Spiritualy lost

Feeling Spiritually Lost? Here’s the REAL Reason (& How to Find Clarity) | Michael Beckwith





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Are you feeling spiritually lost, overwhelmed by anxiety, or stuck in a cycle of negativity?

In this episode, I’m joined by the legendary Michael Beckwith, a spiritual leader and founder of Agape International, who has spent decades helping people transform their lives from the inside out. Michael is here to share his powerful insights on how to find your center amidst chaos, shape your destiny, and navigate the most challenging aspects of life with grace and intention.

In this hugely inspiring conversation, we dive deep into: how spiritual communities raise our vibration, why inner transformation is key to navigating external negativity, the crucial role intention plays in shaping our experiences, parenting as a spiritual practice, the truth about unconditional love, and practical exercises to overcome anxiety and depression.

So, if you’re craving more peace, looking for spiritual clarity, or ready to create the life you’ve always dreamed of, then press play now… This one’s for you.

About Michael Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith is the Founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community in Los Angeles with thousands of local members and global live streamers. 

Dr. Beckwith is a sought-after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the Life Visioning ProcessTM. He’s addressed audiences at the UN General Assembly during its annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, TEDx Maui, and Oprah Winfrey Network’s (OWN) SuperSoul Sessions, among numerous others. He has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, OWN’s SuperSoul Sunday and Help Desk; Dr. Oz; ABC News, CNN, The Oprah Show; Larry King Live; Tavis Smiley; and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. His new podcast, Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and wherever you get your podcasts.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Why more people than ever are seeking out spiritual communities (02:51)
  • Powerful techniques to stay grounded and centered, even when the world around you feels chaotic (9:41)
  • Why inner transformation is key to handling negativity (11:47)
  • How setting clear intentions can completely shift the way you experience life (16:47)
  • Practical steps to break the cycle of victimhood and reclaim your personal power (23:36)
  • Feeling spiritually lost? This will help (28:32)
  • The spiritual truth behind parenting and healing (33:30)
  • Simple but highly effective exercises to overcome anxiety and depression (36:37)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Life Visioning And Finding Your Purpose with Dr Michael Bernard Beckwith (podcast)
  • Agape International Spiritual Center (website)
  • Take Back your Mind with Michael Beckwith (podcast)
  • Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential by Michael Beckwith (book)
  • Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential by Michael Beckwith (book)
  • The Answer Is You by Michael Beckwith (book)
  • How To Solve All Your Problems with Dr John Demartini (podcast)
  • Soak Technologies (website)
  • The Technology of Intention: Activating the Power of the Universe within You! by Kim Stanwood Terranova (book)
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Melissa Ambrosini: [00:00:00] In episode 623 with Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, we are talking about how to cultivate inner peace, how to move past anxiety and depression, what to do if you feel spiritually lost, how to create the life of your dreams, plus so much more. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini Show. I’m your host, Melissa, best 

selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis.

And time magic. And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready? Beautiful. Beautiful. Hey, beautiful and welcome back to the show. I’m so excited about this episode because I [00:01:00] absolutely love and adore Michael Beckwith. He is amazing and he is the founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans denominational community in LA which has thousands of local members and global live streamers.

Michael is a sought after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the life visioning process. He has spoken on many stages, the UN General Assembly, during the annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, TEDxMaui, and on Oprah Winfrey’s network, the Super Soul Sessions, among numerous others.

And he has an amazing podcast called Take Back Your Mind, which you should definitely check out. And for everything that we mentioned in today’s episode, you can check out in the show notes, and that’s over at melissarambrosini. com forward slash six, two, three. And now without further ado, let’s bring back on for the second time, the incredible Dr.

Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Michael, welcome back to the [00:02:00] show. I’m so excited to have you here, but before we dive in, can you tell us what you had for breakfast this morning? 

Michael Beckwith: A smoothie that I made of my own, my own super food green product, along with avocado, blueberries, plant milk that I made myself, along with a whole bunch of other things that I put in for my nutrition.

That’s what I had for breakfast. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Oh, beautiful. Well, that sounds delicious. So amazing. Now this is your second time on the show. You were on episode one, five, nine, all the way back then. And that was called life visioning and finding your purpose. And so welcome back. I’m so excited to have you. I have been to Agape and it was such a beautiful experience.

Thank you for having me. We have lots of mutual friends and I’m so excited to have you back here because I just love and adore the work that you’re doing. And, I want to kick off with something that I’ve observed recently. So many people are [00:03:00] turning to church and Christianity at this time. And I want to know what you think is driving this.

I grew up in a very Catholic household. And my dad is very Catholic Italian. So I went to church every Sunday and went to Catholic schools. And so I want to know why you think so many people are turning to church and turning to Christianity in particular, like how does this align with or differ from the principles that you teach at Agape?

And why do you think there’s this shift right now happening? 

Michael Beckwith: I think we’re seeing two things occurring right at the same time. You’re seeing a lot of young people leave the church because of the dogma, not necessarily because of Jesus, but because of the dogma. And then you see some of the older people going back to church.

You know, when we look at the numbers here in the States, there’s a lot of people leaving. I think they’re leaving because they’re looking for a greater connection. With the presence, not necessary with religiosity. And I think a lot of [00:04:00] people are going back. I think there’s some kind of fear that’s there.

They’re looking at the world. They’re looking at circumstances, conditions, forever wars, things of that particular nature. And they want to get back into a community and they want to get back to some place where they can find some kind of solace, some kind of peace. So I think you’re seeing two things happening at one time.

In our communities, Agape is continuing to grow. There are more and more people. The demographics are all over the place. It’s young, old, but a lot of young people are coming in these days and they don’t really want religiosity, but they do want to practice the presence of God and community. Very important.

And they love the community. I’ve said over the years that authentic spiritual community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies of life. So when you come into a community that’s celebrating the presence of God and of love and celebrating each other, it keeps people stabilized into a higher frequency of gratitude and joy.[00:05:00] 

And they kind of become semi immune to a lot of the things going on in the world and they’re able to live out the true meaning of their incarnation. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Mm hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So, I was doing at the start of this year, I was doing a breathwork session with an amazing facilitator called Dr. Espen, I was doing a one on one session with him.

And I was doing this amazing guided breathwork session with him. I’m currently pregnant, which is very exciting. And I didn’t know I was pregnant. I was in that period where I’m waiting to find out, you know, that two week period. And after the session, you know, I came out of it and he said to me, would you like to share anything that came through for you?

And what came through was, go back to church. He was like, beautiful, wow, okay. And so since then, I’ve been going every Sunday to a beautiful Christian church here. And for me, it’s been such a joy to just sit in that space and to be in community and to sing. [00:06:00] And it’s not like a garpe where everyone’s up kind of like a rock concert, although I wish it was, I totally wish it was.

There is a little bit of that, you know, there’s a band and everything, but it’s been such a joy. It has really been such a joy. And for me, one of the most beautiful things has just been. Taking that time for myself to connect and to be in community and to feel support. And it’s like a little self care ritual for myself because I go by myself and I just have really loved it.

So I’m just so curious and I’ve been observing so many people that are returning, you know, of my generation are returning or going for the first time to church. And I wish there was a Agapes all over the world. Is that something that you can work on? 

Michael Beckwith: Well, we’re in 189 countries because most of our people are live streaming from all around the globe.

And then we have, you know, a number of people that are obviously are there in person and a number of people that make Agape their destination point, they’ll build their vacations or their business [00:07:00] meetings around it so they can be there on the Sunday, but what you’re saying about going to a spiritual community or church is very important.

You’re getting a sense of community. You’re getting a sense of peace. My podcast is called Take Back Your Mind. And so there’s a phrase, but take back your Sundays, you know, which is what you’re doing. You take back so that you’re taking care of yourself. And I think it’s very important, particularly because you’re with child, to have a feeling of connection and community and a sense of love and peace.

So that even in the in utero, the baby is having such high vibrations as the soul is developing the body. That it will use when your baby is born. And then the first two years of the baby’s incarnation, they’re in unity consciousness, and then the next five years they’re in theta, which means they’re sponge for anything that’s gets imprinted on them.

And so if you’re in peace and you’re happy and you’re joyful, and [00:08:00] then you’re speaking to them very powerfully about how beautiful they are and how much you love them and how much they’re safe and taken care of them for the first seven years. They’re being imprinted and that’s the world that will be their home.

They will feel that they’re in a safe world. They’ll feel that life is for them and nothing is against them. It’ll be built in vibrationally. So it is sweet that you found a place where you can go that assists you in that kind of self nurturing and self care. That is really good for your child. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yes, because I still do my daily meditation practice.

That’s on my own, but this is just slightly different feeling. 

Michael Beckwith: Yeah. Well, I think anybody who goes to church, whether it’s church, whether it’s a metaphysical community or mosque or synagogue is somewhere within them. They want to be a better version of themselves. They want to connect and that intention feels the vibration of the room.

Regardless of what the religion is, because all religions at their core, [00:09:00] it’s basically assisting people to come back to their center, come back to the presence of God within them, you see. So you have all these people together with that kind of conscious or unconscious intentionality. It creates a wonderful feel that you can step into and create higher choices for your life, great intentions.

And as you say, you continue to do your own spiritual practice, your meditation, your breath work. I mean, that’s what Jesus did. Jesus meditated, you know, Jesus went out in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. And Jesus, you know, was a prime example. Of the practices that we must have in order to realize our oneness with the presence.

Melissa Ambrosini: Hmm. Yes. Beautiful. With all of this stuff that happens externally for us in our life, like whether it’s on a global scale or just in like our personal four walls, a place that I would like to get to within myself is things happen outside of me. And yet I’m still not rocked off [00:10:00] my center. Is that possible?

Michael Beckwith: Absolutely, it’s possible. It’s a part of the work that you’re doing to become centered in your real, your authentic self. The authentic self is not the personality. The personality is what was created by circumstances. You created a personality, but your soul Your real self, your authentic self, some people call it the higher self, or the super conscious self, or the super soul self, you know, that’s who you are.

And so through your meditative practice, you start to have insight into your real nature. That you were not, you’re not merely the child of your mom and dad. You’re the child of the universe. You’re the child of the presence. And as that becomes more real to you, then you’re able to be in this world in which the world of phenomena is always changing, there’s conditions and circumstances, people and places and things.

So much is going on in the world of phenomena, but you find a place at home with yourself. So that, that birth, [00:11:00] the statement. You can be in the world, but you’re, um, something else. You’re of a higher frequency. You’re of a greater intention. You’re of a greater connection. So not only is it possible, that is why you go to church.

That is why you meditate. That is why you study. That is why you pray to actually become stronger. In that dynamic, you know, it’s an old statement. You can’t prevent birds from flying around your head, but you can prevent them from making a nest in your hair. So you can’t prevent all the things going on in the world, but you can prevent that from entering into your awareness and taking it over.

So when you say it’s possible, absolutely it’s possible. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful, beautiful. I love that so much. Now, you emphasize the inner transformation. Why do you believe that the practice of life visioning, which you talk about, and spiritual evolution are more urgent now than ever? 

Michael Beckwith: Primarily, there’s so much going [00:12:00] on as there’s an old paradigm in the world that’s dying and a new paradigm that’s being born.

And we’re in a messy situation where, you know, so many things exist at the same time. An individual must find their center. They must be transformed by the renewing of their mind on a regular basis. Since you’re bringing up church, you know, as the scripture says, be transformed by the renewing of your mind and not be conformed by the world.

So inner transformation allows that continual renewing, but you’re not conforming to the world. You’re not conforming to fear, doubt, worry, hate, polarization. All the things that we see our younger brothers and sisters participating in, in the world, turning the social media into a hater sphere at times.

Hating people simply because they disagree with you. That’s a big sense of unconsciousness, but when you begin to transform internally. You see [00:13:00] differently, you see the world differently, you see people differently. The love ethic gets activated within you. And you end up having the power to love people that don’t even like you.

Again, Jesus, love your enemy as yourself. Pray for them and do good for them that despitefully use you. These are all spiritual practices. They’re not just, Highfalutin pithy statements to actually practices. So when there’s a depth of inner transformation, you’re able to walk in the world and so many things don’t touch you, you’re not blind to the things, you’re not blind and deaf to what people are saying or doing.

No, but they don’t enter into your consciousness. They don’t. Disturb your peace, you see? And so inner transformation is so necessary. If not, you’re pulled by the world, whatever the next fad is, whatever the next emotional contagion is, whatever’s next on the internet or social media or the news, [00:14:00] you get pulled by it, you get rocked by it.

You get shaken by it. Oh my God, but that’s not how we are to live. As spiritual beings having a human incarnation, we’re not to live like that, we’re to live connected in love and that love is coming directly from the source of all creation. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. That’s the goal. Not being rocked off my center from little things.

You know, it can so easily happen where you get so many beautiful comments on Instagram that, you know, something has changed someone’s life or really helped them. And then you get one negative comment and it stings. 

Michael Beckwith: Yeah, oftentimes what happens is the mind focuses on that one negative thing and forgets about the 99 beautiful things that have occurred.

And then after a while, you unconsciously start to look for the negative thing. So in the brain, there’s a group of neurons called the recticular activating system, and it blocks a [00:15:00] large part of reality out based on your goals, based on your choices, based on your beliefs. And so if we become addicted to the negative, it’ll block out all the good.

If we establish a goal for ourselves, we’ll start to see all the ways that we can accomplish that goal and we’ll block out the power of the obstacles and the hindrances. So yeah, it does sting a little bit, but you just learn how to wipe it all. Bless the individual because you know, your intention, you know, why you’re doing what you’re doing.

You’re doing it to better people, to uplift people, to inspire people. And there are people out there that look for negative things to comment on. You make a mistake, you flub a word or whatever the case may be, they jump on it. What do we call those people? Haters. You know, they’re looking for something to criticize.

And generally speaking, the consciousness of a hater is an individual that some area of their life that they’re not succeeding in. One thing I’ve said over the years is that [00:16:00] mediocrity. Always attacks excellence. So if you’re seeking to live an excellent life, mediocrity is going to attack you. And so you just get used to it.

I mean, I had been teaching for over 40 years. I’ve been the helm of Agape going on 38 years this year, and I’ve seen my fair share of everything. I’ve been called everything but the son of God from time to time. It’s just laughable. Why? They don’t know me. They’ve never had lunch with me. They’ve never had a conversations with me.

They’re just making up stuff in their head that somebody may have said. And so I, I, I don’t pay that too much attention. I listen. So is there anything I can learn from that that helps me grow or is it just a rant from an unconscious being? And I take it all in and keep on moving. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. Ah, I love that.

So powerful. So what else can we do to really cultivate and kind of strengthen our inner peace? 

Michael Beckwith: Well the average individual, maybe I shouldn’t use the word average, but you know, so many people. Lift from what I have called it an [00:17:00] intention deficit disorder. We know about attention deficit disorder, but there’s also intention deficit disorder.

In other words, there are people just waking up every day. They’re having their breakfast, they’re doing what they do, but they’re not establishing an intention for their day or their week or even their life. So they’re suffering from an intention deficit disorder, which means they’re living primarily reacting to circumstances.

Rather than in ending how their life can be. So I suggest that everyone wakes up and actually intend something. I intend that this is a great day. Prosperity is going to flow. I’m going to be great people. I’m going to be accessible. What I’m seeking to accomplish. I intend it. And then what happens? The reticular activating system begins to block out anything that’s not in line with that intention, and you start to see opportunities and possibilities that you couldn’t see before.

What I’m saying in [00:18:00] substance is that you start to live in a different world. What do I mean by that? There’s the planet, Earth, and then there’s the world. They are not the same thing. The planet is Gaia, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, trees, sentient beings. She’s beautiful. She’s beautiful. Then there’s the world.

The world is the condensation of thoughts, beliefs, opinions, points of view, perceptions, and positionalities that has condensed itself into a world. Like when you look at the news, you see a world they’re trying to sell you. You stand next to a person on the earth. You may be in one world, they may be in another world, but you’re standing at the same spot on the earth.

So the world and the planet aren’t the same thing. So what happens is, when you start to grow spiritually, you start to use the power of intention. You start to describe the world you want to live in. [00:19:00] Something opens up and you begin to live in that world. Now here is a law. You don’t describe what you see, you see what you describe.

You In other words, as you begin to describe and intend the world you want to live in, you will see it. It will show up because that’s what you’re looking for, but the average person doesn’t do that. They’re just going through life and buffeting it around and they’re trying to react to circumstances.

They can become a little innovative, they can become creative, they can become adaptive. But are you intending? If you establish an intention every single day of your life. You start to see that everything about your intention, you start to see it and you start to live in that world. And then you’ll begin to live in that world even before it manifests, you know, go back to the master teacher.

What did he say? It is done unto you as you believe eight magic words consciously and unconsciously. So that’s, that’s one way that you can begin to navigate through 3d. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah, I love that. So often it’s like many people will just wake up and you’re [00:20:00] straight into reactive mode. You know, it’s like checking the emails and social media and you haven’t even stopped to just take a moment and go, what do I want for this day?

What is my intention for this day? And it’s so simple. Like the first thing I do when I wake up is I sit up in my bed and I meditate for 20 minutes and I do a prayer afterwards. I set my intentions, but I feel like this is an area where I could even be more clear with what I want my day to look like.

Like I want to be the most present, playful and patient mother to my daughter. You know, I want to call in abundance for my business. I want to be loving and soft and playful with my husband or whatever it is. And it takes. Literally like 20 seconds to set an intention for the day. It doesn’t take long, but it really does make such a difference.

Otherwise we just get up and we kind of just go into reactive mode and then we’re reacting all day long until we put our head back on the pillow at night. 

Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. And another way to augment what you’re saying is. [00:21:00] If you establish an intention while you’re sleepy, you’re in that in between state, what you’re intending and what you want is going right into the subconscious mind.

And as you’re doing it, as you’re doing it right, when you wake up, you’re still a little bit sleepy. That’s called the hypnagogic state in between sleep and awake. And you can program your mind better because it’s not fully awake. There’s all the blockages aren’t there. And so I have like about 18 things that I’ve written down about my life, about Agape, about my family.

Just short sentences, you know, about my son being healthy and successful, my daughter being happy, healthy, successful, Agape being a place of light, you know. And I will read it before I go to sleep and when I wake up, it’s right here on my phone, you know, on my, on my notes and I’ll read it when I wake up and then sometimes I add to it.

That’s why it got to 18 because it used to be like nine things and then, Oh, let me think about this. Let me think about that. So that’s a part of the way that my [00:22:00] day is set. I’m already feeling what I’ve written down is already happening. So what does that do for me? I begin to be guided by that feeling.

Again, scripture, my steps become ordered by the Lord. The Lord is the law of life. So my steps become ordered by a higher law that I’m evoking. And as you say, these things that we’re talking about are very simple and don’t take a lot of time. It’s like if you’re in a boat, if you don’t have a rudder, you just go around in circles.

Maybe just have a rudder and just. Shift that rudder a little bit, the boat changes directions. So intention and the things we’re talking about are like having a rudder. I’m going in this direction. I’m not gonna wait and see what’s happening. I’m going around in circles, I’m going to have a rudder called my intention.

I’m going in this, and of course there’ll be challenges. You’ll have to crawl through them, [00:23:00] but you become stronger. 

Melissa Ambrosini: And it’s taking ownership, taking responsibility for your life. Doing this intention setting is saying, this is where I want my boat to go. This is the direction that I want my boat to point into.

And as opposed to kind of just sitting back and playing the victim, you know, why is this happening to me? You know, there’s been times this year, Michael, I’m going to be really honest with you, like where I have thought, what is going on? Why is that unfolding for me like that? Like literally four weeks ago, I fell down some stairs and broke my ankle.

I’m pregnant. I’m very heavily pregnant. And I broke my ankle and I was like, why? And then I kept on saying, why is this happening to me? And like, I slipped into a little bit of victim mentality and I know better. And then I had this moment of like, it’s not happening to me, it’s happening for me. This is happening for me.

Why is this happening for me? Do I need to slow down? You know, do I need to go [00:24:00] inward more? And when I stepped out of that victim mentality and stepped more into, okay, this is happening for me, for my growth, for my highest evolution. Not only was that such a nicer place to be in. But it gave me a sense of peace for me, like, I’ve been on this journey for a long time.

Like even I slipped into that full victim mentality of why is this happening to me? So what piece of advice would you have for anyone who may be feeling like that from a different circumstance or something similar in their own life? 

Michael Beckwith: Yeah, what they need to do is what you did, you reversed the question.

A victim has victim questions. Why me? What’s wrong, who’s to blame, am I to blame that I fell down, that was it somebody put something in the way, you know, those are what you call disempowering questions, but you changed it. You know, what’s happening for me, what can I get out of it, what can I learn from this?[00:25:00] 

If you up level your question, then the presence through law answers that question. Because as we’ve probably talked to a degree about the last time we were together, there The universe responds to every question you ask, but many people ask the disempowering question. Shift your question. What good is coming out of this?

What good is here now that I presently cannot see? It’ll shift your perception. You start to see things differently. You start to get your lessons and your blessings faster whenever a challenge comes up or whenever something happens that seems to throw you off. You get the lesson and the blessing faster because you’re asking a high order question.

But if you linger in victimhood, then the only thing you’re going to get is more energy and more answers vibrating at the level of being a victim. So what you’re talking about here and what you have done, you’ve actually incorporated a [00:26:00] spiritual practice. This is a spiritual practice. You know what a good question is?

How can it get better than this? So the universe will answer it. It’s like, and you can ask that question when things are going bad, you fall down, you break an ankle, lose something. How can it get better than this? And then the universe shows you things are going really, really, really good. How can it get better than this?

So you don’t go up and down. You just keep expanding. But we have to learn to ask meaningful and empowered questions. And then we get a response. Yeah. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah. And look for the blessing, look for the good, look for the support. Dr. John Demartini, he’s been on the podcast a couple of times and I’ve read his books and I’ve done a lot of his workshops.

And he always says there’s always in every moment, equal amounts of support and challenge. And so in a challenge, look for the support. Where is the good in this challenge? Is it, well, this friend has just showed up for me out of nowhere [00:27:00] and that’s deepened our relationship or this is going really well in my life or whatever.

So it is a practice. It’s like a mindset practice that we consciously need to do. Otherwise, the victim will take over. So, I want to encourage everybody to ask these higher vibrational questions instead of the lower vibrational questions and look for the support. I know that has helped me immensely in my life.

Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. John Demartini has spoken at Agape before. He’s been here at our conferences and things like that. So I know his work. He’s very wonderful and he’s very articulate in what he’s teaching. He’s a very powerful man. So yeah, the questions are important. And what happens is as you begin to do that and you start to get, sometimes the answers are like very literal, but sometimes it comes like a feeling.

You just feel better. By asking a higher order question, and now you’re more available to guidance because the [00:28:00] static is off the line. The static of poor me, the static of why me, the static is gone. Your channels are more clear. You can actually hear wisdom, support coming from your higher self, coming from the presence of God, coming from the angelic realm.

And as you say, sometimes people will show up in your life, shock and surprise you with support. What a kind word. Some kind of help. You didn’t expect it, but it just shows up. Because you’re in vibrational harmony with that. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah. Beautiful. I had a friend the other day say to me when I told them that I was interviewing you again, and they wanted your perspective on this.

They said, I feel lost spiritually. I feel very lost spiritually at the moment. And they were saying, can you ask his advice? So what would you say to anyone listening who feels spiritually lost right now? 

Michael Beckwith: Well, you know, there are patterns. In expansion of consciousness, you have an [00:29:00] insight, a revelation, you’re on your path, you’re feeling good.

And then there’s sometimes a feeling that you cut off. Now, oftentimes that particular time is when you’re clearing something. It means that there’s debris emotionally, mentally, that’s coming up to the surface to be released. And it feels like you’re going backwards. It feels like you’re cut off. You’re not ever cut off, but you’re just going through the process of releasing.

As an example, you know, for individuals who have ever fasted. You know, when you stop eating food and you start fasting, meditating, you get a good jolt of energy. You feel very clear. But then after a while, debris starts to be released. You start to release toxins and you feel bad. Does that mean something’s wrong?

No. Just means you’re releasing toxins. So when an individual has been on the path, they’ve actually done spiritual work. And now they feel lost, it generally means, one, they’re releasing toxins, [00:30:00] or two, they’re coming to a higher understanding of what they formerly believed. So let’s say an individual believes in oneness, I mean, oneness is real, mystics have talked about oneness for thousands of years, now the quantum scientists are saying there’s this one universal field of consciousness, we’re all interconnected, but let’s say you believe in oneness, you’ve been practicing, and then what happens is A greater understanding of that begins to come into your awareness, but it’s clearing out the debris, and you feel like you’ve gone backwards.

That’s a part of the process. After a while, you don’t make a big deal out of it. You just realize, oh, I’m going through something, I’m not feeling good, it’s not a big deal, but you keep on with your practice. And then the clearing happens, like the clouds suddenly are gone, the sun is shining, but the sun was always shining.

What was temporary, the clouds, the clouds of doubt, the debris, the [00:31:00] mental pollution, the emotional pollution. So you tell your friend if she’s had any faith, any time in her life, any sense of connection, that’s real. That’s still shining. She’s possibly going through a period of releasing that which doesn’t serve her anymore.

In other words, she’s going through a period of transformation. Doesn’t always feel good. People have a romantic idea of transformation. You know, you’re going to have this great insight and you’re going to be totally changed for the rest of your incarnation, you know, that’s a very romantic view, you actually release toxicity and limited points of view and unconscious beliefs that doesn’t feel good when it’s happening.

But then after a while, it’s like, Ooh, I’m different. What happened? You release something. 100 percent of all spiritual growth is not gaining anything. It’s releasing a false thought, a false belief, a false idea. 100 percent because you’ve already been created perfect. You just got sludge on. [00:32:00] So you’re imprints from the world.

So you’re releasing all of that and you become more yourself. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah. Beautiful. And it’s stretching. It’s not comfortable growth, evolution, transformation. It’s not smooth sailing all the time. It’s stretching, but it’s also like, there’s so much gold on the other side. And yes, I truly believe like we are born absolute perfect, amazing little beings.

Like I just look at my daughter and I’m like, look at you, like, it’s just so beautiful to witness. Yes. And then like you said, the sludge, the sludge. 

Michael Beckwith: You go to school, they get imprinted by people. People say things, teachers don’t act right. Sometimes people make mistakes around them. The imprint goes in and they, and it shifts their perception, but as they become more conscious and they have a good mom around them, telling them how beautiful they are.

They don’t get as much sludge, but eventually, when they, you use the word take responsibility, as they become teenagers and start adulting, then they take responsibility for those [00:33:00] imprints, not blame, it’s responsibility and starts to clear through it. But again, going back to the great teacher, he said, who by taking thought can add one cubit to their stature?

You can’t add anything to yourself. Because the presence of God made you magnificent already. All you’re doing is releasing false perceptions and beliefs so that you can, your light never snuffed out can shine, glow. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah, absolutely. As a mother, like I so want to protect her from the sludge and I can’t keep her inside my four walls for her entire life.

So what can we do? Is there anything else besides, you know, providing the most beautiful, loving environment for her to grow in and supporting her in that way? Is there anything else parents can do to support their children to minimize the amount of sludge that they have to remove in their life?[00:34:00] 

Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. The parents and particularly the mother have a very psychic connection because they came through you. And so, parent, you, mom. must hold a vision for her life, not what she should become when she grows up. I don’t want her to become a doctor or a dentist or whatever. No, but a vision of her being happy and healthy and vibrant.

You had this vision of her that way. She will pick up on that vision. And obviously you love her. Now you cannot hold the frequency of worry, prayer and love at the same time. You know? So when you’re, if you’re worried. And then you are putting another frequency out there, but if you’re loving and you hold a vision, that’s a different frequency.

So a parent’s role is to love and to hold the vision. And eventually what, even when the kid individuates, they become a teenager and they start doing what they want to do, you know, cause that’s what they have to do. They have to individuate, you [00:35:00] know, they will come back to the vision that you’re holding eventually.

It’ll feel like coming back home because mom held the vision and mom. Didn’t go into heavy worry. Mom went into heavy prayer and a deep feeling that she’s okay. And that she’s going to be okay. That’s what a parent can do. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah. Beautiful. That’s so beautiful. Actually having my daughter and then being pregnant again with this little baby has brought me and my parents so much closer.

It has been so healing. It has been so expansive. It’s been so beautiful and totally unexpected. It’s been so beautiful to see them grandparent her and it makes me emotional even just talking about it because. The way that they love her, that’s how they love me, you know? Like, and I feel that and like, that’s how they would have parented me.

[00:36:00] And it’s just so beautiful. And it’s been so healing for our relationship over the past couple of years. 

Michael Beckwith: That’s why they call grand parents, because the love of a grandparent is more unconditional because they’re not carrying the worry and the raising of the kid. Their role is just to love them. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah, that’s exactly right.

My parents do such a beautiful job of that. And it’s been so beautiful to witness them in that role. It’s allowed my heart to just soften toward them so deeply. It’s been really, really beautiful. So I love that so much. Now, I want to talk about people who are experiencing anxiety, depression, I really want to help those people.

Like everything that you’ve already shared is going to be so supportive for those people. But for someone who’s in a very dark place, maybe depressed or dealing with anxiety or whatever it is, what is some of the first things that they can do to [00:37:00] lift that veil? 

Michael Beckwith: Yeah, well, depression and anxiety, those are two different frequencies.

An individual that has a level of anxiety is often projecting a fear into the future or they’re carrying something unhealed from the past, they’re anxious. Something bad’s about to happen because maybe they’ve experienced something. So they’re not present really. They’re anxious and their thoughts are all over the place.

And so if an individual is anxious, they can become very conscious that the body’s breathing. They don’t have to do a particular kind of breath right now, but I’ll, I’ll, I’ll share one. They can become conscious that they’re breathing, and then they begin to look for one thing to be grateful for on a regular basis.

So they breathe, they’re watching their breath. Finding one thing, so now they’re becoming present to a field of gratitude. Now if they want to do a particular breath, you want to activate the vagus nerve, [00:38:00] which basically deals with our fight and flight response in the parasympathetic system. So if you breathe out more than you breathe in, you start to activate the vagus nerve.

So a person can breathe in to the count of four, and then breathe out to the count of six. It sounds counterintuitive, however, as you do that for a period of time, the vagus nerve gets activated, the parasympathetic system comes out of fight and flight, and you start to relax. So that’s one thing an individual can begin to do.

Find the gratitude by watching the breath, and then do it at breath for a few minutes, you’ll notice the difference. Now if a person is depressed. Depression means the lack of expression. There’s energy that’s not expressing. Now, if a person is depressed, if they find any way to be of service to anyone, the energy will change and it’ll start to [00:39:00] express.

If somebody is depressed and they go to a place that’s feeding the homeless, or they ask, how can I help somebody? I know it’s difficult because it’s dark in there sometimes, but if you just shift from yourself for a moment. And say, how can I do something for my neighbor? Maybe I need to take their trash cans in, or let me go here and help.

Once that happens, the energy is shifted from the little self. And now that energy starts to flow. And we all know that the energy flows where the attention goes. So if you start to take your attention off yourself, feeling bad and depressed. Oh, let me help this person. Now the energy is going. being expressed differently and the depression starts to be relieved to a degree.

Now, I will share one thing. There’s also some technology that’s very, very useful. I’ve researched it and discovered it and it’s called SOAK, S O A A K, and they have [00:40:00] 32 frequencies. This came out of a integrative clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in which the patients were giving these frequencies, as well as the medicine.

And they found out that the frequencies were healing the patients faster than the medicine. So they found a way to export it. So I worked with the individuals, and I have a couple of programs on it, and if they go to, anyone who goes to SOAK, S O A K dot com, and when they check out, they just put Agape, they’ll get 30 days free just to play with it.

If they want to sign up for it, they can. They can just play with it for a month. This one for depression, this one for anxiety, this one for boosting the mood, this one for sleeping, this one for energy, this one for when you’re exercising. I don’t participate in anything that I don’t research. When they came to me, I researched it for a year before I even called them back and said, this is good stuff [00:41:00] because I tried it with people that were going through issues and so now, you know, I did a couple of programs for them on there, just try it and it had one for anxiety.

So somebody’s like, it’s 20 minutes, they sit there with the frequency and meditate for 20 minutes. Depression, you sit there with the frequency and you meditate with it for 20 minutes. They have a frequency for prosperity and wealth. They found that people that are wealthy have a certain frequency they carry.

They’ve taken that frequency and put it on this program. It’s an interesting program. I’m not selling it or anything. I’m just saying it’s what I call the right use of technology. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah, beautiful. I’ll link to it in the show notes. I’m definitely going to check that out. I’m already meditating 20 minutes in the morning.

I may as well add that beautiful frequency to it as well. 

Michael Beckwith: Absolutely. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. I love that so much. Now, I would love to pretend that you have a magic wand and you could put one book in the school curriculum of every high school around the world. One of yours and one of someone else’s. You can do two books because you got a lot of [00:42:00] books.

Michael Beckwith: I would probably put in my life visioning book because it really deals with the different stages of development that you talked about, moving from victim all the way up to by me, through me, for me, as me, and it’s easy to read. It’s not dumbed down, but it’s basically. giving really powerful information that’s accessible.

And then since we talked about intention, there’s a book by Reverend Kim Terranova called The Technology of Intention. And she breaks down the frequency of intention very well. So if a high school student starts to establish intention at a young age, not trying to make something happen, you know, force something, manipulate, but just have the vibration of intention, they’ll see their life unfolding much more smoothly.

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. I love that. I’ll link to them in the show notes as well as all of your other amazing books as well. Now can you talk us through a typical, I know there’s no typical day, but a typical [00:43:00] day in your life. Like what do you do when you wake up? Talk to us about all your little rituals and your routines.

I’d love to hear. 

Michael Beckwith: Okay. When I first wake up, when I first wake up, when I put my feet on the ground, I put my hands up like this, and I say that I’m grateful. I’m so grateful for my life. And then I go like this and I say, not only am I, am I grateful, but I opened myself up to intending a great day. And then I say that I asked for help for the power to deal with every assignment that comes in my day.

That’s, but it’s very quick. Now I put water on my face. It’s cold. It’s cold water. I go to the kitchen and I make warm water with lemon and minerals. And I take the warm water with systemic enzymes. Those are empty stomach enzymes. Not to digest food. The empty stomach enzymes clears up your blood, [00:44:00] heals wounds, and things like that.

It slows down the aging process. So I take that. I make my special tea. Because I’m going to go to the gym, I make a special tea, I drink it, and I have other supplements. Some of those supplements are my own supplements. They’re called AdaptaZip. And I go to this room, and I meditate. But the meditation is not a long meditation.

This meditation may be 10 or 11 minutes because I go to the gymnasium and I work out. Then when I come back from the gymnasium, then I have a much longer meditation depending on my schedule. So the meditation will never be less than 22 minutes. It could go up to an hour, it could go longer depending on what’s on my schedule.

So then after I meditate, I make my smoothie. That’s my liquid breakfast that I described earlier. And then, you know, I’ll steam. Shower, get ready. And then I go into my day and the day could be a podcast with sweet Melissa. [00:45:00] It could be people on my podcast. I have meetings with staff working on whatever creative programs we’re doing at Agape.

And then somewhere in the course of the day. I’ll have another meditation setting. And again, the length is determined by what’s on the calendar. So then I’ll come home in that time. I don’t know when I’m going to get home. It could be 6 PM. It could be seven. It could be eight, depending on what’s happening in the community.

Come home, eventually have some dinner. And then again, before I go to bed at night, you the stuff, get ready, brush your teeth, do all this stuff, but I’ll read my phone. I’ll read the things in my notes. Now I’ve already done that in the morning, but I’m reading it again, and then I’ll go to sleep. And so I might watch a program, like I liked watching the Olympics, when that was out, because I like to see how people can.

Go beyond their paradigm when the gun goes off, are they gonna, are they gonna really, you know, are they gonna do it? You know, I like to see all that work, [00:46:00] all that work that they do for just a few moments. If it’s a, just a couple of moments, you know, how that gets translated. So I like watching things like that, you know, and, and seeing how people respond under pressure.

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I love that. I’ve got three rapid fire questions for you now. Are you ready? 

Michael Beckwith: Yes. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Okay. What is one thing that we can all do today for our health? 

Michael Beckwith: Hydrate. With mineral and what you have done, take time for yourself. Self nurturing is not ego centric. It is necessary because you cannot give from an empty cup.

You could only give from a cup that’s overflowing. So if you take care of yourself, you hydrate, you eat nutritionally dense food, and you learn how to take care of yourself. Now you have more to give. Why? Because you did not come to the planet to get anything. You came to the planet with everything and you’re just unlocking it and sharing it.

[00:47:00] So that’s one thing you can do. You gotta, you gotta have a degree of self love and appreciation and self nurturing. 

Melissa Ambrosini: What’s one thing we can do for more wealth in our life? 

Michael Beckwith: You have to ask the universe, how can I give more? And if you ask to be a giver, as Kahlil Gibran indicates in his book, The Prophet, the hands of the givers are never empty.

And so you have to have a great definition of wealth because wealth and abundance is not just money. That’s one aspect of it, but wealth and abundance is the love in your family. The wealth and abundance are true friendships. The wealth and abundance are where you get to serve in the world. So if you ask, how can I give, how can I be, how can I give more in the world?

You’re going to have opportunities to become more prosperous. You’re going to have opportunities to become more generous. You’re going to have opportunities to be more creative. You’re going to have opportunities to be with individuals that are thinking that way. And then there’s [00:48:00] a powerful support system that develops.

But if you think abundance is just money, then you can become manipulative, greedy, stingy, could become a Scrooge or a Grinch because you think life is about money. But if you realize that abundance is love, abundance is peace, abundance is friendships, abundance is creativity, abundance is generosity, abundance is You’ll not only have money, but you’ll also have that which makes life worthwhile.

Melissa Ambrosini: Yeah. Beautiful. And what’s one thing we can do for more love in our life? 

Michael Beckwith: It’s very similar. You have to love being loving. That’s a high state of consciousness. We have entered into this planet to perfect our loving. That’s why we’ve taken an incarnation. Anyone who has ever, what they call a near death experience, I call them near life experiences.

You cross over, you died, you come back. Everyone has the [00:49:00] same testimony. You’re here on this planet to perfect your loving. So you ask to be an instrument of love. And what happens is your vision starts to change, and instead of looking for someone to love you, you’re looking for love, and what you’re looking with it, what you’re You’re looking with, you start to develop a field of love around you.

And then, and because you’re, you’re perfecting, you’re loving and you’re learning and you’re loving too long. You become a paramagnetic field to people that come into your life that aren’t trying to take from you, aren’t trying to use you, they’re coming into that same field and out of that field, there are friendships, their business partners, there’s intimate partners that emerge out of that field.

That you have become, how can I perfect my loving? I want to love to love, you see. So it’s transpersonal, but it becomes personal. 

Melissa Ambrosini: [00:50:00] Yeah. Beautiful. I love that. We’re here to be more loving. It’s so simple. It’s so simple. 

Michael Beckwith: The real truths are just very simple, very simple, but you have to practice it. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yes, absolutely.

What’s something that nobody seems to talk about or not many people talk about that you wish everyone knew? Yeah. I 

Michael Beckwith: think it’s being talked about more that you can absolutely change the world by your own inner revelations that you have. People think that they are powerless, that they can’t make any difference on the planet.

People think that. I can’t do anything about what’s going on in the world. Yes, you can. We are holographic expressions of the infinite. We’re connected. We’re not just a piece of the whole, all of, all is here. So when I change here, I changed the world. We’re changing somebody right now that would never see this podcast because we’ve [00:51:00] just changed the world.

Melissa Ambrosini: Change your inner world and that will shift the outer world. That’s an absolute truth. Beautiful. Now, you, my friend, are such a beautiful human being. You are helping, you are serving, you are supporting so many people with your incredible work that you do. So I want to know what I and the listeners can do to give back and serve you today.

How can we serve you? 

Michael Beckwith: I think basically hold me in high vibe, just let people know where I am and what I’m doing. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Yes, absolutely. And if you are ever in LA, you must go to Agape. It is one of the funnest, best, beautiful experiences. I highly recommend it. It is so much fun. And you can also do it online, like you mentioned at the start of this, but.

Being there in person, it’s just so much fun. So next time I’m there, I will definitely be coming. 

Michael Beckwith: Gotta come. You gotta let me reserve your seat. Joy is the evidence of God. And so there’s a lot of joy there and [00:52:00] people come from around the world. They’ll, they’ll build their vacations around just being able to come to Agape.

So I always have people. I said, who’s here from out of town today? You know, and all these people stand up from around the world because they watch online, but they actually want to be there. So many people, you know, before the lockdown, you know, we had a lot of things in person and we’re building back up and get up again, have our retreats or meditation retreats and conferences and things like that, that’s going to begin again, but until then they can go to agape live.

com. They can watch the service. They can take classes. I’ll be teaching one next month. The five week class, they went and went and joined. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Beautiful. Well, I’ll link to that in the show notes. If you can get there in person. Great. If not, check it out online. It’s also amazing. And I’ll link to your website and all of your amazing work.

Michael, this has been such a pleasure. I have loved connecting with you again, having you back on the show. You’re always welcome. You have the most beautiful presence. I just love and adore you. And I’m so grateful that you are out [00:53:00] there in the world. Doing the work that you do. Thank you so much. 

Michael Beckwith: Thank you so much for the invitation.

You have such a beautiful bright light. God bless you. I love your countenance, your presence, your beauty, your radiance. It’s good being with you. 

Melissa Ambrosini: Oh, thank you so much. Right back at you.

Isn’t he amazing? I just love and adore that man so much. So much. And I hope you got a lot out of this episode. And if you did, please subscribe and follow the show and leave me a review if you haven’t already, because it just means that I can keep getting on these amazing guests for you now, come and tell me on Instagram at Melissa Ambrosini, what you got from this episode, what was your biggest key takeaway?

I’d love to hear from you and connect with you. And before I go, I just wanted to say thank you so much for being here, for wanting to be the best, the healthiest and the happiest version of yourself and for showing up today for you. Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, please be an angel and share it with them right now.

You can take a screenshot, [00:54:00] share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them, do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty [00:55:00] word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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