
The Secrets Of Ageless Living With Dr Christiane Northrup






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So many of us are programmed to believe that as we age, we automatically decline. Our strength, energy, fitness, eyesight, skin, memory, even our sex lives… the longer we live, the worse they all get, right? Absolutely not, says today’s podcast guest, Dr Christiane Northrup. Her decades of clinical practice and research have shown that ageing is NOT an inevitability. Rather, it’s a choice. And in today’s episode, she’s sharing her best tools and strategies to help you restore vitality, create radiance, and age like a total goddess.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a world renowned authority on women’s health and wellness. A board-certified OB/GYN physician, she has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show and Good Morning America (among many others) and is a multiple New York Times best-selling author. Combining medical science with modern spirituality, Dr Northrup’s work has empowered millions of people around the globe to create wholehearted wellness, and in 2016, she was named one of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100 — a group of leaders who are using their voices to awaken humanity.

Within the first minute of meeting Dr Northrup, one thing is clear: this is an expert who truly practices what she preaches. (Seriously, guys: the woman is RADIANT and so incredibly kind.)  Even better, she says we ALL possess this same ability to create epic health and youthful looks… no matter what stage of life we’re in.

So if you want to unlock the secrets of ageless living, start laying the groundwork for a vibrant future, and unleash your inner goddess, this episode’s for you.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her story and how she got to where she is today (08:31)
  • How to age like a goddess (13:58)
  • Why aging doesn’t have to be your reality (and why you’ve got way more control over how you age than you think) (19:24)
  • Why there is no such thing as ‘one diet fits all’ (24:32)
  • Why you need to look at the 5 most prominent people in your life (28:52)
  • How to dodge energy vampires (31:15)
  • The truth about menopause (43:48)
  • Plus so much more!

Episode resources:

  • Christiane Northrup’s website (website)
  • Amata™ Life (website)
  • Hay House Radio: Flourish! with Christiane Northrup (audio app)
  • Books by Christiane Northrup M.D.  (Amazon)
  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton (Amazon)
  • Bruce Lipton on The Melissa Ambrosini Show (podcast episode)
  • Women Who Love Psychopaths by Sandra L. Brown (Amazon)
  • Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain by Doris E. Cohen PhD (Amazon)
  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay (Amazon)
  • Wild Wild Country on Netflix (Netflix)
  • Chef’s Table on Netflix (Netflix)
  • The Center For Intuitive Movement Healing (Facebook)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (Amazon)
  • Open Wide Masterclass (podcast)

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app, that way we can inspire even more people together.

P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

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  1. Priya Patel says:

    This podcast was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! loved this beautiful episode and i am looking forward to reading Christiane’s book – so beautiful

  2. Jillian says:

    Totally appreciate however, what are the thoughts regarding surgical menopause bilateral ooperectomy-
    This has been more than a challenge…

    • Hey Jillian, thank you so much for your question. I am not the expert here so won’t be able to comment but the best thing to do is email Christiane with your inquiry and she will be able to guide you better than I can. Sorry, I can’t be of more help. xx

    • Hey Jillian, I just had a response back from Dr Northrup, she said she has a huge section on surgical menopause in her book ‘The Wisdom of Menopause’. Everything you needs to know is in there. I hope that helps honey. xx

  3. Leah says:

    Hi Melissa

    I’m fairly new to your delightful & informative podcast and guests!
    I’m 60 years young & view the rewards & seniors cards a little differently! I view my rewards as loyalty to a particular place, for their great products/ service. The seniors card which I haven’t one as yet but, will gladly take, not because I’m sending a message to the universe that I am unable to afford something, It’s because I think the universe is rewarding me for my life in the workplace! I hope that makes sense.

    Great work.

  4. Yvonne Lashford says:

    I have been following Dr Northrup for years now and always find her to be entertaining and full of wisdom. Thank you for the podcast.

  5. Victoria says:

    Thank you Melissa and Christiane. I’m dealing with a very painful frozen shoulder at the moment myself so your comments on your experience was particularly enlightening. I was wandering if you tried acupuncture or any other therapies that might work for me as painkillers and anti-inflammatories really don’t cut it. Love listening to your work guys thank you x

  6. Stacey Rae says:

    Wow, wow, wow! I was so excited Melissa when I saw that you were having this amazing beautiful gloriously wise woman on. I have been a lover of Dr Christiane for many many years. She is a true GODDESS! This was such a FULL episode!! I love her tenderness and gracious gifts she embodies. Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming on Dr Christiane Northrup, and Thank you, thank you, thank you Lovely Melissa for having such a spectacular guest. As always, I enjoyed this as I do all of your other podcasts. You have changed my life and I am so grateful to have you in my tribe. I look forward to all that is yet to come with you and your guests! WooHoo!! Love you gorgeous friend! ‍♀️‍♀️✨

  7. Melissa Osuna says:

    What an amazing podcast!!! I feel all the love but also learned so much!
    Melissa, just want you to let you know, that you have helped me a lot in these past months, learn to be thankful, to love me, to love others, and soo many things!
    Amazing how I am in the other side of the world (Mexico) and your mission cross frontiers, because love is defenitly the lenguage of the world.
    Please keep doing what you do, and I send you all my love!

    Melissa Osuna

  8. Emma Tippett says:

    This was fantastic and really hit home. Life is so much better when we become aware of the toxic people in our lives and the impact they can have. Learning how to protect our light and energy is a must for optimal wellness. Thank you Melissa and Dr Christiane for your inspiring wisdom. I have just found your podcast Melissa and I am loving it!

    • This is music to my ears, Emma. I am so glad you love the show and this episode deeply resonated with you. Make sure you listen to all of them if you can honey as there are so many goodies. xx

  9. Nikoleta says:

    Oh my, i absolutely loved this interview . Full of so much wisdom and useful information and i have to admit that it made me cry at the end ,it got me really emotional with this ” sending divine love” message. My favourite so far !!!
    Melissa thank you for everything you do ,your work is amazing and so inspiring .

  10. Kendall says:

    I have listened to your podcast since you started (it starting coincided almost exactly with a very testing time in my life) and it has been a god send- often when I find myself ‘slipping’ or being too affected by all the outside negativity that has resulted, from this I realise that I also haven’t been listening to yours or Nick’s podcasts- so I’m def a long time supporter, and rarely do I get very little from an episode.
    Today, I’m baking a wedding cake and listening- catching up a few as I have slipped behind, and although Im recommending you to people ALL THE TIME, today is the first time I have felt I just HAD TO to get onto your website so that I can source more info on your wonderful guest. Once she started talking about negative people and narcissistic supply I broke down, I was weeping on my kitchen floor; she was completely explaining my life, my battles and what I am dealing with, I felt, like for the first time in… well most strongly in the last 18 months, but also the last 15 years that someone was speaking what I wanted to be able to explain, how I was feeling and being treated. That there was hope out there, that maybe there was just one other person who could have my back and I would know that they knew, that they would be able to see past the facade that is put up by the other person and what everyone else believes. When she goes on to talk about the super woman- and those woman getting sick… that…. is me, I was diagnosed with lupus 7 years ago, since he has been gone every appointment with my specialist she remarks “wow, your bloods are getting better and better, they are now the best I have ever seen them”- whilst I had previously thought to myself “maybe He gave me lupus” I never would have said it out loud until today…
    Unfortunately, I can’t just cut him out, I limit as much as possible but still, no matter how removed I make myself he still has control over my life. At the moment I am really struggling to stay strong in myself and am feeling broken and exhausted. Im fighting the biggest battle against it yet and trying to focus on the end goal. I am positive that this podcast was specifically sent to me today, at that exact time because it was exactly what I needed, and I thank you. Thank you xo

    • Hey Kendall, thank you so much for sharing that and know that I got your back. I am so glad this podcast deeply resonated with you and grateful you shared this with me. Keep going sister, you got this. xx

  11. Bree says:

    This episode just made my day! I can’t wait to listen to it again…. so full of information and very eye opening. It made me feel so good and ready to take on challenges. Thanks for finding such uplifting people ❤️

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