melissa ambrosini, love, health

Confessions Of A Recovering Control Freak






Hi, my name is Melissa and I am a recovering control freak.

You see, I (like many women) used to love things to go my way. ‘My way’ means that my Mean Girl feels safe, my expectations get met, and no one gets hurt (just kidding!). But of course, the downside to being a control freak is that fear is your guiding force and your Mean Girl is always centre stage. The truth of who you are isn’t allowed to flourish (but trust me, it’s always there — striving to live in a more loving state, even when you’re Mean Girl tries to cover it up and drown it out).

I used to love having things my way, and if things didn’t go according to my plan and my rulebook, I would lose it. I liked to control everything, and I know I am not alone in that mindset. I see so many women who struggle with letting go of control. Whether it’s with their business, their children, their relationships or their finances. But unfortunately, when we try to control every area of our life, we close ourselves off to things unfolding organically. Holding on with a white knuckle grip to how we ‘think’ we want things to happen shuts down the sacred spontaneity of how things could magically manifest.

We try to control things because of what we think might happen — even if it’s unlikely, even if we’ve got no evidence for it, even if it’s completely based in fear. Despite all that, we let our Mean Girl run the show and we suffer the consequences as a result.

Some things in life you can’t control include…

What Other People Say About You

As much as you might like only nice things to be said about you, you cannot control what comes out of other people’s mouths. So it’s time to get over it and move on, sister. Let’s stop wasting your precious time and energy on this one, please.

How Others Behave Toward You

Like the point above, you can’t control how other people show up, but you can control how you react in relation to that. Be mindful of this next time someone goes to drop a negativity-bomb on you. (Remember, the choice is always yours, and yes there’s always a choice.)

The Weather

It’s crazy to me how people worry and obsess over the weather! Mama Nature is one of our greatest teachers, and when it comes to the weather, there ain’t nothing we can do about it! Instead of raging against it (or endlessly complaining), choose to see the beauty in every season, and even if the sky is not playing along with your preference, don’t let it affect you, your mood or your day.

If Your Flight, Train Or Bus Is Delayed.

Delays are going to happen so there’s no need to be the crazy person in the line at the airport unleashing a can of whoop-ass on the staff member (we’ve all seen it!). Save yourself the public humiliation and use that time wisely. Read, listen to an inspiring podcast, breathe deeply, or chat to the stranger next to you. You might just meet a new friend, a great business contact, or even your soul mate.

The Traffic

I used to get sooo fired up in traffic, and have even been known to drop a few ‘f’ bombs when feeling particularly feisty. But I now look forward to driving and my time in the car. I use it to listen to podcasts, do some deep belly breaths, repeat affirmations and practice mindfulness. Again, don’t be the crazy person weaving in and out of traffic and flipping everyone the bird. It’s not nice, people! (And it hurts you more than anyone else.)

Being a control freak is the express train to unhappy land.

These are just a few examples of things that can’t be controlled by you. But here’s the good news: you can control how you are showing up and your response to those situations. You can choose to lose it or you can remind yourself that everything is unfolding exactly the way it’s supposed to… But easier said than done, right?! I get it, I really do. Just last week I decided to postpone my live tour, Rise & Shine. Now, I couldn’t control how other people were going to react to this information, but I could control how I reacted to them. See the difference? Knowing this truth made it so much easier to gently close the door on my Mean Girl whenever she decided to pipe up with her fears.

The flipside to all of this is that even though there are LOADS of things you can’t control, there are actually also a bunch of things you can, such as…

What You Put In Your Mouth And How You Choose To Nourish Your Temple

No one is holding a gun to your head and telling you to eat that chocolate brownie covered in ice cream. Everything that enters your mouth is a choice you make. So own it! Take back the power and know that you have the control and choice to either nourish or pollute that beautiful temple of yours. Your health is your responsibility, no one else’s.

Who You Choose To Surround Yourself With

Most likely you will have two types of people in your life: the Negative Nancy’s (who suck the bejesus out of you) and the beautiful souls who light you up. I am going to let you in on a little secret to happiness… start spending more time and energy with the people who light you up and start to limit the time and energy you give to the Negative Nancy’s. The more space you create in your life, the better. But if there is no space (because you are filling it up with negativity), then there’s no room for inspiration and divine synchronicities to come a’knocking. You need to create the space first.

The Work You Do

We all have the right to choose a career path that we love. Yep, that includes you — no one is more special than anyone else, and we are all equally deserving to live our purpose. That being said, I realise some people are in situations right now that they don’t necessarily love and where it might currently be impractical to make drastic shifts. If that’s the case, you can still choose to change your attitude toward your circumstances. You can choose to find the love and purpose in what you’re doing. You can choose to start creating more space for what inspires you. And you can choose to bravely and persistently make tiny shifts towards doing what you love.

The Way You Move Your Body

You can choose to sit on the couch, eat another block of chocolate, and blame everyone else for your health and unhappiness. Or you can take some serious inspired action and move your body every day in a loving way. You have to decide; no one else is going to do it for you — you’re the one in the driver’s seat controlling how you move your body and how you feel.

How You Are Reacting In Relation To Others

How you respond to others is totally in your control. When someone ‘wrongs’ you (and remember, that in itself is a judgement) you can choose the way you react and respond. Whether you decide on a cool, calm breath or a short, sharp word… Well, you know the drill by now — the choice is always yours.

It’s all very interesting to think about, isn’t it — the areas of our lives beyond our control (where we need to practice allowing and letting go), and those areas that are firmly in our wheelhouse (where we might need to step up to the plate and start steering our own course a bit more)…

So tell me, beautiful — where in your life right now are you trying to control things, but need to let go? Maybe it’s with a certain person at work, or how your children show up, or even just an internal struggle with the weather this morning? And where can you take back some control? Is it with your health, exercise, stress management, or perhaps how you are reacting to a particular person?

Remember, when it comes to personal development and living your best life, awareness is key! And writing things down makes them so much more potent and powerful, so I’d love for you to take a moment now to think about your answers then share them with our epic tribe in the comments below.

As always, thank you so much for being here. Having you as part of the tribe seriously light me up. I love you so much.

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  1. Ally says:

    Hi Melissa, I’ve been reading your posts for a while now and never have I had a reaction as strong as what I did to reading this one. I’ve never really wanted to comment but in the spirit of closing the door on my mean girl I just wanted to say that I can 110% relate to this post. Every word sent little jet bolts of light through my body. I too am a recovering control freak and even now I get lost in trying to silence that fear when circumstances present themselves and I can’t control the outcome. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to just let go and love xxx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Ally,

      Well done for gently closing the door on your Mean Girl and commenting, virtual high fives to you angel. Here’s to letting go and being love in every moment 😉


  2. Jordan Giovanna says:

    Beautiful post Melissa! I never realized that I was being a control freak. I guess I never thought of it that way, but it couldn’t make more sense! I’m at a time in my life where things are shifting and changing. Its scary and I can feel myself going into fear town in every way possible. I’m about to leave for university in one week..eeeek! At times if feels like I am making the biggest mistake of my life by going to university. I feel it might actually hold me back from going after my dreams, but at the same time I feel that it might actually be the best decision for me and possibly move me closer to my dreams. Im realizing now that this is just me trying to control every outcome of my life. I’m terrified that my life won’t unfold the way I hope it will. I’m hoping that I can learn to let go of what may or may not happen and actually enjoy my journey. We will see what happens! 🙂 Thank you again for the reminder Melissa xx

  3. Cayla says:

    Beautiful post Mel, this week I have really been focusing on releasing my attachments to outcomes. I think goals, dreams and hard work are so important but not being attached to the final result is so important 🙂 Hope your having the most soul-enriching trip in Noosa <3 xx Love always

  4. Linda Caines says:

    Another fab post Melissa! Honest and inspiring as always.
    Thank you

  5. Katie says:

    Thanks so much Melissa – I am stu-stru-struggling with my mean girl in an epic stubborn showdown at the moment. I am trying to build a business and connect with my heart to do that…. I am being super challenged by some serious internal resistance. Reading this post has helped free up some of that today ♡♡♡ Thank you, love your courage and honesty xx

    • Melissa says:

      Well done honey, super proud of you. Remember to gently close the door on your Mean Girl and return to your heart 😉


  6. Alisha says:

    Good Morning 🙂

    Thank you for this, the reminder I needed to today to stop let things go its ok. I read all of your stuff and try and get myself into a better place, just some days are so hard aren’t they, Sometimes I just feel im forever giving and not getting any postiveness back some days I just cry I no I have to let myself but when is it my turn to shine you no 🙁 The feeling of always being alone sucks. I don’t want to keep living the life I am and I no its my choice to change that but I get so confused on how cause im reading so much. I have started really focusing on my eating tho, no packaged food and fresh organic produce and listening to my body more. I WISH YOUR GODESS GROUPS where in Victoria would be amazing. Thanks for letting me vent here haha xoxox

    • Melissa says:

      Hey honey,

      Thanks for sharing. Have you done my program Get Your Glow On? After reading where you are at I think we would get loads out of it. Maybe you could check it out? What do you think?

    • Alisha says:

      I have purchased it so I need to get my butt into gear and stop being scared xo

      • Melissa says:

        Hell yeah baby! The time is NOW! You can do it.


      • Pippa says:

        Hi Alisha
        I felt very unhappy and didn’t know where to turn a few months ago and have made some huge shifts in my life. One thing that kicked started this was Get Ypur Glow on. It had so much information on and I love how I can have it on my iPod and use it when I walk, go to work, m in the car or wherever – it’s like having Melissa holding your hand and being by your side all the time – which gives me an extra boost of love and confidence. Sending you lots of love and hugs. Xoxo

  7. Bridgette says:

    Melissa, this so came to me at the right time!! I’ve been trying to control my ex boyfriends behaviour because I thought if he behaved in a certain way it would mean we could be together in the future, instead of letting it go and see what the universe has in stall for me, with him, or someone else! I battle constantly with my fears of not being enough and scared no one will ever love me and they would leave. Thank u!

    • Melissa says:

      Sounds like you need to gently close the door on your Mean Girl and dial up your worthy-o-meter. Remember, you are perfect exactly the way you are and we need to be bursting with love within ourselves first before we can expect anyone else to love us. Does that make sense honey?

  8. Teigan Nash says:

    Mel, my bro, I am so proud of you! You constantly inspire me! KICK ASS SISTA! love you!

  9. Pippa says:

    Hey MA tribe and the gorgeous Melissa
    I’m Pippa and I too am a control nut!!

    I am getting better and every day check myself and hear myself say or react in ways that I am so much more worthy of! I find it liberating to not have to control everything but also pretty scary at times, and definitely not always easy. I find journaling helps me get out some of my fears or mean girl thoughts and then helps me work through to be more relaxed about stuff!

    Plus was being aware and even if I react the way I don’t want to, but so from habit, I try not to beat myself up and just say I will learn and do better next time – recognise and remember I say so if a similar situation comes up I can remember a positive from it and behave more in my truth and not from my Mean Girl!
    Love and hugs xoxo

    • Melissa says:

      Hey beautiful,

      You’re right! Journaling is a great tool to let go of your Mean Girl fears, thanks for mentioning it 😉 I think it’s so important to catch ourselves when we act out of habit instead of our heart. It’s so easy to react from habit but I personally want to constantly grow and evolve and the only way we can do that is but catching ourselves and choosing love instead. Thanks for always sharing you’re insights darling. I LOVE having you here.


  10. Naomi Arnold says:

    A fantastic post Mel. Little by little I’ve been taking control of my historical tendency to ‘control’ 😉 It’s so liberating. Especially when it comes to the negative nannies (or those with narcissistic tendencies). x

  11. Katie says:

    I am such a terrible control freak!! I know that I do it, but can’t seem to ease off on myself! Your post really hit home for me, it made me realise that the struggles I battle with daily are actually all because I cannot let go of outcomes and stop worrying about how things are playing out. I have a beautiful family and everything is actually amazing… yet I still seem to be letting that mean girl in and ruining my ability to stay in the present. Thanks Melissa, I am going to start writing down which things I can and cannot control and try to release & trust more xx

    • Melissa says:

      Great start Katie. Please share them with us in the comments below. And remember it’s a daily practice, so just today choose to be present and let go on control. See how you feel after one day then set that intention again for the next day and the next. I find baby steps and taking one moment at a time really helpful. Give that a go and let me know how you feel 😉


      • Katie says:

        Thanks Melissa, I am going to start with letting go in regards to my study, I am continually wishing I was further along and finished so I can begin helping people… and then I worry about the exact nature of my purpose, it can be consuming for me. I know that I need to slow down and stop rushing, as I’m sure it’s all playing out exactly the way it is meant to. I am also going to try & let go of control with staying on top of housework etc. as it is never ending! Great advice, I will take it day by day (& unit by unit) & will let you know how I go! Thanks lovely xx

      • Melissa says:

        Hey Katie,

        Remember it’s about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the process of creation, there is nowhere else you need to be. Stop wishing your time away and live in the moment beautiful 😉


      • Katie says:

        Thank you Melissa, and thank you for being here to chat to xx <3 <3

  12. Julia says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for another inspiring post. This theme is so especially salient to me this week. I have recently returned to university after a three month long depression due to a downswing in my moods as part of bipolar disorder. I have had some extremely trying experiences over the past few months with bullying after some destructive people found out about my diagnosis.

    It is unfortunate that people still stigmatise mental health issues but it is real and it is painful. I have found online remarks calling me “psycho”, “mental”, and deserving of suffering and loneliness. In my contemplation of these remarks and striving to persevere on my road to improved mood stability, educational achievement and an existence of honesty and integrity- I have had to really loosen my grip on control. We cannot control bullying. It hurts and the stigma is so infuriating, but I am learning to release this expectation of understanding. In doing so, I have also found it extremely empowering to enrich the aspects of my life that I *can* control. By preparing good meals, drinking lovely tea, sleeping well, listening to loads of Ted talks about forgiveness and accepting mental health issues and by diverting my energy into studying.

    Thank you for an inspiring message that is very valued to me at this time. Kind Wishes, Julia

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Julia,

      You’re exactly right we need to focus our energy on the things we can control and let go of the things we can’t. Remember everyone has an opinion and you will do your head in worrying about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to gently close the door on your Mean Girl and keep doing the things that light you up, such as preparing delicious meals, drinking tea, sleep and inspiration. Focus your energy on those things and let go of the rest. It’s so much more liberating when you do. Keep me posted with how you go darling.


  13. Holly says:

    This came at just the right time!
    Thank you Xx

  14. Gemma says:

    So glad this was shared again on Facebook today, absolutely needed it after a couple of days of severe Mean Girl takeover and MAJOR reactions instead of responses.. Makes me sick just thinking about them, but it’s all a work in progress! I just love the parts about what we can control, because I was SO tempted to buy a bag of lollies and “indulge” myself, but realised that would be giving in to my Mean Girl. Baby steps…

    • Melissa says:

      Nice work catching your Mean Girl honey, WELL DONE! Keep going my darling, it’s about baby steps and putting one foot in front of the other. That’s all we can ever do. You got this Gem.


  15. Kelsey says:

    My mean girl is at an all time high and has been the last 15 mons (since my S/O and I had our daughter) I’m having a really hard time learning to let go of control. This brought me a sense of ease, thank you.

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