Hey Mel,
Thank you for this honey. I feel the FOMO of the wine one the most to be honest. Not missing on with others so much, but I love one or two good quality glasses of red with special people in winter or a celebration bubbles, and pine over the day where my precious gut and body is able to process it again.
So during this tricky phase of releasing that pining (yet again!) because I have been alcohol free for so so long trying to heal now – it definitely helps to focus on my why.
Why for me is to live without inflammation. Why for me is to heal my gut. Why for me is to wipe away any chance of auto-immunity and a multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Why for me is to heal my skin, have it glowing and vibrant and a true reflection of my health. Why for me is being able to be here to study and produce new cutting-edge science and further evidence in this area that we SO need for many to be able to believe food, gut healing, and stress relief is key to so many health ailments. Why for me is also to be able to have babies in the first place, but have healthy ones. It is to have grandchildren for my beautiful parents to bring them that joy. My Papa loves babies and little ones and I cannot wait to be able to share mine with him. My why is to pass on all the beautiful gifts my parents so lovingly gave me, BUT raise lil conscious humans who meditate, eat nourishing wholefoods, and contribute to a new generation and world beyond us. My why is to create children who continue to challenge the status quo, intend on changing the world in their own way, and know how to really love. Themselves first, and others too.
Wow, thank you for the opportunity to reflect on that. Tears have fallen. This hit home hard. It gives me a renewed resolve and motivation. And courage. I know what I have to do now beautiful.
Thank you Mel
This was so beautiful Dannii, thank you so much for sharing. Please make sure you write this out on a Post-It note and stick it on your bathroom mirror or fridge. This is super powerful and gave me goosebumps. Thank you again for sharing.
My why is because I want to feel like I am living on purpose. I want to make intention and mindful choices.
This was a great article to kick up my bot bot, as you just said. I haven’t been feeling well lately. Lack of energy and mood has flooded my entire life. I´m having some food dissorder problems with my 15 year-old daughter and it’s getting rather hard for me.
But there´s always a big hand to help us, and this article was so. Now I know that having healthy habits is not only beneficial for me and my energy and mood, it´s also beneficial for the example i give my two daughters. No doubt that´s the best ways of dealing with it!!!
Exactly Andina! You’re two girls are like sponges and will be picking up on your energy, so be the example and they will follow. Remember you are their biggest teacher, they look up to, love and admire you so much so be the light they need.
Great post! Could not agree more – I love the way my morning ritual, meditation, movement, nature, sun and healthy food make me feel. It is the best thing! I totally miss it when I miss out on it. But it takes a while I guess to fully commit to it. Having a busy job and maybe people in your life that do not fully align with who your are – this makes it a bit difficult sometimes. But I guess this is all part of the journey to becoming wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. Plus you learn a ton of things on the way.
Oh, btw as it indeed takes two to tango and create a bundle of joy I totally would be interested in that possible other post you were talking about!
Thank you for another inspiring read!
Eva you are so welcome beautiful and yes it is a journey and a fun one at that.
Enjoy the process and yes I will write that post for you
My why is so I know I have done everything in my power to make sure in 30+yrs time I’m still here with my children and possibly my grandchildren. My mother developed early onset dementia (non genetic, lifestyle induced – that’s right, anyone can get it) at the age of 48. I was 17, my sister 15 and my brother 11. 12yrs later she is 60, confined to a nursing home and has lost nearly all function of her brain. She was an amazing vibrant involved mother. To loose that and not have my daughters have her as their grandmother, and not have a mother to go through my journey of motherhood has been heartbreaking. But in the same instance, it is a gift she has given me and my girls. Our health is my number one priority every single day. Being the child of a terminally sick parent with a completely preventable lifestyle induced illness at such a young age is horrible. I love that your little one isn’t even in existence yet Mel, and your already prioritising it! It’s going to be one very lucky bubba to have you as its mamma xxx
Thank you so much Rosie
I can’t imagine what that is like for you. Well done for being able to see the gift in this situation. I am so happy your healthy is your number one priority for you and your family. It’s so important!
I loved this, Melissa! What keeps me committed to a healthy path is remembering how good I feel when I do it. I have so much more energy when I eat the food that agree with my body, when I make fitness and meditation priorities, and when I do good things for myself. I feel happier, more alive, more productive, and I’m just a nicer and better person when I take care of myself. Then again, there are times when I really do want a slice of pizza or some ice cream, and instead of trying to fight the craving, I let myself enjoy those things. Because I don’t set them off limits, I don’t want them that often so it’s a special treat. That may not work for everyone, but I’ve found it works for me and that’s key! xx
Whatever works for you Alex you
I believe if you are going to eat that stuff eat it and enjoy every single bite and don’t beat yourself up for it after. Just be careful of the word treat. Your words are so powerful and that word treat comes with a lot of baggage.
Does that make sense honey?
Great post, Melissa!
I believe there are no coincidences in life! Just yesterday I started another detox diet in order to get back on track. Why? Because it simply makes me feel great in my own skin. And when I feel good, when I’m happy and energized, I’m just a better person: I smile more, I enjoy more, I judge less, I’m more loving – and because we receive what we give, I always feel that I actually attract more smiles, more love, … when I’m happy! It’s a like a circle of happiness & love!
I want to Live. I want to Live Life. I want to Love. I want to Love Life!
Thank you!
I’ve really loved reading this post Melissa…. my why would be to become the best version of myself and have my actions align with my goals of amazing health and to really feel that!….I’m still early in my health journey but have just written my health goals down so that I can see and commit daily to choosing better options that really nourish my body…. Thank you for this timely reminder x
My why is simple – to give me the energy to be the best healer I can be, first through nutrition, but soon also natuopathy and TCM… But also to inspire my clients, and show them that a vibrant life can be lived despite chronic pain.
thanks so much for this post melissa. i have been really committed to my health over the last few years, completely changing how i live with a step by step approach. i followed jess ainscough religiously every day and every couple of weeks i added a new wellness warrior routine. why i did it? because once you start to feel the differences within you its really hard to not get addicted to feeling amazing. but also because if i did slip and have a little bit of ‘unreal’ food I would feel sick, that was an eye opener for me and made me realise just how bad that food is for you. the more you read about the processed food companies the more you know within yourself that their products have no place in your diet or your body. and i also knew we would start to try to have a baby. now i am pregnant and i am struggling with staying committed to my juices/smoothies….the thought of them make me feel sick haha. im just trying to not to beat myself up about it, a few more weeks and im into the second trimester and i hope i can start smashing them down again. podcasts that is a great idea. will help with some inspiration. i have been missing that since the passing of jess. xx
As you say, there is nothing better than the ‘feeling’ that comes from being truly healthy. Life simply lights up and every aspect becomes beautiful. You begin to see everything in such a positive light. Once you experience this feeling, going back to a less heightened, less conscious feeling just doesn’t cut it. I’m always chasing that feeling. Once I remember not even knowing it existed, I was in such a toxic state and like most people out there I had no idea it was even possible to reach such a state of feeling. Once you work hard, cut out the bad, add in the good – and see first hand how dramatically different your lens is – why on earth would you choose anything less?
I make wrong choice from time to time, as everyone does – but this what inspires me to make the “right” choice for me. Nobody has the right to take that away from me. I have to stand up for me.
Exactly Jodi you always do what’s right and feels good for you.
Can I make a suggestion? Try not labelling things as good or bad. When we attached a label to it there is a load of baggage that comes with it. Give it a go for 2 weeks and let me know how you feel.
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for the awesome post – I am educated about what to eat and what not to eat however I still make easy (not so great) choices at times and my main issues is that I find healthy food isn’t as satisfying. Do you have some easy go to daily recipes or things you eat that taste great? Especially lunches or dinners? I do have your glow kitchen and love that! I have a bit of Chronic Fatigue and one part of me is always wanting the quick energy fix. Love your work – thank you x
Hi angel, all my favorite recipes are in The Glow Kitchen. But you can get some other awesome recipe ideas from my friend Sheridan Joy. Check her out. xx