melissa ambrosini, holistic health coach, health

Become A Certified Holistic Health Coach







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In 2011 I studied at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and loved it. It changed my life and has allowed me to create this beautiful passion-fuelled business and life I live now.

Since IIN I have…

  • Healed myself and got happy and healthy again
  • Written two best-selling books Mastering Your Mean Girl and Open Wide
  • Launched my own top-rated podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show
  • Created 3 life-changing programs Get Your Glow On, MA Academy Business Bootcamp, Mastering Your Mean Girl Program and Open Wide Masterclass
  • Ran sold out Goddess Group live events for 2 years straight and created The Goddess Group On Demand for people to join from all over the world
  • Wrote my ebook 12 Steps To Wellness
  • Created my own jam dropping live events and book tours
  • Created transformational Mastering Your Mean Girl Meditations
  • Created programs and meditations for other organizations such as Mind Body Green and Insight Timer
  • Coached thousands of women around the world
  • Spoken on many podcasts, talk shows, radios shows, events and more
  • Been a key-note speaker at Google, Wanderlust, doTERRA Australia Convention, Business Chick’s
  • Lead sold-out retreats in Bail and Australia
  • Gave my first TEDx Talk
  • Created a booming heart-centered global multiple six-figure businesses, helping others and doing what I love
  • Found and married my soul mate
  • Inspired thousands of people all around the world to live their best life

IIN was a turning point for me, it was the healthy catalyst I needed. I loved every part of it which is why I am a very proud ambassador of the program.

What’s IIN?

IIN is a 6 or 12 month online program specially designed for people who are passionate about health and wellness. Whether you’re interested in learning about nutrition for you and your family, launching a meaningful new career as a holistic health coach, or even changing the world, IIN will empower you to transform your life and achieve your personal and professional goals.

What’s The Curriculum Like?

IIN’s comprehensive curriculum covers over 150 dietary theories and combines counseling techniques with real-world business training. Its unique nutrition philosophy takes a holistic approach to wellness and encourages students to consider relationships, work, exercise, and spirituality as essential to building good health. With IIN’s innovative learning model, you’ll be empowered to build a thriving coaching practice, transform your own health and happiness, and change the world.

What’s A Health Coach?

A Health Coach is certified to help clients customize a plan to upgrade their nutrition and overall well-being. You will help your clients develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for them and implement changes that improve their energy and health. Instead of prescribing one diet or way of exercising, health coaches create recommendations to fit each client.

A Health Coach is a wellness authority and supportive mentor who helps clients shift their behavior toward healthier habits. Whether their goal is losing weight, improving digestion, reducing stress, or boosting energy, Health Coaches support their clients to develop sustainable lifestyle changes. Preventive care is the future, and health coaching fills a void in our current healthcare paradigm. Many doctors lack the time and resources to help patients achieve their wellness goals. By addressing all facets of wellness in addition to diet – relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality – IIN Health Coaches take a holistic approach to health and help clients find the unique foods and lifestyle that make them feel their best.

Who Teaches The Classes?

Classes are taught by experts who are at the forefront of the health and wellness field. The distinguished speakers are leading doctors, PhDs, researchers and authorities in nutrition today. The list includes Dr. Deepak Chopra, David Wolfe, Arianna Huffington, Christiane Northrup, Geneen Roth, Venus Williams and many more.

How Do You Make Money As A Health Coach?

  • One-on-One Coaching
  • Group Coaching
  • Online Programs
  • Workshops or Webinars
  • Health Food Store Tours

Other Ways You Can Use Your Training

  • Become an author of books on nutrition, general health and wellness, cookbooks, etc.
  • Offer corporate wellness coaching.
  • Consult at gyms, fitness/yoga studios, and spas.
  • Develop health products (food and beverage, skincare, etc.).
  • Work in health advocacy.
  • Become a public/motivational speaker.
  • Open a health-focused restaurant or health food store.
  • Become a school/college health adviser.

Did I Do Further Training?

Yes! I am always continuing my studies and most likely will forever. Here are some other things I have studied.

  • Life coaching
  • Meditation
  • Acuenergetics
  • Yoga
  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Body Ecology Training

Why Did I Choose IIN?

I had a gut feeling this was right for me. I loved the whole holistic approach to health and wellness. It really resonated with me and was something I wanted to learn more about so I went for it… and I am so glad I did!

Your dream career and life is waiting for you. All you have to do is take that leap. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

What are you waiting for?

Pssst… want a big saving on your IIN tuition fees? Head here to get all the details and take the first step to becoming a certified health coach with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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  1. Ange says:

    I’m enrolled to start studying in May! If only I’d seen this earlier to get the $1000 off, but at least I know it’s an investment in my future regardless. So inspiring, the new site looks amazing x

  2. ZOE says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I am such a huge fan of yourself and your blog and I am forever finding inspirtation from you.

    After reading this post a couple of weeks ago, I have been seriously looking into studying with IN.

    My only concern with this is that it is an American program and I am unsure if it is as recogonised in Aus.

    I also wanted to hear from you about how you found studing with IN, and the time differences.

    Sending much love,

    Zoe x

    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      Hi Zoe,

      Thank you for your kind words.

      I found IIN awesome and the time difference was no issue for me at all.

      Being an American program made no difference to me at all.


  3. Lauren says:

    I’m starting IIN in a few weeks and cant wait! Getting started on all the fundamentals now.

  4. Silke says:

    Hi Melissa! I was wondering where you got your life coaching degree? There are so many options out there that i am a little overwhelmed. Are there any programs you recommend? Love, Silke.

    • Melissa Ambrosini says:

      Hi Silke,

      I don’t have a degree in life coaching. However, I studied at IIN and Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.

      Yes there are loads of options out there but do what feels right for you.


  5. Stephanie says:

    I follow a lot of lifestyle and food bloggers and some of them are holistic nutritionists and I kept wondering how and where you could get the training. Your blog entry helped me a lot and I’m curious how I can expand my knowledge about nutrition and all the other aspects of life that make us whole, happy and healthy.
    The only thing holding me back are the tuition costs. Because I can not find any information about how much money I will have to spend. Maybe you could with this.
    Thanks a lot for the great post.
    Stephanie x

  6. Jodie says:

    A friend and I were just talking about how we would both like to look into a nutrition course and then I find this on your site, will have to look into it.

    Also do you mind me asking where you studied life coaching? This is another thing I would love to study so would love to know where you studied 🙂

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Jodie,

      Are you thinking of doing both IIN and life coaching? I LOVED IIN so much.

      I did life coaching at the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy, check it out 😉

      • Jodie says:

        So sorry it took so long to respond to this. I have actually signed up for the February 2017 Beautiful You Coaching, wish it was sooner. 🙂

        I am also considering studying nutrition not only for my own knowledge but to also pass the knowledge to others. I have recently quit sugar and am doing Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar 8 week program but as I am a lover of knowledge and expanding my mind getting more informed on nutrition would be amazing.

        Thanks for being so inspirational

        P.S. Saw your talk at the Wellness Festival in Sydney and it was just amazing and inspirational, also wrote this that I thought you might like – http://www.mysocalledlifelive.com/10-day-freedom-plan-blog-challenge/day-6/

  7. Jesseca L says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I tried to click the link to get the information about the course but it said Page Not Found?


  8. Hey Melissa

    I was almost sobbing listening to the iin interview.

    Crying of gratitude to the world and of your amazing work.

    I’ve been following you for a long while now but have activly started again after a client of mine who had an eating disorder completely tranformated after reading your book. We have been helping her holisticly through health and fitness as I own a women’s holistic transformation centre in Melbourne called Belinda carusi fitness hub.
    Her name is Isabella and I’m blown away with how much she has changed I’m so proud of her.

    So thank you!

    But for me I have been struggling with my identity, I just had a beautiful boy called Leo 7 months I’m a new mum, business owner and wife it’s been a the most amazing year and defiantly helping me evolve so fast I can hardly keep up. PS I just learnt that Leo is your step son. His my courage to take on this world. Which is one of the reasons I called him Leo….. Anyway lol listening to your pod casts has been really enlightening for me and has helped me a lot.

    Becoming a new mum is difficult in the world we live today, but I know I have to be the change and I have been trying to think of a way to be that, by you sharing this information gives me so much more confidence to make decisions I know are so right in my heart.

    My husband also quit his job two years ago to help grow the business and it has been exhausting we have been out of sink and both either in our masculine or in our feminine which makes it hard to run and business and to grow my passion, all the podcasts you have made have helped me with being true to myself and being better with my husband.

    Thank you so much I feel more enlightened and empowered to be the best I can be for my hundreds of women that visit my centre daily and it’s because of your work you rock babe keep it up I love the post casts ❤❤❤

  9. Jane Lopez says:

    Great read, I wanted little more. I keep this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDnofnSldI, I found it very informative and valuable for my coaching practice.

  10. Kat says:

    Hi Melissa, I am a big follower of your work, I love listening to your podcasts & have read your book which helped me immensely a year ago when I suffered anxiety. I am looking forward to your new book coming out soon.
    I have been looking into both these courses as I have so much interest in Health & well being, however they are fairly pricey to do both. Would you recommend 1 to start with that may just get my feet on the ground & then possibly work towards the other. What are your thoughts. Thanks for any advice. Cheers

  11. susan says:

    To make the health better by just doing simple activities and meditation is a really good idea. I really happy by reading your post.

  12. Ashlea says:

    Hi Melissa 🙂
    I am very interested in studying life coaching.
    Are you able to share the course you did ?
    Thank You ! xx

  13. Adriana says:

    Hi Melissa,
    You are such an inspiration! Everything you do is everything I love and always thought could not make a career out of it and you certainly proofed me wrong!!
    I live in Belgium, is this course available online? Or are there any other Institutes that you can recommend on this side of the planet?
    Thanks and much love!!

  14. Barbs says:

    How relevant is the Certification of Integrative Health Coach for working in Australia as a health coach?
    And what about the insurance? Have you had any obstacles with that?
    Thanks so much

    • Hey Honey, I have insurance and I haven’t had any issues with practicing here in Australia, but you can email IIN and get more clarification if you wish. Let me know how you go. xx

  15. Jemma says:

    Hi 🙂
    I have recently signed up with IIN and i am soooooo excited to start. Thank you for allowing me to get a great discount by mentioning your name but I am just wondering how I get access to the epic bonuses that you offer.
    Once again thank you for sharing IIN with your tribe!!

    • Hi beautiful Jemma. Congratulations on signing up to IIN, I know you’re gonna love it! I can see you signed up in August, so you will receive your bonuses automatically after the refund period (30 days from enrolment). If you don’t receive the email re: your bonuses after the refund period for some reason, you can email hello@melissaambrosini.com and my team will help you. so proud of you honey. Love Melissa xx

  16. Kendyl says:

    Hi Melissa, I have recently signed up to IIN – big thank you for sharing your experience which has guided me to IIN. I cant wait to get started in the March 2020 intake. I also hope to get access to the epic bonuses you offer by mentioning your name 🙂 Thank you xx

  17. Burcu says:

    Hi Melissa,
    I’ve just enrolled and I am very excited. (A bit scared too) I’ve been putting off for a long time and hiding behind silly excuses and my inner mean girl has been very loud. I’ve watched your live with IIN and listened you saying how it made your soul dance and I felt vibrations thru my body. I said maybe this is it for me.. I’m doing it this year! Thank you for introducing me to IIN. Thank you for your blog, your website, your books (although I haven’t read your 2nd book yet I kinda got distracted with super attractor) and your podcast! I love your podcast. I love your work. Thank you for being you! Another thing I’m very excited about is your bonuses.. who knows maybe I get to meet you one day sending you lots of love and warm hugs from Melbourne. Have a blast in NYC

    • Thank you so much, Burcu for your kind words and love. You are so beautiful! And yes when I am next in Melbourne doing a speaking gig I would LOVE to meet you. Let’s make it happen. And make sure you check out Open Wide, you will love it. xx

  18. Mark Gaffney says:

    I was wondering how much the course was and is it accepted in Australia?

    • Hey Mark, it’s $6795 USD, but if you enroll with me I can get you $2150 OFF. And yes it is recognized in Australia which is awesome. Let me know if you have any other questions about it. I loved it, it changed my life. You can read all about my journal with it here. xx

  19. […] and neuroscientists, with music from award-winning artists. Some of their featured teachers include IIN graduate Melissa Ambrosini, Jack Kornfield, Dr. Karolien Notebaert, Russell Brand, and Dr. Tara Brach. The app adds more than […]

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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